Friday, May 18, 2018

Blind Item #8

This seen every single day on every cable station media personality who desperately wants his own show cheated on his wife with multiple women and told his wife that was the way their marriage was going to be. She kicked him out.


  1. That trashy Stormy Daniels pimp lawyer...Michael Avenasty?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.



  4. +1 doio

  5. doio33: As opposed to heat trashy US President who carried on an affair with a porn star while his third wife was pregnant with his fifth child and then paid off that porn star to stay quiet while he ran for office? Such class.

    1. Poor cc423, President Trump is living rent-free in your mind. Guess that's why they call it The Art of the Deal.

    2. So the fact that she brought it up now when this happened 12 years ago is ok? So he cheated, big deal. Trump drives people insane & I love it!!

    3. Yeah it's sooooo much better to get bj's from interns in the Oval Office instead!😂😂😂

    4. Oh, and then to lie to congress about said bj's! That's just pure class all the way!

    5. Yea Americans love reality stars like Trump. Trump is basically hollywood. They just want America to be a tv show ffs. That is why they want to destroy their own country.

  6. OMG @CC423 RELAX. your soapbox is waiting on the next blind which will probably be about Trump. Great guess @doio33, was thinking the same, but was avoiding the people that can't focus on one issue at hand & have to deflect to something else, typical.

  7. Melania should get inspired and kick trump too. Oh wait...she is a gold diggler with no self respect. Lmao

    1. You need to stop worrying about Melania & worry more about getting deported Rafael.

    2. Raphael is a misogynist and a racist

  8. Trump bashers~

    Try reading something else besides the gossip pages to get your "news"

    You might learn something.

    1. The projection is strong in you Trump supporters

    2. Dirt bag Trump. Haters hate this man 4 ever. Hope you enlist or get drafted Kim.

    3. Why would he be drafted? Trump has been the least militarily active president in decades. Your Obama and Hillary as Sec State on the other hand have as much or MORE blood on their hands as George Bush

  9. @brayson87 I figured the Mooch had to fit in here somewhere!

  10. @Kim, they literally can't do that, because the haters draw the line between "real" and "fake" news based on what it says about the president. There's a reason the D in TDS stands for Derangement, not Disapproval.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Thanks Kim, based on many of the commenters here, that needs to be said on here.

  13. @lunch, projection? cc423 flips out because the blind is about stormys trashy lawyer and drags trump in it. who's projecting?

  14. Gotta love it. Out there talking about this one night stand with a trashy porn “star” and he was cheating on his own wife every day. She not only kicked him out, she changed to locks to keep him out as well. Who would give this clown a tv show?

  15. I think it's Rudy - not Avenatti. And if it is Avenatti - then he put his ex wife up to it. I thought their divorce was finalized?

  16. Hey, Rafael, I bet she is way smarter and more accomplished than you. Save your hate for trump if you want but why pick on her?

  17. Feel sorry for disrespected Melania. Divorce will occur soon. Mucho criticism for Megan and well for Trump it's ok to bang porn star.good old boys club keeps on.

    1. In reading your posts over time it is becoming clear that you seem to have a deep seated hate for the Male species. Sorry to disappoint you, but men aren't going to become extinct anytime soon. Two options 1) learn to coexist
      2) Remain a spinster locked in your apt with your hard of cats

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. LOL. I coexist fine with the Male species. Tree hugging liberal. Just callin folks out for their shitty lifestyles.

    4. Are men their own species now? I guess it’s true, women are just more evolved.

    5. Ha! Bleed from an open wound for 5 days and claim to be more evolved.

  18. I'd rather have a woman bangin prez than bath house Barry.

    Besides the women Trump are "associated" with were/are pretty hot, so... Case dismissed.

  19. Of course, Fox News are the people behind the Michael Avenatti smear campaign. Avenatti's spilling truth about Michael Cohen and Trump and all their dirty dealings, so of course they need to dig up some dirt on him and talk to his soon to be ex-wife. Politics 101.

    1. What truth? No dirtier dealings than Hillary but you’re ok with that right?

    2. Hillary is not the President.

  20. Kinda creepy how the Left clings to shit heels like Avenatti. Very telling...

  21. Dear Lord, It happened 12 years ago. It didn't happen to you. He was a private citizen. Get over it. Most importantly, THIS BLIND ISN'T ABOUT HIM! TDS is real and its ugly, bitter and ignorant.

    1. I do declare that Porn stars =whores. And it's ok when their John's are of the orange variety.

  22. I don't "get" Stormy Daniels at all. She looks masculine to me. Why any man would be attracted to a porn star is unfathomable.

    1. Men don't care how women 'look' if it means they can do things to them that their wives/girlfriends won't let them do. Don't ask for a list cos it ain't pretty.

  23. I heard he was dating Don Lemon.


  25. Good God, we have way way to many MAGA here! How about that we leave the politics out of this. I come here for entertaining celebrity banter not for the commentary regurgitated from Shawn Hannity the permanent Trump ball sack licker! Please and Thanks!

    1. Yet you brought it up. It’s Sean by the way; if you’re going to insult him, at least get his name right. You should watch him, you might learn something.

  26. Yeah man! Trump living rent-free in Leftie brains, love it!

  27. Don't bother feeling sorry for Trump OR Melania. He's an idiot and an embarrassment, and she's, well, she's a whore, bought and paid for.

    1. But I’m sure you like the increase in your check thanks to his tax reform. Oh wait, you probably don’t have a job.

  28. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Stormy's lawyer is a pointless fame whore, hypocrite and womanizer trying to use outrageous statements and acts to gain as much free media as possible to boost his public profile to make money or become a politician...... which means he is a good candidate to run for president in 2020.

