Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Blind Item #8 - A Dancing Boy Blind

I just wanted to take a moment and thank Enty publicly (at least to the extent you can thank an anonymous person publicly) for graciously providing a platform for my stories, and others. Whatever comes of that, issue-wise, he may just have also helped to make not only my recent days but also just possibly my life.

A month ago today (yes, Easter/April Fool's Day), I woke up at 4 or 5am - too early to get out of bed and too late to take something to help you fall back asleep. So, I did what everyone does, and checked my messages. Overnight, there was a friendly greeting from...a producer.

He's a producer of movies, who has worked in that capacity on several high profile ones in recent years, the last of which was the most expensive but also highest grossing movie of its kind. The other and final clue is the director of all these movies, and the one to come. He's an Oscar winner/nominee (although not for that - yet, but in both cases for the same award). His Oscar was for a movie featuring a #MeTooer (who is not a woman) playing opposite a veteran of stage and screen. The producer has the same last name as an iconic foreign-born singer. He's also an extremely nice and modest person.

No final word on a director yet, but I'm talking with a former classmate from college times - someone who has made an appearance in one of these blinds. She's the daughter of a permanent A list musician, and a talent in her own right. (Even if she doesn't direct it, she may do something else - she's a cinematographer and editor too.) It's funny because back then her short was up against this one I was in. As it happens, it was a mock doc about the aforementioned iconic foreign-born singer. I think we all lost to something awful.


  1. Losing to something awful is a rite of passage. I have no idea who’s who and will leave that guessing to others, but enjoy your good fortune!

    1. Reposting up here as a public service for those who haven’t had their coffee yet:

      Producer who contacted the writer:
      Producer’s famous movie: Most recent was most expensive but also highest grossing of its kind
      Director of “all of these movies” (plus one coming up)* shares a surname with an iconic foreign-born singer:
      Director Oscar win (not for directing):
      Star #1: Male #MeToo-er
      Star #2: Stage and screen veteran
      Writer’s former classmate (daughter of A list musician, “talent,” has worked as cinematographer/editor)
      Iconic Musician: (had a mock doc short film about him/her up for an award, lost to something awful)

      Mock Doc:
      Short film the author was in up against it:
      Awful short that won:

      *A series with multiple movies and one more coming up.

    2. Whoops. And it’s the producer, not the director with the iconic musician’s last name. ☝️

  2. ??? This is so awfully written that I'm not even sure what we're supposed to be guessing about.

  3. you got a message from a producer who's well known in movieland. No word on the director yet, but it's possibly going to be a well known daughter. I'm so totally lost on this one...What was the message about?!

  4. Is the director Ron Howard, the movie he won Best director for is A Beautiful Mind starring #MeToo'er Anthony Rapp (came out against Kevin Spacey)

  5. Somehow I see this ending with the writer walking into a conference room full of Myrddraal.

  6. Ed Harris is a veteran of stage and screen who stars in that movie.

  7. Is there a paragraph left out of this blind?

  8. You’re welcome... Dancing Boy!

  9. can enty get someone who speaks english to write these blind items?

  10. Exactly! What are we supposed to be guessing?

  11. This is why I don't read reader blinds.

  12. Can we at least get a proofreader? What's the point of the blind?

  13. Anonymous9:02 AM

    For interpretation I s that the author is a writer or something, got a call from the producer to make her movie, she hasn’t found a director yet and she’s talking about doing the movie with her college friend who is a cinematographer/editor...and this essentially a reader submitted kindness blind. Maybe?

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      *my interpretation is...

    2. It's a Dancing Boy blind. Another chapter in his saga. You'll need to do a search on this site for the rest of his backstory. There are several updates.

    3. Oh, apparently that want in the title originally. Carrying on...

  14. The movie is Gods and Monsters. The actor is Brendan Fraser (starring alongside Gandalf the Gay) and the director is Bill Condon (the dude who did Twilight).

