Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 24, 2018

Their PR people would like you to think this A+ list mostly movie actor is dating this A- list mostly movie actress who started on television, but he has a type and she isn't it. He likes blondes. He likes them submissive and he likes them young.

Chris Pratt/Evangeline Lilly


  1. Well, girl lucked out then.

  2. Don't forget married too.

  3. I, as an intellectual, prefer complicated brunettes who are up for some late night rejection.

  4. he's living up to his last name

  5. Not that I'm defending them but Lilly's is shacked up with the daddy of her two kids and Pratt is a devout Christian. Yes I get the freaks and perverts who post on here really, really want to believe that everyone else is as screwed up and disgusting as they are, but some of us have morals. Besides if you're single, as Pratt is, there's nothing wrong with banging coked up whores.

    So Enty get your stories straight. You had Chris down in Rio a few weeks ago banging Latina whores by the dozen. Now you're telling us he only fucks young blondes?

    1. Let’s remember we don’t know Chris Pratt.....Hollywood is a totally different world!! Don’t defend him

  6. So... it's "moral" to "[bang] coked up whores" and then still call yourself a devout Christian?
    Your idea of morality is rather different than mine.

  7. Yes, Lilly is still shacked up as far as we know.

    But Pratt is another Xtian hypocrite who deems himself exempt from any biblical teachings that inconvenience him. He sure can plant a cross on a hill at Easter, though.

  8. I haven’t seen Evangeline Lilly in anything since Lost, thought she retired from the business.

  9. Pratt got with Anna Faris when she was married, then got with JLaw when he was married to Faris. His mouth may be devout Christian but his dick ain't.

  10. @Marlin, elf in those Hobbit movies.

  11. Sure Pratt's devout. To the church of Carl Lentz's Teenage Harem.

  12. so he wants an 18 yr old IG "model" who is sooo thristy she'll do whatever and let him do whatever

  13. Star Lord is fucking The Wasp?!!?

  14. @Vessimede Barstool just so you know, there are blonde latinas, and you're just ignorant

  15. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Hold on a second! Who says being a Christian means you can't bang a coked up whore or two? I don't think they are mutually exclusive.

  16. According to the Christians in government, as long as you mention Jesus enough and have the magic "R" next to your name, you can do whatever the hell you like!

  17. Uh oh here we go lol

  18. Ok but, Anna dumped her husband over the damn phone just so she could jump on Chris Pratt's dick with a clear conscience.
    It's in her freakin' book.
    He's not to blame for that one.

    1. Why am I not surprised? Maybe it's because despite him never confessing that they committed adultery, he bragged that while they were filming Take Me Home Tonight, she used to ask him for play by plays of his hook-ups, like a pervy brah. Had they both stayed B-list, their hilarious frankness would have kept them afloat...but mainstream success has a price.

  19. @Marlin You clearly don't go to the movies. EL is in the Lord of the Rings series and is The Wasp in the Marvel universe.

  20. Christ Pratt is a good looking man his ex wife was jealous of his incredible success. He got fit and hot and Her jealousy destroyed the marriage. Christ is also better looking than Anna Faris. The Hollywood sluts and whores are probably chasing him. These sluts and gold diggers all want a healthy and good looking A list rich star. Why would Pratt want Lily when he can have women who are younger, hotter,and tighter.

  21. Wait.... so real Chris Pratt is the same as fictional tabloid Dicaprio?
    Okey Dokey.

  22. loved her in hurt locker

    sorry to hear she is with an A hole



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