Sunday, May 27, 2018

Blind Item #8

It was touch and go whether this foreign born one named basically one hit wonder would check herself into a mental health facility. She has been performing still, but her shows are a fraction of the length they were and she has panic attacks all day and evening leading up to shows. She needs a long rest.


  1. Replies
    1. +1
      I'd believe panic attacks from Sia, and none of her other songs were nearly as big as Chandelier.

  2. Mental Health issues are no joke.

  3. Who knows what terms "one hit wonder" stands for with whoever is writing today😣?

  4. Poor girl whoever it is. Panic attacks are the worst.

  5. It's not Lorde. She finished her Melodrama tour. I'd say it's Sia, who has talked about having anxiety issues in the past.

  6. Sia is one of the biggest songwriters in pop music there is no way she is a one hit wonder.

  7. Drumstixx, songs she's written for others do better than the ones she puts out for herself, which is why we're guessing Sia. Chandelier and Elastic Heart were her biggest songs. I don't know if she had any other ones outside of that, since I don't listen to her music.

  8. Dido or Jewel?

  9. Lordy, there are a lot of one named singers.

  10. natalie imbruglia? her one-hit-wonder being "Torn" though this sounds like Duffy with 'Mercy' being her [awesome] one-hit-wonder.

    I thought enty was close friends with Duffy?

  11. Sia has:
    -Cheap Thrills
    DEFINITELY NOT a one-hit wonder

  12. I don't see how it can be Sia given she has had many hit singles across the world. I don't believe Duffy is performing this year either. Whigfield is a good guess and still performing recently

  13. Anonymous5:01 PM

    What is Adele doing now?
    I had read last year about ongoing health issues

  14. Sia ia far from a one hit wonder - she is not only one of the biggest pop song writers there is - but her solo stuff did incredibly well.

    Elastic Heart
    Big girls cry
    Cheap Thrills

    In Australia even her earlier stuff was big.

  15. Agree this is Lorde - she's still touring and Enty has referred to her as a "foreign born one hit wonder" previously. She also has had anxiety issues for a long time and takes hours to get ready to go out in public. Hope she takes a break and gets healthy.

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