  15. Adria Petty for the daughter of permanent A list musician.

  16. Brian Osborne for the producer?

  17. A producer for A Beautiful Mind was Todd Hallowell, who almost shares a surname with former Spice Girl Gerri Halliwell.

  18. Either the writer of this is day drinking or I need to start.

  19. @Nemo

    Sounds like the writer might have something in development with this producer. (DB for writer?)

    Producer who contacted the writer:
    Producer’s famous movie: Most recent was most expensive but also highest grossing of its kind
    Director of “all of these movies” (plus one coming up)* shares a surname with an iconic foreign-born singer:
    Director Oscar win (not for directing):
    Star #1: Male #MeToo-er
    Star #2: Stage and screen veteran
    Writer’s former classmate (daughter of A lost musician, “talent,” has worked as cinematographer/editor)
    Iconic Musician: (had a mock doc short film about him/her up for an award, lost to something awful)

    Mock Doc:
    Short film the author was in up against it:
    Awful short that won:

    *A series with multiple movies and one more coming up. Is there a Simarillion movie in the works?

  20. I haven't posted anything in a while, but my guess on this is the director is Danny Boyle, the MeTooer who isn't a woman is Brendan Fraser and the dual threat actor is Donald Sutherland, proudcer, no idea!

  21. Oh and the movie whoever this is has been offered a part in is the reboot of the Bride of Frankenstein, supposedly the project that will save Universal's dark universe franchise. Marvel are shitting their pants as we speak.

  22. Yes, Bill Condon won for best screenplay for Gods and Monsters, not directing. And Brendon Fraser is a Me Too-er.

  23. Whoops I meant Barrie Osborne (same last name as Ozzie) Oscar for Lord of the Rings w/ #Metooer being Elijah Wood, starring alongside Ian McKellen

  24. Gotta wonder who are the clients of Enty? That is, who is paying this guy big bucks, when he doesn't seem to have writing skills beyond that of a sixth grader? I realize this particular blind is not from Enty, but surely he read it before posting it!

  25. This isn't even tagged as a reader blind, so I went in without warning! :'(

  26. @Han Niam

    Bill Condon directed the last instalment of Twilight, a notoriously cheap to make franchise. It was made for 120 mil but grossed over 800 mil globally, the biggest take of all those terrible movies.

    Brenda Fraser is the male #metoo survivor, obviously. Ian McKellan is the stage legend he acted alongside in Gods and Monsters which won best adapted screenplay Oscar for Condon, who wrote and directed.

    1. @Vessimede:

      Yeah, I like the Fraser and McKellen/G&M guesses.

      My question on Osborne is whether the author wrongly thought he directed all of the Twilight movies (and is there another coming up?). And Was 120mil the most expensive/highest grossing vampire movie ever made?

      But if it is Osborne, I’m now curious where that mock doc about Ozzy can be found. :)

    Someone please get Lowtax some serious help.

  28. Another weird blind,but I think it's Dancing Boy, got a deal for his movie and the daughter of A list musician is Tom Petty's kid. Enty is hiding for a while.

  29. I think totalji got it as Dancing Boy he's the only one here who has a regular platform\ forum except Hedge who has a forum and an agenda.

  30. I agree with Sandy. And thanks Han Niam for breaking it down. :)

    1. @Thia

      You’re welcome. This one had a lot of moving parts. I realize I left out the Musician Dad but that’s probably inclusive when guessing the daughter. (Petty being my favorite guess)

      It just takes a while posting that much from my phone!

  31. Anonymous9:22 AM

    The nice producer who called is Jack Morrisey (same last name as iconic foreign born singer.)

    Co-produced Bill Condon's last big movie Beauty and the Beast. Expensive but successful.

