Friday, May 25, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 17, 2018

This former actress turned upcoming bride arranged to have one of her exes paid $250K if he would remain silent about their past. It looks like it worked.

Meghan Markle


  1. Probably got a visit from MI6 on top of the cash.

  2. This must be the chef, Corey Vitello.

    Supposedly he agreed to change the timeline so it would appear as if he and Meghan had already broken up before she met Harry.

  3. That's the Duchess of Sussex now, show some respect.

  4. I still wonder about the supposed annulled marriage to her Northwestern classmate, Joseph Goldman-Guiliano.

    Seems like there would be some valuable photos around for someone to sell, maybe someone who attended the wedding.

    Unless they also married without family and friends around.

    I still think the lack of longtime friends at last week's wedding is the oddest thing about Ms. Markle.

    1. You mean those “long time friends” who sold stories and pictures to magazines for money? She didn’t invite anyone who sold her out.. and why should she? She can’t trust those people

    2. I agree. It’s so strange that the only people there were people she knew after she moved to Toronto. Whatever happened to al the pics that were going to be released and would be an embarrassment? And where did she get $250k...definitely not from Suits.

    3. To her advantage, there was no one there for other guests to go down memory lane with. You know, I really need for Game of Thrones to come back so I can transfer my obsession back to where it belongs.

    4. So ALL of her longtime friends are losers who sold her out? Really? All of them? If that's actually true (which I doubt) maybe that alone says something about Meghan's character and the type of people she chooses to have in her life.

  5. It’s sad when you have to pay people to shut the hell up!

  6. @Unknown

    Yes, there was one longtime friend who sold her out -
    Ninaki Priddy.

    Was that her only long-term friend?

    That's still odd.

  7. The theory is that actresses like Markle use their TV/film careers as advertisement for their real jobs, which is prostitution. If you can make 50-100k a pop sucking some Arab dick in Dubai, that quickly adds up to serious money. Yachting is apparently a very lucrative and widespread practice and even A listers indulge, it's cash and tax free after all. So if Meghan was an accomplished yachter prior to meeting Harry 250K might not be that big a deal for her.

    1. You would suck Arab dick in Dubai for 100k, fool.
      U don't gotta lie to kick it here

    2. But it's just paper coupons?

    3. Oh honey how do you think Harry and her met. Oh wait what's the story their telling "blind date" yeah ok 👌

    4. I think Meghan met Harry on a yacht, and not at the Chiltern Firehouse in London. I think that is a cover for where they really met. I believe thus 100%, the public us sadly gullible and common sense a rare commodity.

      And yes of course, Markle schemed her way to Harry.

    5. ...and this is the real reason for the confusion of when they actually met, especially since they couldn't even keep a straight story in their interview. Why bother lie about a stupid relationship overlap, it makes no sense.

      Giving a truthful timeline allows for well, the truth to be seen and I will wager the video/pics of MM topless fall into that time frame, and tgey already stated that the "vacation" happened right before they met lol. I could easily see Harry and Meghan out whoring in yachts.

      Can't believe how dumb people truly are. 2+2=4

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Heck, I'm cheap, I'll remain silent about her past for $1000. Where can I pick up my check?

  9. Interesting point, Barstool, that none of her invitees were young, attractive actresses or reality stars, the sort of people one might know from the yachting circuit. Mostly older and already-married celebrities.

  10. She was earning 50k an episode for a good portion of suits and she had a deal with a clothing company and probably other endorsements I know she had one for a car that she cancelled when her relationship with Harry became public.
    I thought the money was for her ex husband to stop or postpone the tv show based on her.
    So many people were cashing in on her some sold stories other's photo's she obviously knows where information and photos came from even if they didn't speak on the record. In the UK the news did an interview with the first boy she kissed at summercamp she 13 it's ridiculous.

  11. It could also be the ex-husband. Enty needs to reveal who she paid off.

  12. Hey some people want a wedding surrounded by adoring family and friends and coworkers praising them, while other people just want to get through the damned ceremony, knock out the reception and get on with their lives.

