Monday, May 07, 2018

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind

It was a Tuesday in November 1999, and 2 girlfriends and I decided after dinner that we’d check out famous London nightclub, which was just around the corner of the restaurant. We had just had dinner sitting next to this former married couple consisting of two singers from to countries, one of whom has had a long lasting career and some other people who were talking loudly about going there afterwards. Tuesdays weren’t really famous London nightclub nights, but then we saw dozens of photographers, big Bentleys and stretch limos while we walked by, so we decided to see what was going on. The bouncer, who knew us, smiled at us and said ‘sorry girls, not tonight, it’s a private party’, and turned to some insanely dressed-up guests, checking his list.

We weren’t going to let that stop us so we walked to the corner to have a mini meeting, away from watchful eyes, and hatch a plan on how to crash this probably awesome party.

We knew that famous London nightclub was connected through an underground corridor to the tacky tourist bar on the corner, the corridor led people outside, in case of a fire or other emergencies.
The door that connected the corridor to the famous London nightclub, opened straight into the VIP section (because VIPs shouldn’t burn to death, like the non VIPs) but usually that door was guarded by a bouncer. We decided we’d try anyway, walked into the tacky bar, straight through a door that said ‘no entry, staff only’, down the stairs, running along the corridor, and there was the door. No bouncer. We opened the door and quickly fanned out, like planned, into 3 different directions. We could have not bothered since there was no bouncer on the inside either.

After a few minutes, adrenaline pumping, we found each other again, delirious and excited. It was (permanent A+ list singer’s) party! She was sitting at the most centrally located, most visible table in the club, wearing a black tank top, showing off her muscular arms, and was the only woman at her table. Everyone else were older men in suits. They did not look very ‘clubby’. We also saw why we lucked out with the no-bouncer situation: Neatly arranged like toy soldiers, standing around her table, were 5 or 6 bouncers, wearing sunglasses and earpieces and looking like Men in Black. Ok.

We needed some drinks in us stat, so headed to the bar, where (foreign born A/A- list mostly movie actor) was buying. He saw us trying pathetically to get the attention of the barman, gave us one of his movie star smiles and screamed ‘you girls like absinthe?’ So we all had 2 shots of absinthe each with him and a horde of other moochers, then continued our squeeze through the packed club.
When we got to the Moroccan room - where you lounged on giant pillows, while listening to loud middle eastern beats - we saw (permanent A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee but doesn't act much any longer) holding court on several piled-up pillows, surrounded by minions who were laughing and clapping like trained seals. That room is kinda small and stuffy, but she made damn sure she stood out: arms flailing, hair flying, everybody had to look at her.

We decided to head back to the VIP, but on the way we stopped at the ladies’ room, where (foreign born permanent A list model), was chain smoking in a corner with (an ex of the actor mentioned above). There was a long queue and 3 of us, so it took us a good 15-20 minutes to do our business, and I think the model did not stop smoking that entire time.

Back in the VIP, we decided we had had enough excitement, so we entered one of the VIP ‘cabins’. The VIP had a section of 2 circular cabin-like structures, where you lounged on large comfortable round benches and a door that you could close for privacy. The walls of these cabins where made of carved wooden panels, with mosaic holes, so you could still get all the atmosphere from the club.

We timidly opened one door, peaked inside and asked whether there was room, and (foreign born one named singer who is basically living off one monster album) yelled ‘come in girls, there’s always room’. He offered us coke which we politely declined, and drinks which we gratefully accepted. Sensing that we weren’t some desperate coke whores, he left after 3 minutes, but not before proudly declaring that we were free to finish his champagne. So there we were, just the 3 of us.
Just when we decided that we could not sit in there any longer, like 3 losers, no matter how much damage the absinthe had done to our cognitive skills, the door opened and in fall (former A list singer turned tabloid fodder turned frequent reality judge and former A- list mostly movie actress turned oft failed television actress all of you know) with 2 other people. They graciously introduced themselves, and small talked with us for a while while the former singer and one of his friends skillfully rolled some joints. Then we all smoked and laughed and chatted, until the actress announced she had to vomit. Fortunately she made it out and we did not see her again. Nobody seemed to care, or maybe they were just too stoned.

I went back to the bathroom by myself and stood in line behind (former A list singer/possible murder suspect) - no pun intended. (The model) was still standing in a corner smoking, this time with (permanent A list model who always is mysteriously injured with any boyfriend she dates).
(That permanent A+ list singer from above) was still sitting in her spot, surrounded by the lawyer-looking men, and the dance floor now belonged to some other goddesses I did not recognize, Barely standing up, not far from them, was foreign born former A lister in a band that sadly doesn't exist any longer, looking absolutely miserable, lighting a cigarette with the butt of the last cigarette he had just finished smoking.

I went back to the VIP ‘cabin’, smoked another joint with (the former singer turned reality judge), while my friend was asking about him after parties. We did go to an after party with him that night, but that’s another story. 


  1. Ex couple Gavin/Gwen
    Madonnas Party ?
    Angie Jokie for the

    1. Jolie *\the actress
      Actor-Colin Farrel
      Courtney Love/Kate Moss

    2. Seal the guy with monster album/come and enable singer/reality judge /actress?-

    3. One of The Gallagher’s for the last dude-Liam probably

    4. @Tricia13

      I see, but if the woman with the muscular arms is the one being celebrated then this is not her party because she was born in August. This party is November 1999. If she was throwing the party for someone else then I agree with your guess.

    5. Trcia, Colin Farrell has been sober for years. Not a drop. I think this is Depp.

    6. T.W., I thought the same about Madonna's August birthday, but it doesn't say here that it's a birthday party. Just "her party."