    1. @Melvin

      Never stop being so good with the guesses. :)

  32. Dancing Boy writes his stuff 5AM after a night terror or something. He doesn't edit,even though he is a writer.

  33. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Producer: Jack Morrisey
    Director: Bill Condon. Morrisey has produced many of Condon's movies, including Beauty and the Beast...and his ne t one.

    The movie leading us there is Gods and Monsters, starring Brendan Fraser and Ian McKellan.

  34. Congrats, Dancing Boy!!

  35. These reader-submitted blinds (and really all blinds) need to follow the Hemingway style, not the Faulknerian style. Short sentences which are to the point. Person A is a ___ list actor/singer/athlete/celebrity spawn. At ___ place they did __ to this ___ list actor/singer. etc. etc.

    1. @Nemo

      Be glad they’re not in Chaucerian or Shakespearean style! Iambic pentameter is a bitch.

      A missive from a gentleman Producer
      Mr. Shared Last Name With Iconic Musician
      Whose most successful film with this director
      Mr. Man Who Won An Oscar (Not Directing
      With star of stage and screen and #MeToo Man)
      While dear in cost did reap returns undreamt
      And hint at future blockbuster forthcoming.
      A classmate too may perhap join the outing
      (The scion of an A list rock musician)
      To breathe a life into my humble vision,
      That would not have come to pass without this stage
      And so for all good fortune, friends of mine

      My gracious thanks to Entertainment Lawyer
      And all you guessing sleuthing online voyeurs

    2. ^^^dying šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

  36. Anonymous9:31 AM

    @Han Niam awww, thanks, but I just throw spaghetti at the wall and occasionally it sticks. And I couldn't have done it without everyone figuring out Condon first

  37. More power to you and best of luck with the project! Stay strong!

  38. Enty updated the title. Definitely is Dancing Boy.

    @Han - you did all of that on your phone? You are magic!

    1. @Thia
      I am stubborn and have thumbs of steel. šŸ¤Ŗ

  39. Are we still doing this Dancing Boy thing

  40. +1 to Nemo again. That approach would make it so much easier!

  41. Got here late. Looks like you've all got it figured out. Fingers crossed that your film gets made, and your stories are told.

    PS: I would love to see the Morrissey mockumentary. šŸ˜ƒ

  42. Go back to Twitter, Trump! And stop with the Coke.

  43. Hemingway style is my personal favorite. Write drunk, edit sober.

    Thank you DB for sharing your story!

  44. "can enty get someone who speaks english to write these blind items?"

    "who is paying this guy big bucks, when he doesn't seem to have writing skills beyond that of a sixth grader?"

    "Dancing Boy writes his stuff 5AM after a night terror or something. He doesn't edit,even though he is a writer."

    "Are we still doing this Dancing Boy thing"

    Apparently so. Wonder who is in charge of this storyline.

    the Dancing Boys are known for their deliberately bad writing and their lack of disclosing much of anything.

    1. @plot

      That’s why Hollywood hires script fixers you never hear about. Or something.

      Where do I sign up to be a script doctor? I swear I’m funny and can pretend to have decent syntax when motivated!

  45. Ha, Han! Props to you.
    Now we just need some Norse kennings to make this blind even more clear.

    1. @Nemo

      Oh (Norse) god(s)! I was tempted for a hot second, and then I remember how much I hate writing kennings.

      It gives me a headache even contemplating the notion and really makes me appreciate your Hemingway idea.

      Thanks for the soapbox, Enty. A producer sent me an email. He’s a nice guy....

  46. Now I definitely see this ending with Dancing Boy walking into a conference room full of Myrddraal.

  47. Han Niam I heart you :)

  48. Well, who doesn't love a man (??) with steel thumbs who can also write blinds in iambic pentameter?????

    In all seriousness, I wished someone of you lived near me on the East Coast. You'd all be welcome for a CDAN party at my house.

  49. @plot,Dancing boy told enough for everyone to figure out who he is. He has to be vague,otherwise,why make a movie? I think he uses us to feel a way to tell the story. It seems like he wants some humor in it, but you can only go so far.@Han Niam,Hollywood could use some more script doctors, so good luck.

