Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Blind Item #9

This closeted A-/B+list athlete is potentially in line for a big promotion relatively soon. A beard would help move that process along, but the athlete probably won't do that. Our athlete is so beloved that people probably won't bother him about his sexuality, even though everybody knows, and it's become more obvious recently.


  1. If so, he's a snack and a half. He can get it

  2. Oh please there are so many closet cases in football the locker room should have a disco ball.

    1. 😂😂😂😂

    2. 😂😂😂😂

  3. OBJ is getting a big contract whether or not he has a beard or not.
    Tim Tebow is in the minor leagues and beloved I'm going with him. He's going to the majors by the end of the year.

  4. 10 years from now Tim Tebow will be a guest judge on Rupaul's Drag Race and America will love him for it. Hopefully. THE GUY IS GAY!!!

  5. Adam Rippon, Ashley Wagner for the beard. LMAO

  6. Odell Beckham Jr of the NY Giants.

  7. Neymar to Real Madrid move.

  8. Tim Tebow, the Mets are getting ready to promote him. He actually is beloved,I wish he were out as a gay Christian,but that won't happen.

    1. I know for a fact that Tebow is not gay. I’ve known him since he began working out with the Broncos years ago. He had a reputation with the ladies in Denver ... and not for being pious

  9. Resolved: The only people who care about the gay are the gays. Pretty much everyone else is chill. Be happy, live your life, don't care. These people are getting beards maybe to help out cronies in the modeling biz and/or to have a kid and mostly to shield themselves from the relentless onslaught of bossy overbearing gays who won't leave them alone. P.S. Don't pretend that a few sexually insecure hicks in hicksville pose any reputational threat to A list (or even Dlist) entertainment stars. Silly.

  10. Is the problem with coming out in Hollywood due to "relatability?" It seems as though it might be a hard sell to movie audiences and getting people viewed as sex symbols if they are seem to be only interested in their own sex. I know women are a large part of movie audiences, and how much of the hype would occur if women thought that the man wouldn't be interested in them if they met them?
    (I am not trying to offend anyone in any way, just trying to figure out why it is so hard to come out in Hollywood, a place where everyone seems to be accepted, including pedophilia.)
    If this site and others is to be believed-Sam Heughan of Outlander is gay, if not, at least bisexual--but the majority of his audience is those of older women and fans of the Diana Gabaldon "Outlander" books, all of whom vicariously dream of a "Jamie," entering their lives. Sam Heughan is their best representation of that role. However, if he were gay, a large majority of those same fans might find it then difficult to dream of him, merchandise sales would slow down, as well as potential viewership.
    Could that possibly be the case?

  11. Neymar is too big a name for the rest of the world to be just A-/B+. Even in the US, he's one of the people FOX is using to promote the World Cup along with Messi, Ronaldo, and Chicharito. Of the four, Chicharito would be the lowest ranking name.

  12. LOL. Adam Rippon. We are going to need a bigger beard.

  13. Can't be OBJ, he's already a starting wide receiver so what promotion would he get? I'm guessing many of you don't actually watch football. Plus, how "beloved" is he?

  14. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Odell Beckham or Cam Newton

    1. @Riley K

      Can Newton has been the starting quarterback for the Panthers for several years. What kind of promotion would he get?

      Newton acts like he has a TBI. Football ain't worth it.

  15. +1 Newbomb, great Jaws reference ;)

  16. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Adam Rippon would need a gorilla suit

  17. @RealRescuesDon'tDoThis, part of the problem is that in this global economy studios/recording companies make a lot of money from sales in other countries. In some of those countries, homosexuality is looked down upon, in others it's an actual crime. Allowing their gay stars to come out would affect their bottom line (no pun intended!), so it's all about the money.

  18. omg Newcomb, "we're gonna need a bigger beard"...I'm dead.

  19. OBJ did something very weird I think two years ago Jack Sock an American tennis player wrote an article in the Players Tribune. Sock's article is online you can just google it. Anyway, what is weird is Sock said Odell TWEETED him and asked him to hang out at his New York apartment. They had NEVER MET before yet Sock decided to go to his place. According to Sock they played video games and went to a Kanye West concert. Isn't that WEIRD for a straight man to do? To TWEET another guy he has NEVER MET before asking him to hang out? Odell definitely screams gay for sure.

  20. The NFL is extremely homophobic and so are the straight NFL audience. Straight people are ANTI GAY especially STRAIGHT WOMEN! Women are VERY HOMOPHOBIC do not believe the Kool Aid that they are not. The NFL doesn't want a gay NFL superstar to come out because it would piss off the homophobic straight guys and turn off the homophobic women.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. "Our athlete is so beloved that people probably won't bother him about his sexuality"

    Tebow's fanbase at this point is almost exclusively evangelical Christian so no way this sentence was written about him.

  23. JJ Watt.

    Jk... it's more than likely OBJ.

  24. Chris -- I read this to be that they (the Christian right) will show Tebow the same kind of blind loyalty they show Trump. I can see them saying they forgive him for being gay and believing him if he claims he's been celibate.

  25. @Andrew
    Ever hear of yaoi or slash? Gay or bi guys hooking up is a whole genre whose audience is primarily younger women.

  26. "P.S. Don't pretend that a few sexually insecure hicks in hicksville pose any reputational threat to A list (or even Dlist) entertainment stars. Silly.

    11:30 AM"

    People like you need to be skinned alive.

    "Only people who are secretly gay hate gays."

    Yeah, I bet you think the same about pedophiles.

  27. Rippon's 15 minutes are up, he's not getting promoted to anything, and he's not beloved.

  28. @Andrew Simpson - FALSE. Not ALL straight women are homophobic. I'm not. I could care less. I love male gay porn, and if Sam Heughan is gay/bi/whatever, doesn't matter. I still fantasize about him and would ride him until the cows come home. ZERO problemo. :)
