Sunday, May 06, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 1, 2018

Again, don't believe the hype. This A- list mostly movie actress is not giving up the spotlight any time in the future. Oh, sure she might go to rehab and disappear from town for a month, but she loves the attention of being an actress and wants to be the biggest actress in the world.

Amber Heard/quitting acting


  1. Probably in the market for a new billionaire

  2. Is she really A-list as I cant think of one movie I have seen her in? Or is she a-list as she was married to A-list actor Johnny Depp. I dont see people lining up to see movies because Elon Musks side piece is in it.

    1. She’s gonna be in Aquaman at the end of the year.

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM

    She was in Paris with Cara Delavigne so Babe aint "clean"

  4. Biggest actress in her world. Good luck to her.

  5. She's A bc of Johnny.

    Before him, she was probably B. She was a supporting actress in major movies, and lead in Indies. If she wants to be taken seriously again, she needs to keep her private life private.

  6. she loves the attention of being an actress and wants to be the biggest actress in the world.

    She's finding it hard to top a dozen comments on CDAN, so being bigger than JLaw won't come easy.

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Lol. Look at her bot Squadron of propaganda she is unleashing on DM

  7. One of my best friends worked at an establishment frequented by the cast and crew of Magic Mike 2. I was told that everyone was extremely nice except AH. She was rude, demanding, and just overall unpleasant. They couldn’t wait for her to leave. OTOH, Sophia Vergara was there with Joe and they were both super sweet and friendly.

  8. maybe elon can put her on his next mars rocket....

  9. Being in relatively small parts in a few movies doesn't make anybody A list.

  10. There are zero planets or timelines where Amber Heard is A List. Maybe when she was married to Depp, but the whole thing with Australia and the dog make her a pathetic joke and she's never bounced back IMHO.

  11. Her face is so forgettable. I wouldn't know her if I fell over her.

  12. She's going to have to up her game, then. I'm pretty sure more people know her from getting smacked by Johnny Depp than from acting

  13. On what fucking planet is she an A-? Actress? Seriously?

  14. She must do something really, really well.

  15. If the rum diaries did the house party dancing scene as written, she would have been a huge star.

  16. Hate her. Also who thought it was a good idea for her to be at the Met Gala?

  17. to support Amber i will go see Aqua Man in 3D

  18. I lost respect in humanity when i found out that amber is the spokeperson of UNCHR in human rights😋
