Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Blind Item #9

This A- list mostly television actor who has a hit pay cable show and works constantly for another told his actress ex he didn't want more kids. Well, his new girlfriend says they are trying like crazy to have a baby.


  1. Replies
    1. Ex Naomi Watts .Now has 26 yr old GF who looks like a younger Naomi... can you say-OUCH!

  2. Maybe he meant he didn’t want more children with Naomi.

  3. That guy is SUPER creepy. He was part of the parade of pervert parents cross-dressing their young toddlers a couple years ago. Liev Schreiber, Adele, Charlize Theron, Angelina Jolie, a couple others.

    It happened over and over again in the course of a couple weeks and was all over the media with nearly 100% approval for its open-mindedness and tolerance.

    How many five year old little boys would rather dress up as Harley Quinn than Batman?

    1. Enough to make YOU pissed off, it seems. It's okay. Really. Little kids like dressing up. Full stop. They don't care who they are.

    2. If you're done virtue signaling whaddya, let me help you out since your outrage clouded your ability to comprehend the comment: what DDonna was trying to point out is that the problem is parents who force such behavior on her kids because they think it will score them some type of tollerance points. Of course kids dress up and it perfectly ok!

  4. People change their minds, maybe he was trying to ration his out of wedlock children to two per bim.

  5. Yeah I don’t think he’s creepy- he’s just not particularly monogamous. Knew him
    On and off for years and he’s always been a perfect gentleman and frighteningly intelligent... I do like Naomi Watts a lot -she’s a class act, so that’s a head scratcher for me,but they have great kids and are both good parents.
    We’ll see if new girl falls preggo I guess?

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      It was always scary how smart he is. Then he got all swole for the X Men movie. He looks big enough to be a Winnebago

    2. His mind (scope of knowledge and creativity)is quite —impressive “everything is illuminated “his directorial effort/adaptation is one of my faves.

  6. oh liev. you dog. not everyone's cup of tea, but i like him. a dog, nevertheless.

  7. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Maybe the girlfriend knows they're trying but Liev doesn't (wink wink)

    I saw Naomi moved on with Billy Crudup. Think she's got a type. Who remembers a 7month pregnant MLP?

    1. Me.
      And crudupmis a doucher with no off screen charisma at all.Onan ironic note- Liev and Billy are friends..(or were). Same circles

  8. I oddly like Liev. Always have. This honestly doesn't sound like that different of a story than what normally goes on in Hollyweird. But I 100% believe that Naomi deserves SO much better.

  9. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Ahh! Nice dishing, Tricia! I could see that about Liev. He's tall, intelligent, handsome, etc. With that considered, yep Sara, this mild compared to the damage he could do.

    I loved Liev in Spotlight and wondered if he was as sharp as the character he played. Let's hope Naomi finds a great guy.

  10. Soooooo....nobody thinks it's weird to dress up your little boy as a little girl? Take them out in public and show them off? Nobody sees this as abusive?

  11. The cool thing for men who are tired of the responsibilities of a relationship and parenting is that when divorced, they can forget all about their first family and start a new, funner family with a younger, cuter woman. And tell everyone how great it is to be a dad -- that they were too busy "working" to enjoy and appreciate it the first time around. (Michael Douglas, Alec Baldwin, Mel Gibson, to name a few.) Can you tell I'm a bitter first wife?

  12. Loved LS in The Daytrippers.

  13. Is Liev mostly TV? He has made loads of movies.

  14. Oh, what would we do here without @Ddonna and her judgmental bullshit, because of course transgender children and their parents who accept them are perverts. And victims of high school shootings are "crisis actors." Jesus, woman, get a clue. Stick to celebrity gossip and don't strain your limited brain cells with larger issues you clearly don't understand.

  15. Liev is a very sexy man. He exudes sex appeal and intelligence. Definitely my cup of tea when it comes to men. Never seen it with conventionally pretty men. I like his masculinity without with being in any way chauvinistic.

  16. Certainly strange to me how so many children of celebrities are allegedly trans, and at such a young age, and how they all just happened to go "out" within a couple weeks period a year or so ago.

    Some people may think there is no underpinning motive to all of it. I disagree.

