Thursday, May 10, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 2, 2018

This back in the day reality star was an A list reality star when she was on the show all of you know. Now, she is probably a B- list celebrity and if you never watched the show all of you know, you have no idea who she is. That being said, apparently she is thisclose to getting a restraining order against a former co-star of the show.

Sammi Giancola/Ronnie Ortiz Magro/Jersey Shore


  1. And since about 97% of the country never watched the show, 97% of the country has no idea who these two Z-listers are including me. (97% may be too generous).

  2. Jersey Shore should be in the dictionary next to "race to the bottom"

  3. No way was that troll EVER A list. Even in the Reality TV world. She was second tier to Snooki and J Woww.....and ugly as fuck.

  4. I see the dysfunctional brain idiot is up and in mommy's basement spamming with Amazing Quotes today arent you motherfucker? Did you check your Pampers to see if you shat in them yet??

    1. It's mother must have gone back to work.

    2. Hey Sandy b, at least the other trolls have taken a hiatus maybe a visit from some folks??? Yee haa

  5. No, I don't know that show, glad to say I've never watched it.

  6. I wouldn't say 97% of the country never watched the show. It was huge when it was on and hard to escape. Almost e4veryone knew who they were. Like the Kartrashians, even if you went to read a regular newspaper, these Shore-dwellers were in it.

  7. This is news worthy for those us who have lost brain cells watching that shitshow. On the show right now Ronnie has a baby momma (baby not born yet), and he's already fooled around with some random girl they brought home from a bar. And he has whined that he still loves Sammi. That guy is an absolute tool.

    Since Sammi isn't on this "family vacation", Pauly D bought one of those life-sized silicone(?) dolls, put a wig and clothes on her and called her Sammi. Even had a voice box so the doll could say, "Ron, stop."

  8. sandybrook never watched this show but has a need to comment on something he never watched, what a tool a.

    But he knows the names of every douchebag who has graced the screen on Teen Moms.

  9. That is because sandybrook is a cunt.
    A fool and a halfwit, but most definitely a cunt.

  10. There's some serious substance abuse going on here that's causing his increasingly erratic behavior. Takes one to know one and as someone who's been in recovery for a while, this is classic addict/alcoholic drama. Hopefully he gets help soon before he causes more harm and injury to these women (or anyone else).

  11. Thank you for your input you fucking troll jackass. Now check your fucking Pampers you piece of shit, you definitely shat them.

  12. I'm still catching up on the new season, but from what I've seen so far, he is *obsessed* with her. It's creepy.

  13. " I see ghosts" sbrook

  14. Ronnie is a fucking psycho goon

  15. So troll are you an idiot savant or just a brain damaged fucking idiot that can't leave the house because your mouth gets the shit beat out of you?

  16. Ohhh, poor wee sbrook got all snowflake triggered and now it's time to spit the dummy again...
    Poor poor little damaged retard. Time to put on your big boy pants and wipe the spastic drool from your crooked little mongol mouth...

  17. hahahah keep trying jackass.

  18. SD this troll is different than that troll. He's too fucking stupid to realize the owner of this site is a Jew and he's anti-semetic and helping a Jew make money because people read more when I'm here mocking this clowns brain damaged ass. He's also unaware because he's brain damaged that his style of writing never changes although the names of his alts always change. So he gives himself away time and time and time again. But what can you expect out of a complete loser like him? He's got his Pampers, he's got the toy goat mommy gave him as a kid for a companion and he's got the voices in his damaged brain that he thinks are real people talking to him. So life for the goatfucking, brain damaged lonely loser seems good to him. Doesn't it Mikey? And you didn't answer my question dipshit and I DEMAND one, are you idiot savant or just a fucking idiot?

  19. We love you SandyBrook.
    No one knows who this douche is...
    And you are family on this site.

  20. Stupid assholes sandybrook is so confused and delirious that he believes he has discovered some gigantic Russian Troll Farm conspiracy running here at cDAN.

    Listen jerkoff, this site is for entertainment purposes and if you can't handle it go fuck yourself.

    You take this shit to seriously for a numbnut.


  22. That was quick, you stalking this blog you freak?

  23. ANSWER THE QUESTION You simple-minded idiot!

  24. What are going on about you moron?

  25. ANSWER THE QUESTION ANTI-SEMITE! ANSWER IT! once again if you have comprehension problems with using your damaged fucking brain--Are you idiot savant or are you just a complete idiot who doesn't leave his house all day because his mouth gets the shit kicked out of him if\when he does try to go out.

  26. sandybrokeass is having his weekly breakdown almost on a daily basis now I see. Poor sad wee little moron, the meds clearly aren't working for the confused, damaged little fucktard...

  27. I love the Jersey Shore!
    They're still hot messes and I'm all about it! No shame here honey

    Ronnie is on his way to having himself a Situation type of situation with the drugs he's on....

    I hate Sam but I wish she was here this season



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