Thursday, May 03, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 26, 2018

This A list singer who started off on a reality show and is probably a permanent A list singer says she only likes hooking up with guys in relationships or in marriages because the sex is better and they tend to be more loyal to her.

Miranda Lambert


  1. Way to support other women Miranda.

    1. Nice! World needs more cum dumps like her....

  2. Anonymous8:18 AM

    It's because if these guys piss her off she can ruin their long term relationships. I'd call that fear rather than loyalty.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This bitch is a psycho. I have less than 0 respect for someone who enjoys fucking up other peoples lives. She's just as bad as the men who are cheating.

  5. She needs a therapist not an affair.

  6. Kinda have to admire such a brazen attitude.

  7. I wonder how good she is????

  8. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Forbidden acts tend to be exciting until they're not

  9. Trash is not an economic state of being.

  10. That girl needs therapy.
    The Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist is a perfect fit for her.
    Also, perm A list, really? I mean, shit, I'm not American and I don't listen to country so what do I know in those parts. Still needs therapy though.

  11. I hate women like this.

  12. Wow. I actually felt sorry for her after the Blake breakup. No more. Find your own man Miranda and stay away from everyone else’s.

  13. Anonymous10:57 AM

    "Fastest Girl in Town".
    That's her brand.
    They sort of blur the lines between lyrics and real life sometimes

  14. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I always knew she was a dirt bag.

  15. Eek she doesnt seem like that at all

  16. She's a homewrecking hot mess. Between the drinking and breaking up yet ANOTHER marriage I'm surprised her fans haven't completely turned on her. Vice was clearly autobiographical, and it was clearly about her cheating on Blake.


  17. I find it funny how I come on here and there's always someone ready to crucify and point fingers at the woman for being the "homewrecker". Last time I checked, it was the dude sticking his dick in her that took the vow. True, you may have low morals or care little for the consequences of those actions, but really? Was it ever the woman's responsibility to stay loyal to the wife? No, it's not. Let's call the foul where it belongs... with the cheater.
    Blame the one with the ring... not the convenient distraction. Do we blame the person that crashes their car and the vehicle that causes the accident? Or the telephone pole they hit?

    1. Men are weak. So we have to count on other women to not manipulate our men more than we count on men not to cheat.

    2. What an asinine statement cece! Please stay single!

    3. No Cece - that's the BS we're told to justify their cheating. That they're weak and couldn't possibly help it *insert sad face*.... Horse shit. Cheaters want to have their cake (new and exciting dalliances) and eat it (still have wifey to look after kids and them) - it's not weakness, it's greed.

      Some cheaters actively enjoy cheating, no matter if it's with a Troll and they got a Model at home, Just how it goes. Avoid these people.

  18. Everyone knows you don't hunt the king's deer. It's not like she keeps tripping and falling on d!ck. How many crime scenes do you have to find somebody at before you start thinking it's not just a coincidence?

  19. @Babsbunny Noone is forcing her to sleep with a married man; she is doing it voluntarily, knowing he is married. If she had any respect for the institution of marriage, she wouldn't go around fucking married men. There are tons of eligible men out there that she could be sleeping with that don't have a ring on their finger or a wife back home.

    Your metaphor doesn't work in this scenario. The "telephone pole"/homewrecker in question is an active participant in the "accident"/intercourse. She wasn't just sitting there twiddling her thumbs and then whoopsie! fucked a married guy without any consensual action on her part!

  20. Jesus Christ. Both men and women that cheat on their SO's are trash. Same as the men and women that knowingly sleep with people in relationships. This isn't a gender bashing debate. This just comes down to people that cheat/get involved with people that are in relationships being shitty human beings.

  21. Ugly trailer trash being ugly trailer trash. Shocker.