    As for Liev Schreiber, I've always liked his work and think he is an excellent actor with significant emotional and character range. The first season of his Showtime series was excellent, though I lost interest after that, and he was just as convincing in a completely different role in "Spotlight." But that's not what this is about.

  17. @Ddonna You have absolutely no idea whether your perception is in fact the reality of the situation. So knock it off.

  18. "Think of the children!"

  19. @DDonna---- as Cee Kay noted, you have no idea what's going on in these families. As a kid I was a total tomboy/athlete. Hated girly girl stuff. And now, as an adult, I fully embrace my feminine side. You have no idea.

    1. And that is precisely the point unknown. When we were kids, if a girl preferred boy things she was just a "tom boy" and no one really cared. That's how I was, but also grew out of it. Now if a kid is into things associated with the opposite gender everyone tells the kid they must be trans. Don't you see how this could cause a lot of problems for kids?

  20. I think Ddonna has every right to express her opinion even if some of you don't agree, so it's not cool to tell her (or anyone, unless they're obviously a troll) to shut up.

  21. absolutely LOVE Liev. He is a rare actor IMO. I could care less how their kids choose to dress really. Most let them be what they want, just because they may dress differently now, does not mean they will be "tran" Hell i REFUSED to wear a dress growing up, except on Sunday when mom made me (this was the 70s, kids used to have tow ear dresses to Baptist churches then)
    I played in the mud, wanted bb guns, and then I hit the teens......... Just saying.

  22. At first read, I thought this might be Norman Reedus and Diane Kruger until I read it again. It does sound like Liev Schrieber. He probably had a vasectomy and is just fooling the new gf.

    1. Yup Ali B. He probably is shooting blanks. If not, oh well. I love his show and he is one of the greats!

  23. @DDonna - it's not abusive in the slightest and certainly doesnt make them perverts. Spread bigotry elsewhere.

  24. I have always thought Naomi was stunning, and he's very odd looking. Never understood what she saw in him.

  25. I appreciate the back and forth on the question of parental child abuse when it comes to cross-dressing children. It's good to have dialog about such things.

    It is interesting to note how the personal attacks and name calling are heard from the people who disagree, not from the people who agree with me and are pushing back with civility against those who disagree.

    Latest studies show 0.6% of the population is transgender. What are the odds that so many Hollywood kids seem to be? And why is that? If you're not asking these questions, I suggest you should be.

    And while I'm not one to wear my heart on my sleeve about such things, I would like to mention that a trans twenty-something girl attends my church. She is gentle and fragile. I treat her with the dignity that she deserves, which is to say the same way I would treat anyone who does no harm and is seeking human connection and community in spiritual pursuit and succor.

    I understand that transgender people genuinely exist and are real human beings with emotions, feelings, wanting to be loved. They have my empathy, because I realize the path they walk is difficult.

    But I also understand that Hollywood is a deeply occult town, and that Baphomet's melding of the sexes under a false representation of "All Is One" has darkly influenced the thinking and actions of many. It is my opinion that some Hollywood children are the unfortunate victims of this thinking.

    You are welcome to disagree. I merely want to make my viewpoint clear.

  26. Naomi was part of the Monarch team in Australia. Sexually abused from youth. Like her best pal Nicole. Liev is part of the "HW-luciferian-occult" which (among other vices) abuses and traffics children. Like most actors he's an accomplished liar. With a higher IQ than most. That's his strength as well as his weakness. He thinks his intellect protects him. That he won't be caught. And exposed. Cuz he's "so much smarter than his adversaries...".

    Tick-tock kiddie-fuckers and shills who cover for them...

  27. Sometimes I'm embarrassed to admit that I follow this site.

  28. Okayyyy... a lot to decipher with these comments!

    @justsayin" - couldn't agree more!

    @AgonyAunt - You are literally delusional and are just throwing out conspiracies which have zero warrant.

    @DDonna - Who are you to comment in any authoritative way about the gender identification about a child you don't know?! You are assuming a transgender identity which has never been stated or even implied. Liev & Naomi's son has long hair. Please tell me anything else that would lead you to believe he's transgender in any way? Even if he is - how dare you place your judgments on a child? Have you ever met him? Well I have - and he is a smart, caring and beautiful boy. Please leave your judgements to people who have chosen to be in the public eye and not children. Leave politics and your projections out of it. It's not fair game - and it's just wrong, full stop.
