Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Blind Item #8

The widow is pitching a new documentary. Her last one was rejected. This one she really wants to be a Making A Murderer type documentary which she is slanting heavily to her side of the story. She wants to hire some of the medical professionals from Being Jon Benet to have them tell the version of events she believes to be true.


  1. Isn't 'her version' of events pretty cut-and-dry? Why on earth would she seek deeper scrutiny?

  2. I can't believe in two days Chris Cornell will be gone a whole year. Such talent, such beauty.
    I have loved him since 1991......breaks my heart that he is gone!

    1. I really loved him in 1991 too...but i stopped paying attention when SG broke up...disliked audioslave and then after reading how he switched wives, he lost my interest forever...his death really affected me though...after spending hours and days reading about his life with the widow, that line from NIN sums it up best 'pigs we get, what pigs deserve'...sad but true...


  3. Sick and tired of hearing about this vapid cunt. Will the documentary feature her life as an escort? Will it truthfully portray her mother as a narcissistic demon? WHY is she releasing this article full of garbage days before the anniversary of his death?


  4. Dropping JonBenet will certainly electrify the comment board.

    So Vicky wants to tell her story, which may or may not be, correct but she wants a certain entertainment narrative out there.

    Have I got that right?

  5. George hunter from the detroit news article wrote the original first story of CCs suicide, he also did articles addressing many of the holes in the story...i would tend to say he has his doubts about the widow...read the article

  6. There is a video of all the activity outside Chris's room that night that backs up the official version of his death.

    I don't see any way around that, though I agree it's a weird death.

  7. Good call Kiki, I didn't know the medical examiner ruled it a suicide prematurely or that CC had a head laceration that wasn't in the autopsy report.

  8. There was no head wound. It was a bald patch that looked like an injury because of the red lights on stage. If you look back at other concert footage from days, weeks or even years before it is plainly visible.

    1. There was quite of blood on the floor in the bathroom....hmmmm

  9. Mr Hunter and his wife have just written a book about a murder investigation...

  10. Kikibunny, I love Audioslave and his solo album Euphoria Morning is brilliant.

    Was lucky enough to see him live in small venues - 2x with Soundgarden, 2x with Audioslave and once solo.

    1. So jealous. You were blessed.

    2. I got to see soundgarden twice post audioslave...one show they did 4 th of july my fav...wanted to jump on that tour!!

  11. I can’t wait for the K house of cards to come tumbling down. I really hope once the year Mark hits ppl start speaking up. VK and her mother have gone after CC’s mom and brother and always spin shit as Toni is the fave offspring. For that alone this talentless family who sponged off Chris needs to be exposed for what they are!

  12. fuck that bitch. seriously. suprised the people in power and behind the whole thing are not shutting her down.

  13. Vicky and her mommy need to eat a big bag of dicks while having several seats.

  14. Hey @plot have you seen the video footage?

  15. @Unknown

    Have you?

    1. Oh my. Did you just answer a question with the same question?
      Which chapter of "How to Win Friends and Influence People" was that in ?

    2. i bet @plot also has an unedited version of the zapruder film

      And all the missing surveillance footage from the Pentagon on 9/11

    3. Hey schneiderisnext are u going to change your handle to geffenisnext? Its time!!

    4. I really want to KiKi, but I won't until Schneider's crimes are actually fully exposed to the public.

      Also I think Geffen is a medium fish. He will definitely go down, but only after Singer, Spacey, Collins-rector, Goddard, and his other pedo stable-boys are exposed.

      For now, he's paying everyone's legal bills, NDA's, journalist hush money, etc.

      When one of the little fish flips or spills info, then ol' DreamBoy will finally pay.

    5. They supposedly paid schneider 7 million to go...pretty light punishment if u ask me...hope theres more coming!

  16. a soundgarden/ cornell fan since the 80s... saw them in a tiny club in vancouver when i was 15 ( snuck in under age). they blew my mind. cornell made an impression on me which i have never forgotten nor will i. one in a million talent, rock god.
    as for the widow...please eff off and stop trying to control Cornell's legacy...silly cow needs a slap.
    that is all, y'all.

  17. Soundgarden's lyrics were fucking incredibly mind blowing...coming out of the banal hair band lyric era and hes singing all these environmentally and female friendly lyrics...plus he was so beautiful...i felt very hopeful the world was heading in a very cool direction...i wanted to save the trees and he was singing about it...i was convinced i needed to marry him....haha...i have listened to those cds 1000s of times while driving....SAVE THE FUCKING TREES!!!

  18. No @plot. The video has been referenced many times but no receipts. Do you have receipts?

  19. Why should I have receipts?

    Why do you think the fucking Detroit PD is on the side of this mysterious (alright Geffen, naturally for this crowd) killer of Cornell? How do you think he accessed the room?

    1. Cause you haven’t seen footage!! Pics of the crime scene don’t match that of a suicide...too much blood

  20. @Jen S, this is what the article in The Detroit News says,

    " An emergency technician is heard on medical dispatch audio referencing a gash in Chris Cornell’s head. Also, a written report by the crew from DMCare Express, the ambulance company owned by the Detroit Medical Center, stated: “Laceration to back of skull. Minor bleeding noted upon crew arrival.”

    Nothing in the autopsy report reflects a head wound. "



  21. @Kikibunny agreed, it seems pretty clear Hunter has thoughts about the widow based on his tone in articles relating to Chris's death.
    The more she talks, the bigger the hole she digs for herself. Let her keep going.

  22. I have said this before, but I saw Soundgarden at the end of April last year, he sounded amazing, he had a great time on the stage, I still have the videos and watched them recently. His voice was on point and he looked great. It was the 1st time I had been able to see him live, and it was great, I had my son, and husband, and grandkids with
    Saw Chester on the same stage several years before singing for STP.
    I really do hope that something really comes to light on this and it can be fully resolved.

  23. She's holding a memorial on May 18th at Hollywood Forever Cemetery at 7 PM.


    1. Fuck this memorial, if one is a real chris cornell fan you'll not be attending that bullshit memorial from icky vicky. She will probably be with her good friend Linda Ramone, another disgusting human being.

  24. all over the radio with anniversary of his death upcoming. she's attacking the medical examiner and subsequent investigation . I heard an interview with M.E and he was scathing in his reply to her. she comes off crazed and completely unfounded
