Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Blind Item #7

She has a hit show on her hands, but this former news person/host caused a lot of headaches with the amount of drinking she was doing and the amount of takes everything took to get finished. The producers finally discovered they needed to have everything wrapped up noon each day to have no issues.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Gretchen Carlson?

  3. I'm going to say Elizabeth Vargas on this one.

  4. I thought maybe Tami Lohren(deleted it) because I thought it’s an actress on a Show but maybe it is?

  5. HE peanut gallery, good guess,she has a new documentary show starting.

  6. Anonymous8:58 AM

    my first thought was tonya lasanga too.

  7. NE peanut gallery,autocorrect stop it!

  8. What show does Tomi have?

  9. Definitely not Gretchen Carlson. Her show is no hit and she's done with Today long before noon simply by job description.

    I've paid almost zero attention to Tomi Longren or whoever this is. She's so obviously a conservative media construct you can write her off from day one. The fact she's drinking so hard and self-destructing even as her fame apparently blossoms ever further outward, suggests guilt or self-hatred.

    Wonder why? Wonder what she had to do to get where she is? Was she hired while Ailes was still at Fox News? Did she get a big break through Bill O'Reilly? I know nothing about her.

  10. Just not sure one could claim Tomi has a hit anything. Until today, I doubt she is all that well known. Nothing says success like having a drink thrown at you!

  11. Something in Tomi Lahren's eyes and conversational, or social skills, is definitely off. I've seen accusations of coke use, too, so maybe she does both.

  12. soledad obrien has that show Matter of Fact, the no. 1-Rated Syndicated Political TV Show in the USA

    She is such a goody two shoes, though, but often those are the ones with the worst secret habits.

  13. I agree with the Vargas guess. She has that Casey Anthony thing and she is a known drinker from the past. Just don’t think Tomi has anything that’s a hit at this point.

  14. Anonymous9:17 AM

    yeah, tomi doesnt which is why she doesnt fit lol

  15. As a girl who basically shares the first name of the wretched Tami Lasagna (and I personally LOVE my name, but HATE her) I can't tell you all how much I love that most of you didn't refer to her by her first name. Thanks you guys.

  16. Anonymous9:40 AM

    you are welcome lol

  17. @moonagedaydream, we did call her by her first name which is Tomi. What the f are you talking about?

  18. +1 NE Peanut, Elizabeth Vargas has the show and the years to be a hard drinker.

  19. @remie, isn’t her show live? They couldn’t film before noon if so.

  20. Tomi Lahren is the poor man's Lauren Southern, Southern is much better at playing that role.

  21. What kind of a name is "Tomi" anyway? Is it a diminutive of a longer, even more confusing name? Do I pronounce it like "tommy" or like like "tony, except with an m instead of an n"?
    I don't think I've ever seen it anywhere besides these comments about some celebrity I've never heard anything about otherwise

  22. Anonymous10:30 AM

    That’s how you avoid becoming an alcoholic, by never drinking before noon.

  23. Am I the only one who didn't understand the "Tomatina Lasagna" jokes at first since I am not on twitter? #tomilahren

  24. Lawrence O'Donnell

  25. Tomi Lahern is a fraud. She used to host a college TV show and was as middle of the road as it gets. Gay rights, pro-choice... you name it. Now all of a sudden she is this far right wing voice? PLEASE. She knew she needed to be as far out there as possible in order to get any attention what-so-ever. She sold her soul.

  26. All the hate for TOMI means she is doing something right~

  27. @cc423 I have a feeling a lot of college kids are liberals because they don't really get a choice on campus. Maybe Tomi or Tami or whatever her name is changed her views as she experienced life outside the professors spells.

  28. @Manuel Bun: doesn’t “tomar” mean “to drink” in Spanish? I vote for Tomi

  29. The alt-right nazi Barbie slut. Conservative women are so stupid. lmao

  30. cc423, I knew it. She's so ridiculous and rabid. No one could actually be like that. Ann Coulter has even admitted she says the awful things she says to make her and her friends laugh.

  31. Not Nancy Grace -- she doesn't have a show currently.

  32. She claimed people threw water on her at a restaurant. Never happened. No one saw it.
    The police were not called. Dining with her parents.
    A real nut case.

  33. @Hortensia

    TMZ has the video of it happening.



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