Monday, May 07, 2018

Blind Item #7

A certain bodyguard told a family member the truth about the paternity of a recent celebrity offspring. The thing is, the rest of the celebrity's family is clueless because the celebrity hasn't figured out how to tell them who the real father is.


  1. Kylie Jenner. Baby Daddy being her bodyguard

  2. Don't believe this. Not that Kylie was whoring it up but that she'd be too ashamed to tell the rest of he family of whores that she's a whore.

    1. Good point. Maybe they are concerned about our whoring each other? There have been other blinds saying that Kim is jealous of all the attention (read: $$$$) that Kylie is getting.)

    2. *out whoring, not our whoring. Damn phone.

    3. I agree but maybe her not wanting to reveal the father has something to do with who the father is. Like maybe its Tyga or one of her half-brothers.

  3. Oh, FFS, only one person is going to care who that baby's daddy is - and that's the CHILD... when she gets old enough to realize she doesn't look like her five+ other siblings, but DOES look like Mommy's old bodyguard. But she'll have Aunt Khloe's should to cry on so ItsAllGood. In the meantime, Kylie and TMZ will make bank on this for about 15 years.

  4. @Vessimede - unless it's someone that they all hate. I don't keep up with the K-trash (see what I did there? haha), but I wonder if the babby daddy is competition or one of their boyfriends.

  5. Remember when a blind was a blind, and not a "cryptic" rehash of the day's celeb news? Sigh.

  6. I’d hardly call Harry a recent offspring.

  7. REALLY? So this is actually true? Now I'm lost. What about the blind last year about the father possibly being one of the wealthy men she yachted for? 😕

  8. but come on, the bodyguard looks quite yummy, especially compared to the 'boys" she dates.. uggg. I hate this family. I hate that I know this by just looking at the headlines of a story.

  9. You guys really made a blind item out of a Twitter conspiracy. Even you had to laugh while writing this lie, Enty.

  10. Hopefully this is about Kylie and that hot Bodyguard

  11. The baby DOES look like him.

  12. Another blind stolen out of the Daily Mail. Kylie's Korean bodyguard is cute, but doesn't appear to be her type at all. Also, the "evidence" given for the bodyguard being the father could also apply to Tyga, who is part Vietnamese. If there is a real "whose's the daddy" question, I'd put my money on it being him.

  13. The kid looks everything like the bodyguard and nothing like the suggested baby daddy including Tyga. Another nail in the Kardashian coffin.

  14. Its cant be Kylie. The baby has black hair. Impossible if the baby is asian.

    1. Uh natalie you need to get out more often my hair was curly at birth. my cousins and I have Pacific islander hair which is thick and coarse. It would relax and then went crazy from 30 on. That BG is really handsome and kudos to Kylie for the upgrade! Where is Maury when you need him?,?

  15. I'm hoping for the bodyguard/cop. It least he's got a good job and seems stable.

  16. This is one episode of Maury I would totally watch.

  17. Anonymous9:28 AM

    A blind based off a twitter meme....nice.

  18. She had a Tyga in her tank

  19. Calling BS on this because you guys made a blind item implying Tyga was the father a few months ago. So what is the truth?

  20. I’d pick that beautiful bodyguard for my baby daddy over Tyga or Travis, every day of the week and twice on Sunday’s.

  21. Kylie. That bodyguard is HOT.

  22. Iyanna Thomas I agree. Is anything true on here? And how does Ent Lawyer get anything done in life because he is posting on here 24/7.

  23. All I know for sure is her baby is super cute so I can't imagine Tyga being the father.

  24. khloe's dad is kris's old bodyguard Alex Roldan

  25. Spitting image.. Instagram floated this not-so-blind item a few days ago.

  26. After the birth there was a blind about Kris paying off tyga in order to give up hid rights to the child.

  27. Travis's mom is demanding a paternity test.

  28. Paternity test all your children. If you don't think this kind of stuff happens all the time then you're fooling yourself.

  29. Another no brainer it's everywhere. Someone posted his portfolio pictures from the past.

  30. Also it's all over the tabloids, I'm sure Kris knew.

  31. It’s one of the Kardashian whores ——- it could be Khloe or Kylie
    Khole had a surrogate, but Kylie was actually pregnant and had a baby..
    Who knows because they were trained by their mother to be who they are..
    They are a family of plastic surgery and whoring.

  32. The bodyguard was good looking. It kind of makes me sad that someone who is naturally attractive would get with someone so pumped full of plastic and fillers. Really the fact that a plain girl can turn herself into a bulbous silicon mess and a naturally good looking guy will jump into bed with her? Bareback with a skank like that? Truly disappointing.

  33. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Some of these blinds are getting transparently phony.
    It makes me wonder if this blog is just paid PR.

  34. Probably already been discussed on this site, but I saw a photo of Kylie and it looked like she'd gotten ass implants. Why? WHY??? Just when you think they can't sink any lower, another K-Spawn has a baby with a cheater, gets their lips or ass over-inflated, or flashes "art" photos of her airbrushed cooch.

  35. Hasn't it always been stated that she has been in a relationship with previous bodyguards? Cause I think she lost her virginity to one, but its been so long ago. She needs to just it becuz what happened aint all that bad cuz let us not forget what Kim did with Ray J

    BTW that bodyguard is cute

  36. Ok I looked up the bodyguard....holy hell that guy is hot. Maybe she just wanted to be a mom and he was the perfect donor.

  37. That baby is not half Korean. That baby is at the very least a quarter Black. This is just Twitter nonsense. If she was smart, she would have gone for the bodyguard but Kylie is not smart. That's Travis' kid.

  38. Just here to correct a sentence....

    The thing is, the rest of the celebrity's family is clueless because the celebrity hasn't figured out how to tell them who the real father is.

    Should read celebrity's family ARE clueless....
    I can't help it enty, sorry 😉
