Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Blind Item #9

Much like that musical contemporary of hers, our favorite former tweener singer/actress turned adult A- list singer/worse actress is in such bad shape that she had sex with a guy in front of a half dozen people. I'm guessing there must be video. She is just so out of it right now and a walking zombie. I'm hoping that like her contemporary who did the exact same thing, she realizes this is bottom and needs rehab. 


  1. I'm sure this is a true story!

  2. Katy Perry and Taylor Swift

    1. My biggest problem was I had never been in the huddle with an African-American person’

    2. Hey, that's my biggest problem too!

    3. This is a perfect example of a non- offensive & funny exchange / joke about race. LOLOLOL🤣

      That ad is just gross..

  3. +1 Tricia.

    Also note: Proof or it didn't happen!! jk

  4. If this Selena Gomez then who is the contemporary? Demi?

    1. Yes. Before Demi got clean, she had cocaine-fueled sex in front of a whole crowd at a house party...allegedly.

  5. Is your dysfunctioning brain dysfunctioning today "JF"? Better check your Pampers to see if you shit yourself too pal.

  6. Right before Demi Lovato went to rehab there was a blind about she and Joe Jonas getting it on in a room full of people.

  7. @sandybrook, everyone typing on a cell phone gets the JF joke,others are clueless.

    1. Me neither @guesser and it's not funny.

    2. @Kno Won Uno

      Someone is posting ads and links because we figured out how to disable the pop-ups. Some ads are offensive.

      I think J F was trying to poke fun. I think the best thing to do is ignore those ads posts & to not mention them. Now the poster knows people are reading their comment.

  8. Selena and an oompah loompah before the Met Gala.

  9. I agree with J F. Release the tapes!

  10. @sandybrook

    anybody that uses mobile to access this site says so. the 'sponsored ads' look like comments, so it'll be relevant comments, and then bam, some random thing like what JF just typed and you go, huh? and then realize its an ad.

    sandybrook, chill.

    1. I’m on a mobile, I didn’t get it either. Now I have the explanation, still not witty. Just as annoying as the ads

  11. this is definitely selena gomez

  12. singer contemporary of hers in bad shape = demi lovato

    tho didnt demi fall off the wagon AFTER rehab?

  13. so was JF parodying a "Ad comment" or was JF an actual ad comment?

    1. Guys. We get incensed at an obvious (to those who have a cellphone) & quite appropriate joke, but when someone brings light to the real racist comments - like for instance the ones about MM, racism becomes a figment of our imagination.

      Once & for all...if a person of color tells you something is racist (to claim racism is seen as shameful - we are told just deal with it & be excellent), it most likely is. That is usually the last place anyone wants to go. It is painful.

      You dont know what it looks or feels like unless you are on the consistent end of it on a micro & macro level.

      We are all one. Let's have fun, share some laughs & stay away from crazy celebrity drama in real life.

  14. Again this happened in a roomful of people who don't have cellphones? In 2018? Not one pic or vid. Because they are all pure Hollywood types who would nevahhh record such a happenstance even as a joke to show friend? Yes, very believable .

    1. Remember a lot of cellphones get confiscated, & NDAs are signed on a regular. The depravity is beyond belief in Hollywood.

  15. Selena and Demi... and I’m sure this also happened to contemporaries Lindsay and Amanda... and Melanie and Tatum... all abuses, sad girls. :(

  16. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Ya gotta love it when people have public sex and are so drunk they think they are being discreet. There is always that one moment where the girl looks around and then asks the dude if anyone can see them and AS ALWAYS the dude turns and looks, sees everyone watching then turns back to the girls and says no.
    And the show continues.

  17. Eh, I'm sure Bieber has videos of her doing much worse.

  18. I don't think the issue was not getting the "joke," the issue is the poster spamming the same joke on every blind.

  19. Contemporary is Miley Cyrus who used to have sex in front of other people with Liam (somewhat reluctantly on his part) - there are blinds about this. Lord knows who else she may have also hooked up with when they were on a break but according to her "I don't smoke pot anymore" thing, wouldn't surprise me if she's been to rehab.

  20. JF is a fucking troll ok? So I don't chill since he trolls, has a brain deformation, converses with himself and his fucking alts all day on the site and is a POS, ok?

  21. Oh fuck off with the micro/macro aggression horseshit & "well if a minority tells you it's a racist comment, it is" and whatnot.

    As to this blind, I put Selena in my 2017 deadpool so it damn well better happen.

  22. If you have an Android phone d\l the free adblocker browser from the store. I think you can do it for an iphone too. No ads at all, for me on this site just it blocks blogger from opening up a new window, but the notification it was blocked gives you an option to open it. And yes it's called adblocker browser and it's from chrome. On your chrome browser also, in the address bar there will be a lock or an i in a circle--in Google chrome click that, it brings up site settings, you can block pop ups there as well.

    1. @Sandybrook

      Thank you for the tip.

  23. Anonymous5:23 PM

    HYPOCRITES write this blog.
    They feign concern about child abuse. Yet they spread endless gossip about former victims of child abuse, calling them
    'former tweeners' followed by all kinds of debauchery etc.
    Which side are you on?

    1. The side of clicks and profits. To think the puprose of the site is anything else is ridiculous.

  24. I knew Selena professionally when she was a teen. She seemed to really have her head on straight, and her mom, Mandy, was very grounded and protective of Selena.
    I blame her downfall on Justin Bieber and getting into singing/touring/etc.
    Remember, Selena went from having a regular, stable job on Wizards of Waverley Place to being thrown into the music industry. For any person who needs stability to function, the music industry seems like the worst place to be.

  25. I recall Anna Wintour saying no selfies allowed at the Met last year and the one I remember was a bunch of people in the rest room. Is it possible she did the same and some after parties followed suit? I don't know if it was just last year and how well enforced the ban was.

  26. >Selena went from having a regular, stable job on Wizards of Waverley Place

    One wonders just how "stable" the set of any Disney program actually is.

    1. +1 I would like to know about that "stability"on the set from the 90's mickey mouse club cast. From people like keri russell and ryan gosling

  27. Anyone having trouble with ads, try downloading brave browser, I use it and have no ads, never installed an additional blocker and always use duck duck go as a search engine....

  28. sandybrook, take your meds you stupid cunt



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