Friday, May 25, 2018

Blind Item #9 - Reader Blind Item

Which generation x kid actor turned adult actor who in recent years has been known as the screen dad of an epic production touts his support for gay rights but refuses to undress in front of or shower with men at the NYC gym he attends, apparently fearing he'll be set upon by a pack of ravenous gays.


  1. Yo they don't have boundaries in NYC better safe than sorry

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. So you’re saying gay men are automatically attracted to every man they see?... stop it.

    3. You ever see those roving packs of Google soy betas roving the sidewalks hopped up on Pokemon Go?

  2. Lmao why do most straight men believe all gay men are attracted to them?....

    1. We don't but we have rude fags try to talk to us at bars for an hour despite utter lack of interest.


    2. Same reason they think all women are attracted to them.

    3. Maybe they are better looking than you and all gay men ARE attracted to them πŸ˜‚

  3. This is a ridiculous blind. Just because he won't undress in front of men you can't imply he's homophobic. I'm a gay and I would never undress or shower in front of a woman. It does not mean I hate women.

    1. And it makes me wonder if he has body image issues or some childhood trauma. Could be many other explanations than homophobia

  4. It's a reader BI expect the worst.

  5. Oooh, gen X child actor. That's my wheelhouse, let me think on it...

  6. To be fair, have you SEEN straight men?

  7. It's actually possible to not want strangers to see you naked, and have nothing to do with whether you think they're going to jump you, or whether they have a sexual interest in you at all. Good grief.

  8. Maybe he's a never nude?

  9. I'm bi and fucking shy about changing in the locker room, and not because I think everyone will suddenly want my body.

  10. Summary:

    Gen X actor is not thrilled about undressing in front or showering with men at his NYC gym, how normal. The End.

    Yeah no shit, that's not the highlight of most men's days. We don't even like standing in line next to other men, let alone sharing neighboring toilet stalls while we're shitting, why would we want to get naked and shower with other guys? The only intimacy we want with other guys is a handshake and knocking back beers and jokes at the bar. Otherwise just kill the rest of them, less competition for women and steak and parking.

  11. bateman? (never nude!)

  12. Oh it's a Reader fucking blind. Like that person wouldn't immediately sell a photo of the Gen X child star naked in a locker room.

  13. This is a generational difference between boomers and the succeeding generations. Communal showers in phys ed and sports were a standard experience for boys and men in the 1960s and 1970s but younger people are uncomfortable with them, so newer facilities often have partitioned showers and change areas. Yes, this is probably related in some way to the normalization of gay but I'm not interested in that discussion because it'll just bring out the psychos.

    1. My mom is a boomer and still find it bizarre how some women (especially the older ones) walk around the locker room with everything hanging out. She's not worried about anyone jumping her, but she always uses a changing room.

  14. In my experience this is a gay men problem. Women do not get it, as lesbos seem to behave for the most part when in mixed company.
    Gay men in gyms and health clubs act in a predatory manner or inappropriately everywhere.
    My gay bodybuilding brother wouldn't let me workout with him at Gold's due to it. The steam room is strictly forbidden for straight guys, due to the filthy shit happening in there.
    Honestly, we may have to have gay and straight facilities to separate folks as enforcing rules on creepy behavior are probably impossible.
    I'm not homophobic, but I'm getting there.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Golds gym is a gay man meat market. Everyone knows this. Unless you don’t. Just like Bally’s back in the 80s was the straight people meat market.

    2. It's the same thing for NYSC gyms. I should know, worked there for two years and saw alot of dirty shit with my own eyes. We've had to cancel memberships because of the inappropriate behavior in the men's locker rooms it was so damn bad.

  15. I also though Jason Bateman.

  16. Having flashbacks to this slightly gritty pink liquid soap that was stocked in the communal showers of my local YMCA. Stare straight ahead, keep your eyes on the dispenser, lather, rinse and proceed quickly to the pool. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.00. Also, stand at the trough-style urinals for like 5 minutes with shy pee. If more than two dudes cycle through in adjacent positions, you cut your loses, do a "fake shake" and then circle back to the lockers, brief pause then back to the urinals. Good times!

  17. Vinnie Vroom Vroom Diesel.

  18. Again, I grew up in NYC in 70's - I don't blame him. Some Gay men can be, and were, at that time pretty damn aggressive. I'm sure it's still the same. You mean to tell me there's no agressive Gay agents in HollyJollywood?. Watch Cruising. It's a million % accurate.

  19. I couldn't care less whether If it was the Mormon Tabernacle Choir or the massed ranks of the Greenwich Village cock swallower society , there's no way I'm stripping in front of any other guys.

    And it's not the hysteria about the seldom seen but oft accused "HOMOPHOBIA", because nowadays nearly everyone couldn't give a flying fuck. Its the prosaic and maybe unwarranted paranoia about someone laughing at my junk. At least I hope it's unwarranted.

  20. I think this is Ethan Hawke.

    He's a New Yorker, and the epic is "Boyhood."

    And lighten up guys, I think the reader is funny. 😊 And I'm sure he has other reasons for his theory, if they are both members of the same gym he's probably seen his bias on display other times.

    Anyway, totally Ethan Hawke.

    1. I think you're right about who, I think you're wrong about the assumption. Some blinds are absolute novels. If there was more than the shower they would have aaid it. The assumption made in the blind, and it is an assumption, is both stupid and indefensible.

