Monday, May 07, 2018

Blind Item #9 - Mr. Hedge

This player / serial pedophile in the music world was probably B-list at his peak, probably C-list today.  He was once a regular cast member in a couple TV series, about a decade and a half ago. 

A few years later, he went to jail for raping a girl who was WAY underage.  I mean, she wasn’t even a teen. 

He barely went to jail, but it really wasn’t jail.

Believe it or not, this scumbag pedophile just got a job in a position of power on a decent sized film.  The film is currently in production, with a lot of very young-looking actresses, who are probably barely on one side or the other of legal age.  A long list of people associated with this travesty should never be allowed to work in their alleged professions ever again.  The whole thing just makes me sick. 


  1. That’s a good guess. Was he in music? I know you know all, Tricia! :)

    1. No it’s not him-don’t think he got jail time sadly😰

    2. @Dusty Fairy

      Stephen Collins did put out 2 albums and was part of a cast recording for another.

      He also played in a rock band while in college.

      Enty never said how the person in the blind is connected in the music industry. This could be him. Could be someone else though. IDK.

    3. @T.W. interesting... thank you.

    4. @Dusty Fairy

      You are welcome.

  2. What's a "player"? Like a "women" sort of player or what?

  3. R. Kelly? Is he working on a new show?

  4. Lots of barely legal cooze in a movie? Are there any nude scenes?

  5. Gary Glitter. Maybe not since it doesn't say foreign born.

  6. Glitter's back in jail - just got sentenced in 2016 to 14 years.

  7. Moose, I just read that. Good to know they finally got him.

  8. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Could be Shane Sparks. A choreographer on So You Think You Can Dance, got probation for indecent assault on a child. Currently working as art director oin some indie teens in the hood movie called False Affair.

    1. I really like this guess.

    2. On the same wavelength yet again.... I was just about to post this.
      "Player in music industry" is such an odd label, it can only be something like choreographer.
      Incidentally, Shane is in the news because he's divorcing.

    3. Just to add in that he allegedly molested multiple dance students.

    4. +1 She was a 12 yr. old girl. He served 135 days in jail over two years while traveling internationally and working. WTF.

    5. Speechless. This.

  9. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Stephen Collins has no projects in the pipeline

  10. It's Bairstow.

    This is his twitter bio:I'm an actor known for Lonesome Dove, Tuck Everlasting, Wolf Lake, Harsh Realm, Party of Five & I play music.

    Was in jail for four months for sexually assaulting a 12-year old girl ("not yet a teen").

  11. Anyone out there here of a new project Bairstow w/ young girls that Bairstow is part of?

  12. I think Melvin's got this one.

    In 2011, Sparks pleaded no contest to a charge that he had had sexual intercourse with a 12-year-old girl who studied at a dance studio where Sparks was employed as a teacher. In his defense, Sparks claimed that he believed she was of legal age because she worked behind the front desk at the studio. He was sentenced to serve 135 days in jail, and did so over the course of two years, while continuing to work and travel internationally

    By cutting a deal, Sparks, 42, is no longer facing eight additional felony counts stemming from allegations that he had multiple inappropriate sexual encounters between July 1994 and April 1997 with a girl who was no older than 15.

    He was a choreographer on "You got Served" amd "So You Think You Can Dance"

    What a colossal POS.

    1. And they wonder why victims don't report it. Because you put yourself out there and the system doesn't give a a shit anyway.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Sparks, False Affairs, art director

  15. False Affairs (2018)

    Thomas Finnegan is a young man, searching at the crossroads for redemption after the suicide of his girlfriend three years ago. Sophie Fernandez is a young girl, looking for love as opposed to lust in high school relationships. When these two world's collide, their lives are forever changed. But manipulation and lies could bring about unforeseeable consequences that could lead to the end of their lives.

  16. have no idea who this sicko is...hide your daughters.

  17. yeah it must be Bairstow

  18. JFC, Melvin got it with Sparks, read the comments

  19. I am at once amused, bemused and confused by the phrase "serial pedophile." I mean, either you are or you aren't, and if you are it's 24/7.

  20. Sound like Sparks. Gary Glitter was A list l believe


  21. Also, Baristow would be designated foreign born if him?

  22. That's a parole violation. Someone needs to call his parole officer. Let them catch him in the presence of young girls. At least how it works in my state.

  23. Could be Marques Houston. He was in the r&b group Immature, played on a few tv shows like Tia and Tamara show and was I think charged with molestation charges almost 10 years ago in Houston tx

    1. My mistake dodndi take place in houdton texas

  24. Didn't someone on party of five abuse never cambell?

  25. Obviously not Sparks. Looks more like Bairstow, as he was at least a semi-regular cast member in several TV series.

  26. It's not Sparks. He has only had one regular gig on a TV show .
