Friday, May 11, 2018

Blind Item #8

So, it appears that ending the feud was all for show and an attempt to create a buzz for this network show that is not up to the standards it used to be. Plus, the highest paid part of the show wants to come back so figured her stunt might help, especially if the former enemy appears on the show.


  1. I thought that they had already resigned Perry for the next season?

  2. Anonymous8:47 AM

    +1. Playing nice to Swifty

  3. Man that show needs TO Go!

    1. Swift and Perry need to go!!

      But then enty would only be able to come up with 7 blinds a day with half being Instagram models


  4. They did but the ratings stink Nemo so they probably want bigger stars paying them a visit.

  5. Tata has a tour to promote, her career isn't tanking exactly but for a keen businesswoman she'll be worried about ticket sales. Katy is done, she's a year away from a Vegas residency and her own reality show. Also how in the fuck did that pile of shit get renewed?

  6. I’m still confused as to why Katy is earning the most out of them all... I’m confused as to why the show is even bacon smh waste of money. Fox should’ve used that budget for Brooklyn Nine Nine

  7. They should try dating, they have a lot in common.

  8. It's on ABC not FOX, but for sure I don't blame you for not realizing, no ones watching. I'm thinking Katy's been blowing one of the ABC execs. Yeah she's hit the wall but her tits are still spectacular. If you close your eyes you could still imagine she's the young version.

  9. Wait, Bad Blood wasn't about an STI test? Totally misinterpreted that song.

    1. Omg 😂😂🤘🤘🤘

  10. Are we sure on this, I mean,

    "I was thinking that you could be trusted
    Did you have to ruin what was shining now it's all rusted"

  11. Honestly I thought Bad Blood was Tata singing about her period, and having period scissoring sex with her girlfriend coz they were in synch and that's a thing with lesbians. Anyway that's what I think about when I hear it.

  12. I dont think that enough people really care about this "feud" to then tune in to american idol nor will taylor appear on it.. so BS blind that anyone could suck out of their fingers. It's nice tho that the blinds that are BS are so easy to spot, makes it easier to know which ones to take seriously.

  13. The show that Enty keeps telling us will not be renewed but was just renewed.

  14. Yep, that very same Enty. The Enty who has buddies named Himmmm who said Don Henley and people associated (Geffen etc) were going to be exposed and ruined in May when the scope of the 81 rape went public...
    19 days left in May...
    Guess we are about to see once and for all if the Himmmms (and indeed this site) have any credibility whatsoever....
    Tick, tick, tick, tick....

  15. Actually I was wondering where her boobs went when I saw her Met Gala dress so I'm not so sure they're still in their full glory.

  16. If I didnt already loathe Katy Perry for the pope meet and greet while she kicks nuns of their land,...

    If I didn't already loathe Katy Perry for stealing her Met Gala look from the most fabulous Angle at the 2011 West Hollywood Halloween Parade,

    If I didn't already loathe Katy Perry for being such a regina george all the time anyway

    I would MF LOATHE Katy Perry for this stunt. I don't stan Taylor (although at one point I did think she was great role model for young girls), but I sure hope she has known all along what Perry is up to.

  17. angel. not "angle"... sigh...

  18. Agreed, they cut Brooklyn nine nine but keep that rubbish on tv?

    "Katy is done, she's a year away from a Vegas residency and her own reality show. Also how in the fuck did that pile of shit get renewed?" - hahahah amazing

  19. What's up with Luke Bryan constantly talking about Katy Perry??? He referred to her as his "little sister"...he had a little warning for Orlando Bloom too. What's going on??