    2. Yeah maybe.
      But Ethan Hawke is so up his own ass, it wouldn't surprise me if he thinks everyone else wants to be up there too. *shrug*

  21. Yeah, I can't say I blame him.

  22. That’s quite an assumption the author is making! Could be all manner of reasons why the guy doesn’t want to get naked, and rightly so as apparently there is someone taking notes on his behaviour.

  23. Reminds me of the dick watch stories on Popbitch. When there are people out there so eager to describe every detail of a celebs junk to a gossip site then I can understand the wariness!

  24. Ummmmmmmmmm, I bet a lot of people like privacy when they are nude, especially celebs in this day and age of camera phones.

  25. @Gee

    You drink in gay bars???? What happened to those great Islamic values of yours?

    1. Voices of Nerat is the Archon of Secrets. It is the self-styled conductor of the massive Scarlet Chorus horde. Though stories about of his arcane might and cruel sense of humor, there is little settled word on the Voices' true nature. It is known that he is able to 'collect' the memories (and possibly whole minds of others) - giving him a disturbingly expansive knowledge base.

  26. I don't even like being nude in front of myself! πŸ˜‚ Just a silly blind. He is a normal man with normal insecurities like the rest of us. Nothing to see here-literally it might seem....

  27. Lots of guys have been caught fornicating in the showers or steam room at the YMCA. They just take away their membership. Some of the gay ladies act like men and are aggressive with females. As far as undressing yes it could be the size that they are embarrassed about. Some will not pee at a urinal because of this.

  28. If it is Ethan Hawke, he's weird about strangers. I have a story:

    I took my sister to NYC about 10 years ago, ish. We went to see a play by the Labrynth group. The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, directed by Philip Seymour Hoffman, starring Sam Rockwell and a whole bunch of other greats. PSH was actually sitting behind us so we chatted with him. So I felt comfortable. After it was over, and it was excellent, I wanted to get a picture. The cast gathered with friends. Everyone else was ushered out of the theater. I ran back in with my camera because I wanted to ask for a pick with Rockwell. I thought he was right in front of me, but he turned around and it was Ethan Hawke completely freaked out. He thought I was a pap. He froze for over a minute before someone came to save him and kicked me out. He hadn't showered in at least a week, would have passed for homeless. I apologized and said I was just a tourist but Hawke looked like he wanted to cry at the idea of having his pic taken. No idea why. He wasn't even in the play.

  29. Gay men are hit on by Straight identifying men all the time, but somehow THAT side of the story conveniently gets undertold.

  30. So Travolta is writing Reader Blinds now?

  31. this is silly. if you were famous would you change in front of randos who'd sell your naked pic? no. why is this being made about anything else?

  32. homophobes are ALWAYS the closeted ones.

    this is true 99.9999999% of the time.

    textbook example: mike pence, the duggar dad

    1. You wish πŸ˜‰. Lots of people genuinely think two guys playing hide the meat sick is just gross

  33. Maybe he's just hot as hell and gets hit on a lot! Leave the guy alone!

  34. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Geeljire said...
    We don't but we have rude fags try to talk to us at bars for an hour despite utter lack of interest.

    never happens to straight women...

    1. Right? Cry me a fucking river.

    2. Leave it to women to make a conversation about men about them🀣🀣🀣

    3. And somehow a blind about grown up humans is hijacked by an adolescent I don't know what the fuck you are.

  35. @Phyliss Whitweed, that would have made a great reader blind.

  36. "Ravenous gays" cracked me up.

    First thought was strangely Peter Facinelli but I don't know if he ever goes to NY so my next guess is Milo V

  37. Some men just sued an upscale gym in New York because of the activity in the steam room. The main guy said he was gay himself and didn’t like all that activity in there.

  38. Straight men definitely do not want to be treated the way they treat women. Of course, to them, it isn't the same because they're doing it.

  39. And because women really want it.

  40. @Sara

    You should talk to straight guys who hit on women in bars or in the street or where ever. They see the distinct difference between their unwanted attentions on women, and gay men's unwanted attention on them (usually imaginary btw), as women actually like men to notice them and hit on them. They have no fucking clue.

  41. HA! This describes so many guys I know who are genuinely all about human rights and have no issue with homosexual men in the locker-room, military, etc. They just feel weird about the guys who walk around with their balls hanging out of their boxers or un-necessarily displaying their junk. I'm not a bigot and any time another woman is sitting around with her vajay spread so far that I can practically see her cervix, into the changing stall I go. Not hateful, just not quite that comfortable.

  42. I could make a list of a hundred people I know who wouldn't shower/change around strangers at a gym, and they're a mix of men, women, Boomers, GenXers, and Millennials.
    Both my Boomer husband and my Millennial son thought the idea was abhorrent when I asked them, and neither is "homophobic." Which is a stupid word, meaning phobia or fear, of gays. Most people who get described as "homophobic," aren't "afraid of gays," they find their behavior and sexual acts distasteful or wrong, and prefer not to interact with them. This is not "hate" or "fear," it's DISLIKE.
    People should be able to dislike anyone they choose, without being labeled a name. That's ridiculous. If people dislike me and want to have no contact with me, do business w/me, because of my race, sex, sexual habits, or even general habits, I'm totally fine with it, and think it's their right to do so.
    I'd never want to force another person to interact with people they don't want to.

    This is supposed to be Ethan Hawke, BTW

  43. Aww, poor straight guys worried about gay guys hitting on them. And they don't like it. Poor babies

  44. Forget changing or showering in front of someone who is same/opposite sex gay or straight. Not everyone wants to worry about getting accidentally jizzed on while they take a steam.
