Friday, May 04, 2018

Blind Item #7

If it seems someone from this reality family is on a certain talk show almost every day it is because the married host has a crazy crush on one of the family members and thinks a hookup is possible.


  1. Kris Jenner and someone?

    1. Isn’t she on Ellen a lot-Ellen and Kendall lol

  2. Ellen and Kendall or Kendull or w/e her name is

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Talk show being Ellen

  5. Wasn't Kim on Ellen's show just this week or last?

  6. Ellen has a KRUSH on someone from her favorite pay check...I mean family. How much more unbearable can Ellen and the PMK clan get? Who is the family member she is crushing on? My guess is Kendall or Kourntey (even though PMK is the closest to her age)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Oh no.. No no no lol. Ellen and Kendul??

  9. Ellen only goes for skinny blondes. Look at her production staff, all white, all skinny, mostly blonde. She got herself a harem. Could you imagine if a male celebrity was to pull this shit? So definitely Kendall as she's a dyke and under all the bronze make up she's a basic bitch white girl.

    1. “Could you imagine if a male celebrity was to pull this shit?”
      Yes, I can because they do it all the time.

    2. Famous men date younger women publicly, in what world do you live?

  10. Hey ellen! just pay the regular fee to PMK and you could probably snack on kendall's box to your hearts content. Throw in a 'holiday' to dubai/yacht excursion and you are set.

    1. This is about Kendall, not hailey Baldwin!

  11. @laura ramona

    If Enty mentions a reality family it's ALWAYS the Kardashian whores. If he mentions a married day time talk show host it's ALWAYS Ellen. Kendall is the lesbian in the closet (though any of them would literally fuck a horse if you paid them enough). Maybe the easiest bl in weeks.

  12. It used to be that only men could bang a girl 1/3 their age. Ellen is a true trailblazer.

  13. @longtimereader

    Ellen is notoriously cheap. 'Crazy crush' is code for 'wanting a freebie".

  14. @Brayson87, Somehow, the wiki page doesn't list PMK, but she seems to be appearing on DailyMaid.

  15. Kendall will come out once PMK figures out a way to monetize it.

  16. @Little Miss, good point!

    I don't even know why I bothered giving Ellen the benefit of the doubt.

  17. I just finished reading the DM article about Kris appearing on Ellen to talk about the "cheating scandal" before heading over here. OH, Ellen...WTF?

  18. this boring-ass family needs to disappear already. And ellen needs to stop having them on. Nobody cares if Kim got more ass implants or another surgery to make her face look less like it once did. She's a 5 IQ one-trick of taking nude pics on instagram. Same with nobody cares about kylie getting knocked up by some rapper because she doesnt know what a condom is.

    1. Thanks for making me laugh, this is really all about this family lol But unfortunately this is possible, this family will be famous forever ... Maybe the fame will end with Kendall and Kylie because I do not think the children generated will be very famous?

  19. Kendull gets a lot of hate but she seems to have a little more standards than her sisters. I don't see her going near Ellen's old cooch, even if her pimpy ol' mama encourage it.

  20. @AkhaldanSolo comment was great. Sorry the Ellen as Mockingbird tool post disappeared, because it's totally true.

    From Jesus Campos to the Florida kids to the darker elements of the gay community, Ellen Degeneres is part of "sinister forces" referred to by Peter Levenda and others, pushing a degenerate agenda into society.

    She's a hypocrite and a fraud and I agree she needs to be called on it. She's a horrible influence on American society.

  21. Ellen Degenerates aka Smellin DeGenitals is MOST DEFINITELY a product of OperationMockingbird.

    If anyone thinks Operation Mockingbird et al. ever truly ended, they are woefully naive.

  22. BTW, there were 2 comments delated above (1 from "anonanon" and 1 from Brayson) so not sure what was stated with regards to her oh so obviously being an Operation Mockingbird asset, but here's yesterday's blind item about her as well. I called it Mockingturd there though :-)

  23. Well, of course there's a reason it's called television "programming". I agree with you 💯. They use emltionem appeal constantly in media to a sickening extent and then logic is thrown out the window.

  24. EVERYTHING @AkhaldanSolo is spot on.

  25. Wasn't me, I gave up trying to enlighten the masses a long time ago ;)

  26. @Akhal...: Spot. On.
    I recall Joan Rivers telling the story of her first Las Vegas show. She was having such a good time, audience too. So, she thought she'd remain on stage for an additional (15' ??? or so). The big casino boss called her into his office toot sweet. He explained to her "..Do you realize how much $$ you just cost me by remaining on stage for the extra minutes?!?!" Apparently, went on to explain exactly how much money each minute he then lost by her remaining on stage because the audience wasn't spending the money in the casino. In other words, they weren't spending money in the casino. She said he raked her over the coals so badly she, of course, never did it again anywhere. Said she was scared shitless by him.
    Summing up: Entertainment is to account for every SECOND....

  27. Wtf??????????
    Ellen, are you okay? Have you had your eyes checked?
    I know Ellen has a bad rep but even she don't deserve to be involved with a Kartrashian.

  28. Ellen is one annoying little dude

  29. Ellen Degenerate is a disgusting individual.

  30. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Ellen is manipulative. All talk shows are. I can't even watch Kimmel; I used to, when I worked nights, but I am an empath who picks up body language a lot. His show is full of NLP, subliminal sales, hand signals, body cues, etc; it was very taxing on my already-tired brain.

  31. +1 to @AkhaldanSolo and @I live vicariously through everyone here.

  32. Lol pathological adoration of animals over humans. Yeah. Because humans are awful.

  33. Stop those crazy comments. You just realized that homosexuals are equal to heteros, yes there are homosexuals who are a trash of person zzZ

  34. Ellen basically stalks The Kardashians and Jenners on instagram. She likes them tall and skinny and that is exactly what Kendall is. The only one without a fake silicone but.



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