Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Blind Item #8

With people scouring for clues about actors and celebrities and their past behavior, this A+ list host/mogul is worried about a particular story coming to light. It concerns how he got his start in Hollywood. Well, it all goes back to then this former dancer/host rejected the advances of a closeted A++ lister. That closeted legend who owned a lot of shows and made his biggest money in a certain format found a willing partner in our A+ lister. It is no coincidence that the first several opportunities given to the future A+ lister on television were all something the A++ lister specialized in. All of the producers had worked for the A++ lister before and he called them up. The rest is history. Our current A+ lister just doesn't want to get into that history and prefers a much more sanitized version.


  1. Sea crest/Meev Griffin

    1. *Merv
      The dancer/host-Denny Terrio lol?
      Dance Fever forever

    2. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Tricia are you Vip Blonde?

    3. Hey Laura -no I’m
      Not-... much quicker than me and added great links and GIFs etc(I’m a tech disaster in truth:(

    4. Hey Trish! Welcome back, we missed you!

    5. Thank you Ally!💃🏼

    6. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Welcome back Trish. We do love you here ;)

    7. Thanks Laura Ramona 🙏🏻

  2. Typo? You mean Perv Griffin?

    1. Why is he a perv? Because he was closeted and had sex with men? Pretty common for men of his generation.

    2. Were all the men willing? Never any coercion?
      Probably not the level of Harvey
      Or Geffen

  3. Ryan Seacrest and Merv Griffin

  4. Oh,Tricia,I thought I could be first.😉

    1. 👍you still can guesser with that dancer /host part- (if Denny Terrio randomguess I’ll cry laughing)

  5. Why is this a blind?

    The Ryan Seacrest/Merv Griffin story has been around for years.

    1. Also, Enty has said that Merv was kind of a godfather to get men in Hollywood, trying to help them in their careers and that Ryan Seacrest had taken on that role. Be consistent, Enterns!

    2. I meant "gay men in Hollywood."

  6. What’s Merv’s story? What are some stories about him?

    1. @totaji

      Ryan Seacrest was Merv's "pool boy" or "houseguest" when he first started out.

  7. Enty is rehashing BI's I see. This was from about 4-5 years back.

    1. @MontanaMarriott

      Yes. Enty even recycled a Chris Brown blind word for word a few days ago.

      A lot of people have noticed old blinds & blinds taken from other gossip sites. However it is possible Enty & the other sites got the same info independently.

      I am not complaining. I notice sometimes an obvious blind is posted for particular reasons.

  8. Anonymous9:00 AM

    totally not related but...


  9. Seacrest about Merv - "When 'Idol' was No. 1 in prime time, what happened is that I dug in deeper to use the access in the business"

    immature joke, yes. but someone has to take the Count's place while they are "missing"

  10. I think this is for the newcomers,and because the #me too movement might make the whole story come out,maybe Danny trying to get some $out of retelling his story.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I forgot about Deney Terrio. I remember him really from someone else who used to say his name randomly as a joke-forget who. But looking at the old videos of him accusing Merv and how it was handled compared to what's happening now, is interesting.

  13. I was thinking Deney too, but he was a bit before Seacrest's time. He sued Griffin in 1991, 4 years before Seacrest's first TV job.

  14. Seacrest is starting to look like Rachel Maddow back in the day. Which is funny because Maddow is getting prettier and becoming more successful every day, like they're swapping juice ;)

    1. Probably all of the Peter Thiel "Red Herring" brand orphan blood.
      He's a good actor.
      Pierre Omidyar is not acting.
      Let's so some Glenn Greenwald gay Brazilian sex tourism blinds!

  15. I don't mind the rehashed blinds. I have only been reading since last summer and I am shocked all the time by blinds while old-timers say "everyone knew that already". I haven't figured out why I read this site yet, but I know it has to do with the community. I don't watch tv, or read magazines, or listen to pop/rap/r&b, or do social media, or care about celebrities lives. I dunno. But the comments are hilarious and wow, personalities really come through in one pithy (or pissy) comment at a time. 😂

  16. This isn't even close to being a BI or recent news about to come out.

    1. Look geeljire always needs to post and post too much!
      He takes all of Sandy's platform and makes Sandy mad!
      It could all be sooooo simple,
      But you had to make it haaaaard

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I wonder if he will pay it forward in the same way to give us the host for the next generation. Forget Ancestry.com, someone needs to create a site for all the Hollywood “family” trees. Oh, the possibilities....

    1. In Greek mythology, the Titanomachy (/ˌtaɪtəˈnɒməki/ Greek: Τιτανομαχία Titanomakhia, “Titan battle”) was a ten-year[1] series of battles fought in Thessaly, consisting of most of the Titans (an older generation of gods, based on Mount Othrys) fighting against the Olympians (the younger generations, who would come to reign on Mount Olympus) and their allies. This event is also known as the War of the Titans, Battle of the Titans, Battle of the Gods, or just the Titan War. The war was fought to decide which generation of gods would have dominion over the universe; it ended in victory for the Olympian gods.

    2. Dark Sun is played on the fictional planet Athas. Novels and source books largely take place in Tyr Region though other areas are described for a play such as the Ringing Mountains and the Jagged Cliffs. The game likely takes place on a single continent, but the exact landmass configuration of the planet or the existence of other continents is unknown.

      Athas has a single, crimson sun and two moons named Ral and Guthay.

      Dark Sun features a number of important distinguishing features that differentiate it from other Dungeons and Dragons campaign settings. The brutal climate and the oppressive rule of the sorcerer-kings have created a corrupt, blood thirsty, and desperate culture that leaves little room for chivalric virtues common to fantasy settings (hence why paladins are excluded from the setting).[10]:5 Slavery is wide spread, the people are violent, and monsters roam the wastes beyond the safe havens of the city-states and villages.[10]:4 Arcane magic draws its power from the life force of plants or living creatures with the potential to cause tremendous harm to the environment. As a result, wizards and other arcane casters are despised and must practice in secret. Psionics are extremely common with nearly every living thing having at least a modicum of psionic ability. Due to a scarcity of metal, weapons and armor are made from natural materials such as bone, stone, wood, carapace or obsidian.[10]:119–120

      Athas has no deities and no formal religions other than the false cults created by the sorcerer-kings.

  19. Are we sure it’s Seacrest and not Simon Cowell?

  20. Fuck off and rest up your damaged brain you stupid fucking piece of shit.

    1. Tourette Syndrome is no laughing matter

  21. He's a perv because he's a perv

  22. Oldie but a goodie.

  23. Yes, gay joos dominate Pedo-wood. Always will.

    1. Arnon Milchan is the regent you speak the truth sir

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. welcome back Trisha... whew! i thought you left us :)

    1. Hell noooo!
      Just vegging and what not (long holiday weekend where I am 💃🏼)

  25. I do not understand why that dumbass has such a hardon for Sandybrook.

  26. When I was very young, maybe ten or so, and still thought the world was a kind and just place, one of the first shocking things I remember hearing about was my shaken father telling my shocked mother that Merv Griffin had an illicit passion for teen boys.

  27. This one is easy Merv Griffin and Ryan Seacrest. I still believe this whole sexual harassment story is BS to make Seacrest appear straight. I don't understand why Seacrest is in the closet? He is a HOST he is not an actor. I don't think audiences care if a gay host sucks cock?

  28. isn't this Seacrest and Dick Clark?