    1. I think there’s a difference between giving too much away and writing a coherent sentence. You can write a blind item without giving too many hints and still make sense. These Dancing boy blinds are just word salad. It’s as if someone never taught him how to construct a proper sentence or paragraph. The suggestion that he’s a writer is laughable. This person doesn’t even possess the skills of to complete a third grade book report. Why does Enty even post these without sending them back for edits?

  50. @wahoo and @thia

    Thanks, guys! My wife says she’s certainly impressed by me, and she’s way more believable than I am. I even take out the trash and clean up after the dog.

    If there’s ever a Little CDAN-con, I’m pretty sure I’d be there. Leading the panel. On blinds in iambic pentameter.

  51. @Han Niam

    Outstanding! Swooning here.


    I know, isn't he dreamy?


    "My wife"

    Well shit.

  52. @plot

    We’re dying laughing here. The wife’s comment: “Damn strai- ... Damn not straight!”*

    *And sorry for any confusion, folks! I’m kinda butch but the other half confirms I am indeed a she. Me, I subscribe to the RuPaul philosophy of gender pronouns: “You can call me he, you can call me she. You can call me Peggy Lee. Just CALL me!”

  53. I applaud your courage, uniqueness, nerve, and talent...

  54. @Han Niam

    "I’m kinda butch but the other half confirms I am indeed a she."

    So I'm now required to inform the hubs that we can expect a change of lifestyle, or rather I can and he can mope. ;P

  55. Whatever this diarrhea like stream of words is trying to convey, it definitely has the hallmark illegibility of the Dancing Boy BIs. Funny how the first Dancing Boy blind was mostly understandable, then subsequent DB (should stand for Douche Bag for continually subjecting us to this garbage) BIs have gone further and further downhill. These are to the point where they can't convey an iota of what they are trying to state AT ALL.

    The DB Story would have been so much better if the kid had just been run over by a mack truck when he ran out into traffic during BI#1...sorry/not sorry.

    1. Haha, maybe he was and that explains why his writing sounds like someone who’s in the midst of a stroke.

  56. "It's a Dancing Boy blind. Another chapter in his saga. You'll need to do a search on this site for the rest of his backstory. There are several updates."

    No, you really don't need to get the rest of his backstory. TL/DR; dude was a child actor who never made it big because he was almost diddled by some typical Pedowood Pervs who tried to tickle his pickle while he was doing a Risky Business dance imitation for them. He made a run for the border (of the studio lot), ran out into traffic in nothing but his tighty whiteys. The perv producer pedos said he went 5150 loco and somehow had him locked up in a mental hospital where not even his parents could visit him.

    That's effectively the original Dancing Boy BI. Subsequent mundane and unintelligible tales told of his brief, insignificant encounters with various celebs' relatives and hired help, some lunch or dinner at Chateau Marmont, and various other insignificant bullshit. He is some Z list almost-diddled who once met/hung out with a couple of D list celebs, or something.

    1. @itttttt - you’re such a buzz kill. Like the office mopešŸ¤£

  57. @Brayson - His tagline should be "Sa souvraya niende misain ye."

  58. @lttttt

    You probably didn't mean it this way, but that is the funniest description written up on the CDAN boards in a long long time.

  59. @Han Niam
    Very, very impressive!

  60. @Itttt
    I understood the post, but then I read child, teenager and inebriated very well.
    I give 'Dancing Boy' a pass. Shit, I'd be on heroin if I hadn't faced my demons (and been very lucky).

  61. One more thing, I really hope we see this movie come to fruition.
    Good luck and be well. :)

  62. I hope the movie gets made but we really need a CDAN CON. That was a great idea! When are we having it Enty?

  63. Dancing Boy should start paying Enty for proofreading/editing. This crap is a mess.
