Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Blind Item #9 - Met Gala

At some point in your life, when you are still bending over to do coke or even trying to be discreet, you have to wonder why. This foreign born model/actress/mother looked ancient last night and one wonders if the non stop coke use has anything to do with it. She looked rough and used any excuse to dip a finger in her vial or pour a little on the table in front of her. I think she thinks she looks cool and hip. 


  1. #Gisele. Just saw her & Tom(in his hilarious Mariachi suit). She LOOKS rough! Wow

  2. Replies
    1. Though would be actress/model (I think she still does a bit?)

  3. Uma was born in Boston Mass, not FB.

  4. Was Kate Moss there? She hasn't aged well at all.

    1. It was Kate. So rough.

    2. But is Kate considered an actress?

    3. @laili6 She had a bit-part in the recent Absolutely Fabulous film

  5. I think Uma was born in Boston. I thought Kate Moss looked horrible. Technically, she's an actress.

  6. Is Gisele considered and actress though?

  7. Uma was born in Boston....

  8. Definitely Kate Moss

  9. I wish I looked that bad.

  10. If Kate Moss was there, it's definitely her. She looked haggard when she was younger. Now she just looks like ET. Go hoooome, Kate.

  11. Kate Moss looks like she is 60 now

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Kate is aging like her spirit animal, Bardot. She appears to give zero fucks. The camara still loves that face tho, with a little help from photoshop😙

  14. Anonymous8:54 AM

    From the Sun... GALA PALS Kate Moss and Rita Ora are all partied out as they cling on to each other on way into Met Gala afterparty. The close friends held hands as they walked the red carpet.
    Kate was def on something.


  15. No way this is Gisele. she's wouldn't even touch an ounch of sugar and pizza let alone doing some coke.

    again, this is probably Kate Moss (looks hard last night), or Cindy/Rosie HW (even tho they look good)

  16. Gisele looks amazing why are people suggesting her...

  17. Cindy Crawford looked gorgeous. I don't think Kate looked bad, but also she hasn't had any plastic surgery whereas all the others have. Pics of her smoking still too. Not good for aging.

  18. I always thought Kate Moss was a weird choice for a model. She is very odd looking, like a fish, with those eyes.

  19. Kate looked wasted (Rita Ora looked fantastic!) She's looked wasted since she was Depp's girlfriend. Other than that, she looked damn good, I thought. So right, the camera loves that face.

  20. Wintour hates Andy Cohen for snorting coke at an after party, but Kate gets to do lines off the dinner table?

    1. Cohen has a trashbag spirit. Maybe that is really why Wintour pays him dust.

  21. Kate must be supporting a South American country at this point


  22. Gisele is fugly faced - THAT's why people are suggesting her. Her face is rough, just sayin' and sorry/not sorry. It's definitely Kate Moss with the dark horse being Heidi Klum another haggard has-been.

  23. Exceptional genetics and clean living gets them zero style points. For me, Gisele and Tom miss the mark nine times out of ten when playing dress up. This is primarily due to Tom’s goofy ass sartorial choices and Ken doll range of facial expressions. If the football thing didn’t work, he would have been an excellent JC Penny catalog model.

  24. I thought Heidi Klum, she strikes me to be labelled as an actress more than Kate Moss. However, I don't know if she was at the Met Gala.

  25. Just to clarify things, Gisele used to be a cokehead, many moons ago. I don't think this is her though, it's probably Kate Moss.

  26. From what I've seen based on real life party girls, cocaine seems to be horribly aging. Look at Sean Penn.

    1. Used to be such a beautiful party girl 😉

  27. Kate Moss used to be gorgeous, but only for about 2 seconds in the early 90s. She pretty much lost her looks as soon as she reached legal drinking age. The same could be said about Gisele - gorgeous as a teenager, rough looking ever since her early 20s. But in her case, I don't think it was due to drugs/partying. The 'grown-up' version of her face just isn't as attractive as the adolescent one. Happens to a lot of people. Think of all the child stars who lose their appeal as soon as the 'cuteness' is gone.

    But I also gotta say, with Gisele it was never all about the looks. She used to have a spark. A fierceness that made her stand out. The spark is gone now; she just comes across as bossy. And these days, she looks pretty plastic. I think she's had at least lip injections, probably an eye-lift, too.

    1. Finding children more appealing than adults is a symptom of something else. It's not the fault of the aging human!

  28. Gisele probably makes all of Tom's sartorial choices for him. Can you see him putting up much of a fight, and winning?

    I still think Gisele and Kate have "It" though both are semi-retired.

  29. While I agree Gisele looked horrible, I think this blind is about Karen Elison. She looked off... and the green trash bag dress did not help.

  30. Gisele is a goddess in my book. She does not do drugs but is the typical Brazillian and loves the sun. Kate Moss smokes, snorts and will look like Bardot in no time. BB angry wrinkle bag.

  31. Both Kate Moss and Gisele were very attractive teens who did not age well.

  32. Oh this is Moss for sure, but why should she care? she's made her millions and has better legs than 99% of the population.

  33. sienna miller? i saw her pic and couldn't recognize her

  34. I don’t think most of these models named do any acting though

  35. Most modeling is a warped version of prostitution.

  36. Rosie HW. She looks like a closet cokehead as she must be a bit of a bad girl to be with Jason xx

  37. Gisele and Tom the Bull Ryder...

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Rosie Huntington-whiteley

  40. Trufflepig, I have to say I agree. There was something about an 11, 12, 13-15 year old Brooke Shields that just didn't translate the same into a 25 year old Brooke. I mean she was strikingly beautiful as a kid and teen and although an attractive adult, just nothing special.

    And Brooke is older than me by a year or so, so I'm definitely not into kids over adults and definitely don't do chicks.

  41. Kate's infamous "Whose next?" gang bang party story is the best fashion folklore ever. For a short model with a scrunched up face, she can snort & screw us ALL under the table. Id tag along to light her ciggy 4 the night. The tales could be epic!

  42. This is definitely Uma. She looked awful and old. I would have thought Kate...but she's not an actress. My boss got to hang out with Tom Brady and Giselle at an event last week...he said Tom had a big head and looked like Frankenstein in person. Giselle was stunning and didn't look manly at all.

  43. @Camal

    What I've heard is that Tom is a thick arrogant dickhead and Gisele is lovely, physically and socially.

  44. Kate Moss looked fine in those photos!
    But holy god - Donatello Versace
    Enough to terrify anyone.
