Monday, May 28, 2018

Blind Item #7

This permanent A/A- list musician who is that high because of the name recognition is known for being an a-hole. Oh, and a bigger one when drunk. He recently trashed a hotel room when his girlfriend wouldn't let him into her bedroom. Apparently they always get separate rooms in hotels. Sounds like love.


  1. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Lenny Kravitz?

  2. Tommy Lee's getting married..again. So he's in the tabloid headlines. Maybe him?

  3. Possibly fortuitous timing on the Tommy Lee/Brittany Furlan guess earlier ??? ... she had some skin pics and video leak this weekend....

  4. Axl Rose is an EXCELLENT guess.

  5. @Lonely Bastard but aging rock stars doing it still is sort of.....

  6. It's all they know. If an old dog shits on the kitchen floor because he couldn't hold on to get out back, you tend to give it a pass. Maybe Axl/Tommy's back legs will go soon and it 'of to the farm' with them by way of the vet.

  7. I don't think it's Axl or any singer.
    This is a "musician". With a recognizable name.

    Are Eddie Van Halen or Slash known as assholes? Dave Navarro?

  8. While Slash has a girlfriend, he doesn't drink, and I'm pretty sure EVH is sober too (and he's married, so no). Axl hasn't had a public girlfriend since Stephanie Seymour in the early 90s. Best guess is Tommy Lee, I think.

  9. I always loved johnny rotten's line about rocks stars who trash hotel room's as being dickheads because someone's mother on min. wage would have to clean up their mess in the morning.

  10. Anonymous6:59 PM

    With a mean drunk, separate rooms is good. Personally, I found that separate lives was the best solution.
