Sunday, May 06, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 28, 2018

This one named former singer who was briefly A/A- list back in the day thinks she has found the one after years of shuttling between record producers. She thinks a celebrity is in love with her. I think he is in love with the idea of hooking up with someone he used to have the hots for when he was a kid, but he also has the hots for various Instagram models.

Ashanti/James Harden


Unknown said...

Ewwwww why, this dude is gross. If women stopped falling head over heals for these dudes (especially these ugly ass worthless ones) maybe women would get more respect from men they actually care about. Especially if these women respected themselves more than these butt faces like Harden. Yuck!

Unknown said...

Yuck Ashanti just gross


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