Monday, May 07, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 27, 2018

This A+ list mostly movie actor was supposed to make the rounds pitching a new television show idea but was too wasted each time to take any of the meetings. It didn't matter though because the show got picked up anyway. Enablers.

Johnny Depp


Unknown said...

What a beatstick.

Brayson87 said...

Oh I see the timing

VikingSong said...

Why would Depp be pitching a TV series to execs?

Natasha21 said...

This is sad. He used to be so great.
Get off the Booze Johnny. The fans are still waiting for you.

sandybrook said...

He would pitch it if he's backing it, but since his ass is supposed to be broke, he might have an on screen role

Nemo said...

He's not a big draw for movies anymore, at least not as the star. Maybe he thinks he can refresh his reputation with a tv show. He wouldn't be the first actor to do that.

Jonty30 said...

If it weren't for the fact that he now looks like a well dressed homeless person, he might still be a draw.

I think you can stick a fork in him.

LB whosthischick said...

His production company Infinitum Nihil is one of a few involved. I think he is exec producer in name only, and his production company people would be taking all the meetings and doing the pitching. He has Been writing and recording their new album since January with Alice cooper, joe Perry, tommy Hendriksen and going out on 2+month tour in three weeks. He wouldn’t even be around for the tv series.

“Muscle Shoals, a drama based on the life of Rick Hall, producer of the legendary Muscle Shoals sound, has sold to ABC for development under a straight-to-series model, Deadline has learned. The project hails from Global Road Entertainment, Johnny Depp and Christie Dembrowski’s Infinitum Nihil, Richard Branson’s Virgin Produced, and Joshua D. Maurer and Alixandre Witlin’s City Entertainment. The drama has been in development at Global Road since 2016.”

VikingSong said...

For someone approaching 60, he looks great. If he had plastic surgery, people would have ridiculed him for that too. He's not 25 anymore. So what? None of us stay young forever. Amber Heard really did a number on him.

Nemo said...

He's six years from being 60, Viking. His hard partying, which he's been known for for years, has just finally caught up to him.

Dannette said...

The show sounds great. Be happy, Johnny.

VikingSong said...

Yes, he's 6 years shy of turning 60. He still looks good for his age, imo.

Unknown said...

He looks **terrible** for his age or any age. And I’m no Amber Heard fan but he has no one to blame but himself for his state.

orangesoda said...

He looks rough as a bear's bottom for his age. Putting eyeliner on a wrinkly, puffy face is just embarrassing.

Henriette said...

I thought he would never lower himself to TV again after 21 Jump Street.

LB whosthischick said...

He isn’t going to be in the the tv show, his production company along with others is producing it.


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