    7. @hot got this is back in ‘99- he has been sober for years but at that point... not so sure. He was voracious as well.Depp was born in Kentucky

  2. Courtney Love is definitely the singer/murder suspect. Madonna was the singer surrounded by the "Men in Black." Kate Moss is one of the models. Not sure about the others.

    1. Naomi Campbell is the one with the injuries (they were BFFs then as well)

  3. Tina Turner for the perm A list singer with birthday

    1. @zee nyc

      I think you got it. Tina Turner was born in November & she has great muscle tone.

    2. I can't see her sitting alone at a table surrounded by body guards. That's got Madge written all over it.

  4. "In 2000 the album was released as a limited edition special pack with a bonus disc including live recordings from Turner's 60th birthday celebration in London in November 1999"

  5. So is Ent Lawyer a girl?

  6. It's a reader blind.

  7. good idea though!

  8. Madonna, Kate Moss, Depp... need to re-read for the rest...

  9. Yeah Courtney is def the possible murderer.

  10. Awesome reader blind, btw.

  11. "Wooo!I went to a party and hung out with some famous people. They were all quite nice."

    Thats two minutes I won't get back.

    1. Guess who there are then!

    2. Now we know why you're lonely.

  12. Gosh, that Prince song Party like its 1999, was so prophetic. People really used to have fun and be glam. This current crop is so bland.

  13. Hate these stupid fake reader blinds..ugh

  14. Gaoucho is the fancy nightclub

  15. Farrell wasn't sober in 1999.

  16. Summary:

    McMooch and her accomplices, Trick & Treat, discover their next big score at a club closed for a private celebrity party. Undeterred, their mouths water. Using a Goodfellas type entrance they trespass into the club, surprised the host has so many bouncers for a building they just broke into. Scouting the crowd they see their first mark at the bar. Easy meat. Sensing danger, the actor orders a bitter brew, but it's sweet soma to these witches. Doubling down shots they abandon him to scavengers. They prowl the club, retreating to pisser where they stare at model who refuses to give them cigarettes. Moving on they corner a champagne laden singer in a VIP room. Sensing their avarice for free booze, he quickly slides out of the room pleading with them to stay. McMooch and Trick & Treat drink everything when more victims stumble into the room. Game on. A singer and an actress, realizing they're trapped in a moochers' lair, placate them with free weed. Actress fakes illness, flees. McMooch tries again to stare a cigarette out of model in pisser, no luck. McMooch returns to VIP room where Trick is pressuring singer into taking them to an after party. The night is young and there is still more to mooch. The End.

  17. At least do the coke with the celeb in your anon internet story, god, yer so boring

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I love the Reader Blinds yet wish they were kept to at most 2 paragraphs. Anything more than that becomes a one-sided conversation, which is truly awful in person and only slightly less awful in this format.

  20. I think the club is The Buddha Bar. Was huge in the 90's!

  21. Many options for club but I think It maybe Heaven.
    Not sure it still exists-was at it in ‘96 and it was the spot to be at. Definitely fits the description of neighborhood if memory serves

    1. Also was a gay nightclub/marketed heavily so -if Madonna is the host that would be right up her alley I think?

    2. Heaven is filthy not a luxury celeb club at all

    3. What part of a decade and a half ago did you miss?
      It most certainly was in 1998 luv

  22. Actually Tricia I think you're right. You can get to heaven from another bar. I've done this myself, many years ago!

    1. Man that place was /is awesome!
      Fun times :))

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Colin Farrell wasn't near famous enough back in '99 to be partying with celebs at this level. Was just starting his acting career in the UK.

  25. I don't know about Jolie. She would have been my first guess, but I ran across her about the same time and she seemed like more of a wallflower. Of course she was on the needle around there, so maybe her mood could vary.

  26. Could it be Goop instead?

    1. Angie was married to Johnny Lee Miller from 96-99... and they there PT(his native country/city)

  27. @ Natalie Fike, Enty (or Enties) has asked we stop guessing who they are etc for their safety sake etc.

  28. The Club is most definitely China White.
    I think Madonna, and the primrose Hill set, Kate Moss, Jude Law for the movie star drinks buyer, Sadie Frost his ex, one or two Gallaghers are in there somewhere. But that's just because you got them all, once you got one of them. They used to travel in a pack back then.
    Actress I think is probably Goop rather than Jolie. She used to live in London and was tight with Madonna.
    The foreign born monster hit album coke guy is, I think, Jamiroquai. He used to party a lot at that time. Met him a few times, tiny little man with a huge Napoleon complex.
    Not sure about the rest.

    1. LOL. You made me Google Jay Kay’s height.

      He’s still taller than Macron, tho.

      Who’s still taller than Putin...

  29. God, I really just came here to say how much I miss 1999.

    Definitely Naomi Campbell in that mix.

    Madonna released the Video Collection around Nov 1999, so I can see that being a good fit. Plus the body guard situation fits... she's notorious for being surrounded all the time, especially back then.

  30. Heaven nightclub at Charing Cross?? Hahaha. It was a dirty nightclub. Full of pills and spliff. Celebrities wouldn't have gone there. You must be mistaken, luv..

    1. I was there withJanet Mcteer Who was one of my instructors at the RNT.... she has become known I. The states as of the last 15 years because of her exceptional work ,but on London at the time-she was very much known and appreciated... and we were amongst some well
      Known people.... but I digress. If you think it’s the only club known for spliff and pills and all else there in the 90s- you must be mistaken,luv.