  29. "Try reading something else besides the gossip pages to get your "news""

    Oh, you mean like the Washington Post whose stories about Trump, the ones he called fake news, have all proven to be correct?

    Like THAT????

    Like all the other news your boy Donny Moscow has labeled fake news...though it's actually all sadly true?

    "Kinda creepy how the Left clings to shit heels like Avenatti."

    At least we didn't elect our shit heel president.

    " He was a private citizen. Get over it. "

    Donny paid her off less than 2 years ago, which is the point. Not keeping up?

    "the haters draw the line between "real" and "fake" news based on what it says about the president."

    Nah, you're not getting off that easily. Did you believe Donny when he said he never met Russian Oligarchs? How about when he admitted he had, but nothing happened? How about when he admitted funds and information were exchanged, but it wasn't important? How about when he said, okay, it was important but he's president and he can do whatever he wants?

    Believe all of that? Cuz it came from the mouth of your Fuhrer.


  30. Washington Post.... tee hee

    Not a real news source.

  31. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Aw C'mon everybody! No one's hands are clean here. They are all guilty of something and yet they divide us up and get us to fight with one another while they both pick our pockets.

    When any of you way, "Well whatabout?...." you are acknowledging that both sides are flawed. Give up the fight already, we are all losing in this one.

  32. isn't stormy's lawyer who Christie Brinkley is dating?

  33. @Cheli

    "No dirtier dealings than Hillary "

    Could you be specific about what dirty dealings that were found in 2+ decades of investigations of Hillary?

    "So the fact that she brought it up now when this happened 12 years ago is ok?"

    The fact is Donny paid her off less than 2 years ago. That is NOT okay. How about all those other women Donny paid off through his lawyer (from the worst law school in the country) Cohen?

    " I’m sure you like the increase in your check thanks to his tax reform"

    While all our tax exemptions vanish? Doesn't make much difference for you and I, dude. Only the very wealthy are benefiting from this tax cut for the rich.

    @Someone Else

    "you are acknowledging that both sides are flawed"

    Sure. No one denies that. But we are being stripped, right this second, of our rights as citizens. Our country is being deliberately weakened with the dismantling of the State Dpt and our treaties so Trump can be richer through his Russian sources. Trump is promising China more jobs at our expense, and making good on it, so his family can open hotels there. Trump just extorted Qatar of billions of dollars so his son-in-law doesn't lose his entire family fortune in some bad real estate investments.

    Are you pleased by any of this???? Did Obama ever do anything of the kind??? What kind of country do you want to live in? Is this it? Where the president is destroying everything he touches (as he has done in business forever) to benefit himself, only?


    YOU are the one calling both sides equally bad. THAT is whataboutism! Do you really think that is true? Really?

  34. @J F

    "you seem to have a deep seated hate for the Male species"

    You talking to me? A male of the species saw fit to marry me. He does not agree.

    "Remain a spinster locked in your apt with your hard of cats"

    What's wrong with being a spinster? Shit, some days that life seems downright wonderful! I know a hell of a lot of happy unmarried women.

    Not a cat person, sorry.

    "Trump has been the least militarily active president in decades"

    What was his excuse again? Bone spurs? Anal warts?

    "Your Obama and Hillary as Sec State on the other hand have as much or MORE blood on their hands as George Bush"

    Recite sheer number then, bucky! Convince me. Don't forget the civilian deaths there. I'll wait.

  35. Anonymous9:22 PM

    @Plot, Thank you for the question. I happen to agree with you and am no fan of Trump. I'm pretty sure this is the worst it has ever been in America, BUT I do not doubt that both sides stand to benefit from time to time and that there are amounts of collusion between parties just like there is between corporations. My point is that most all of us can agree that the little guy gets fucked while the rich get richer. We are being distracted with these back and forth fights while we should be spending time out there doing something about it (says the hypocrite who is typing away on a gossip site instead of heading his own words).

    Right now we are witnessing the biggest cash grab ever seen in modern american history (or so I believe. I'm not that informed.) and we do need to do something, but as long as we keep pointing out our differences with the other guy instead of finding common ground somehow we wont make a lot of progress.

    Anyway. I just prefer when we are all guessing the blinds and making snarky posts.

  36. @Someone Else

    And look where I'm spending my Friday evening! Yeah, not doing much useful. ;)

    There is plenty of discontent for our politicians from the Democratic voters. Every time Chuck Schumer speaks I want to throttle him. The Dems would let a lot of our social programs and national entitlements slip away if we let them....but the thing is, we don't let them. Oh sure, they'd give up supporting schools and national parks if they could, in order to sell them to profitable ventures. But we don't let them.

    The Dems installed the investigative panel, in the Dept of Education, for for-profit colleges and trade schools that brought down a whole bunch of them. Who dismantled that panel this week? The Dems are now actually talking about Medicare for all as an extension of Obamacare. Who made them quit ignoring that possibility? We did...with a little help from Bernie. Which party has consistently backed environmental standards and safe practices? And why? Because we want them to.

    Yes, Democratic politicians are as prone to greed as Republicans. The difference is the voters. Republicans don't seem to ask more from their politicians than to condemn abortion, praise Jesus and signal their racism through a tired old Repub code. That's why I stay a Democrat, even after despising both Clintons (but voting for them), because Democrat voters bitch and Democrat voters investigate and read, and generally a politician has to do more to earn a Democrat's vote.

  37. Avanetti! Gag. He has the most punchable face. So. Punchable.

  38. It disgusts me that it is never brought up that Stormy is a domestic abuser. If she was a man, every story would list him as "Wife beater, Stormy Daniels..." but because a man was the victim, no one cares.

  39. Stormy got hands? Do tell...LOL.

  40. I believe she attacked her husband over a laundry dispute.



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