Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 2, 2018

Things are just not going to settle down for this A list singer. She needs to end this before things really get out of hand. She says she had no idea that the significant other of her current boyfriend was pregnant when the singer started dating him and certainly didn't know about any miscarriage either.

Miranda Lambert


  1. Lambert looks so much older than 34 years. She seems haggard and hard.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Wait for the Count

  2. I normally wouldn't say anything, but since she's wreckin' homes, anyone else think her eyes are too close together?

  3. All her facial features are pushed too close together, and then she has a big forehead.

    1. She has those typical white trash features- shrew-like.

    2. Exactly... trailer trash face. She needs to land these taken fellas to make up for the fact that she's not attractive and is simply white t with money.

  4. She is hard, because she has lived hard. No bueno to wrecking homes homette.

  5. Brayson87.... LMAO!! I'm dead!

  6. She didn’t wreck this home, the guy wrecked it himself. Not saying was she did was right, but this asshole left his wife with whom he lead to believe he wanted to start a family. He’s the villain, not her.

  7. @Brayson—

    I've gone on record as saying that someone put her face in a vice and squished her face vertically so her eyes are too closer to her mouth.

    1. This is common with country singers. See: Reba McIntyre and Taylor Swift. Both look like they have mouse faces.

  8. Cold-hearted snake. Ironically just like Gavin Rossdale. Two peas in a pod. That's why the survivors threw in their lot together.

  9. @cruzzer, safer than dating her lol

    @Mad, I guess I've never seen her up close. I just looked at some pics and holy sh!t, that's three bagger or coyote territory right there.

  10. @Fred - eh, I would say that they're both pieces of shit. She's still with him, even after everything that she now knows. He's a straight up nasty asshole but she's still a snake. People shouldn't give 'the other woman' too much credit in situations like this. Shitbags, the both of them.

  11. You know how sometimes you'd have a Barbie whose neck got cracked and the ball joint came out, and you tried to tape it back together but it never worked, so you had to just plop the head back in without the ball. And her face and hair are still pretty, and her body is still good. But no matter how sparkly her dress, she never quite looks right because her head sits a bit too low on her neck now. So you chuck her back into the toy box or pawn her off to a younger kid.
    That's what Miranda Lambert reminds me of.

  12. @ Sara makingitwork - that description was spot on!

  13. @sara, making it work, COMPLETELY like a broken b.j.d. one point of articulation utterly useless!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Miranda is my name and home wrecking is my game!🎶

  16. I’m not a country music fan but I shared an office for awhile with someone who listens to country radio all the time and now I really like Miranda’s voice. She sounds like what I imagine a female country singer should sound like, and I love “Automatic”, as well as her duet with Urban, “We Were Us”. If she wants to screw a married man, that’s her business. Come back when she’s killed someone or molested some kids.

  17. Dear Sarah're hired!

  18. I do like Miranda Lambert and Country Music Stars are not fun unless they are homewrecking sluts now!