  13. When you marry a fame-hungry Hollywood type, you marry someone who probably doesn't have salt-of-the-Earth friends.

  14. The Yachter of Sussex.

  15. I hope the Duchess of Sussex's child doesn't have a lisp.

  16. @rosie riveter
    If you think that's all these whores are doing you are SADLY MISTAKEN.
    More like Golden Showers and SCAT play and serious S&M where the girls get beat. There is no 'dick sucking' going on unless it's in some real nasty vulgar fashion. These bitches are doing THE NASTY OF THE NASTY. The kinnda shit you can't erase from your mind or body for 100k. In fact 100k may not even cover the hospital bills.
    A woman in Hoebusiness

    1. I don't care what they're doing, for any amount. I dont judge.
      Getting peed on and pooped on for a one-off and 100k?
      Sign me up.
      That takes me just under 730 days to make

  17. The British owe Wallis Simpson an apology.

  18. You know it M Styles. Like I said before, paying 100K of hard earned petrodollars for a weekend with someone you'll never see again? Sure Friday night is Pretty Woman romantic, but by Saturday it's letting your bodyguards and friends take her for a spin. By Sunday it's down to household servants and animals/vegetables/minerals. Nobody is falling in love on these yachting trips.

  19. @M Styles, what is usually required on a standard yachting evening? For less than $100,000. Just standard woman, standard overnight, standard fee.

    Also, would celeb women like the Baldwins and Kim and Kylie have a fixed agreement in advance about what they would and would not do?

  20. The guy who took her A*al cherry...

  21. The Chef was apparently a real a$$hole, which is why when she was told about Harry at first, she just asked if he was kind. They lived together for a couple years, probably wouldn't be surprising if he had x rated pics of her, etc, so she paid him off to go away.

    She did have a good steady paycheck from her show for 7 years, and endorsements, and speaking gigs.

    Enty has had reveals that even Diana did yachting for the extra money.

  22. Yeah...and she also paid ALL the list of clients she had because not a single one said anything for the tabloids and neither leaked in internet? FAKE NEWS!

  23. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Was NYC based Lindsay Roth the other bff that sold MM out? DM had story that she was tipped to be maid of honor. Don't think she attended.

  24. Anonymous5:54 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Due to these distraction stories about her income, etc, no one notices the real mystery.
    The child with the small eyes, big wide face, and shy personality,in those supposedly "childhood photos", is not the same person that they now call "Meghan Markle".
    Plastic surgery can only do so much.
    Compare the photo at 11, to the photo at 17.
    That change is far more than adolescence and hair straightening. Much more.
    That's the power of distraction.

  26. Your "info" about the wedding dress designer and tiara was completely wrong, so I don't believe a word of this rubbish. Not a word.

    I'll never forget this beautiful wedding. Looking at Prince Harry's face, he didn't look like someone forced into marrying this beautiful, strong, decent, caring woman because of "embarrassment at backing out" like you said before.

    Cruel of you to make stuff up about this couple. It smacks of jealousy, meanness, and downright cruelty.

  27. Also, some of the comments on here look copied and pasted from the Daily Mail - fantasists and racists unite!

  28. Thank goodness we have someone who knows the real story of Harry and Meghan because she’s, like, seen them on TV.

  29. I'm amazed at the hatred thrown at her. She really pisses lots of you off��

  30. She had long-time friends there.

  31. Sometimes people don't sell out. I knew certain unsavory things about someone the Gen X'ers would know. The National Enquirer was on campus and I waited with bated breath for some shit to come out. But nada.

  32. I think all this yachting business is mainly complete bullshit. Why would independently wealthy women want to indulge in prostitution? Some people make it sound as easy as making a cup of tea. Diana was a multi millionaire for a start. It's crackers that some people believe such crap.

  33. Why would anyone do it? GREED, pure and simple! Certainly, some command $100K while others command a million or more per trip/week/weekend/day! "Easy" money. And tax free at that - with little to no management fees/cuts.

    Just sell out your ethics, morals, humanity and sell your soul.

  34. my uncle calls Meghan a "black cunt"

    but then again he showed myself and my brother porn when we were children so ..

  35. Megs never earned 50k an episode, not until the last season, did she earn 30k, if ever. She started at 5k, then 10k, etc. She was the sidepiece of a lead, never a lead. Cable doesn't pay what ABC does. She earned between 80k and 350k before she left. Hence her living with the local celebrity Chef - free rent and parties with the wealthy.

    After agents, managers, publicists, lawyers, living expenses, and beauty treatments she was broke IF she depended on Suits.

    Actresses spend upwards of 160k a year just at the spas and docs and hairdressers. She wasn't in that league.



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