Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Blind Item #7

This former B+ list tween actress all of you know from the role on a hit tween show she appeared on back in the day has not done much since she has been an adult. She says she was sexually assaulted by multiple actors and crew on the set of the show during its run. She also says when she complained to someone the first time they told her she was the one member of the main cast who could be replaced in a second without anyone noticing or caring. The person then also sexually assaulted her after telling her she needed to have sex with him or he would put in motion the plan to replace her.


  1. The chick from the Partridge Family? Suzanne Crough I think?

  2. This could be so many people. When is back in the day?

    Danielle Fishel, maybe?

  3. Suzanne Crough died in 2015, and this entry reads as if the person is still alive.

  4. Suzanne Crough died a few years ago, but you may be on the right track - maybe a Brady Buncher?

  5. What about Lark Voorhies from Saved by the Bell? She didn't do a whole lot after that franchise ended. A couple of small parts. Then - Nada!

    1. That's who I'm thinking off too. And given that she's a WOC, she was up $hit creek when it came to recourse. And she sorta had a public meltdown a few years ago, exhibiting erratic behavior.

    2. I think she had been working steadily in soapn operas for years. Also..i works have noticed if Lisa Turtle had been replaced!

  6. Doubt it is Soleil, she could not have been replaced without anyone noticing or caring. She also seems pretty well adjusted.

  7. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I thought Danielle Fishel too, but she returned for the revival, so I doubt its her.

  8. Danielle fishel from boy meets world was in 72 episodes of girl meets world which didn’t end until 2017

  9. Suzann Crough never really made it to tween age on Partridge family, she was still just a kid age. The Bradys all seem like they had a good time on set, for the most part.

    What about someone like Kristy McNichol from Family? It was her choice to retire young from acting

  10. Tracey Gold, Growing Pains?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I don't think it was the Partridge Family or Brady Bunch. How about The Facts of Life- lots of tween girls on that show.

  13. I don't think Lark's race had anything to do with her recourse or lack of it. Her bipolar diagnosis would have thrown more doubt onto her allegations than anything. Which is unfair and sad.

  14. Jill Whelan- Love Boat?

  15. Dee from What's Happening.

  16. One of the Cosby girls?

  17. Replies
    1. This seems like an identical twin situation. Being replaced without anyone noticing or caring doesn’t make sense otherwise. Are there other shows where twins rotated playing the same character?

  18. Susan Dey not Crough. Susan was on a crime show in the 80's and mariied an older man. Have not seen her lately. Dee was a veterinarian and retired due to a serious illness. Last picture had her in a wheelchair.

    1. Susan Dey was on LA Law and costarred in So Fine with Ryan O’Neal. If she’s not the subject of this blind, I wonder what she went through/witnessed on the set of So Fine.

  19. "teen show", that means, not a family sitcom---the person who said Saved by the Bell is in the right territory, that or Degrassi, Head of the Class, etc.

  20. Heidi Zeigler Just the 10 of Us? (And 2 episodes setting up that show on Growing Pains.)

  21. Lark may be it! She was really popular but then again the producers preferred the others.

  22. Maybe it's what "Zack Morris is Trash" has been hinting at all along?!

  23. Andrea Barber? (Gibbler, Full House) or Jodie Sweetin

  24. But it also has to be a show with adult-aged actors, too. Something like Wizards of Waverly Place that is geared toward kids but also has adults in it, too.

  25. Whoever it is I hope that this blind is the first step toward her naming the offenders.

  26. Angela Watson, Step by Step?

  27. Another left field one for me...

    Robin Givens, Head of the Class - granted it looks like she's had steady work but nothing that I would remember her in. 'sides, her costar was Dan Schneider...

  28. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Sadly, I'm going to say Eve Plumb, "Jan" from the Brady Bunch.

    Second guess would be Susan Olsen, from the same show; but I have a feeling it's Eve.

  29. When I think hit teen shows and "back in the day" (which can be anything from 5 years ago to 1958), I think Buffy, Gossip Girl, Vampire Diaries, definitely Saved by the Bell, 90210, Dawson's Creek, Party of Five, etc. I only watched one of those regularly and I can't think of anyone on Buffy who this would fit.

  30. @mercyprosperity- it is not Eve from the Brady Bunch. She is a successful artist now- very nice work (google it) and quite wealthy from buying real estate back in the day. She seems very happy and content- no childhood trauma. I think the Brady kids were very well looked after on the show. Many have written books- if something were up they would have spoken about it before now. For instance the Marcia character spoke about drug abuse.

  31. Could be Lark.
    It would go right along with Dustin Diamond's memoirs about the set being a big orgy, consent optional.

  32. Arguably Susan Dey went on to even MORE fame on LA LAW as she and Harry Hamlin with the lead power couple romance in that. I don't see her being strictly Patridge Family fan nor was she replaceable as the attractive older daughter/sister.

  33. @Lisa Wolfinger - not my kind of art, but damn. She's talented. I had no idea she painted.

    @Sara and others who guessed Lark, I'm not Saved by the Bell's target audience, but I think I've seen every episode. Her character was disposable.

  34. Also, just because a producer told her she was disposable, it didn't mean she was. It's a manipulative scare tactic.
    Poor girl.

    Fuck Mario Lopez (oh yes, definitely him) and everyone else involved.

  35. Just want to point out it says former B+ TWEEN actress all of you know from the role on a hit TWEEN show she appeared on back in the day.

    While I really like the Lark Vohrees/Saved by the Bell guess, I know they started kinda sorta in tween/middle school terroritory but I'd say it was far more a teen show. I also wouldn't consider her B+. But I could definitely see Dennis Haskins aka Principal Belding, Dustin Diamond AKA Screech, and Mario Lopez being some of the perps. MAYBE even Mark Paul Gossier.

    I would definitely dismiss 90210 as that wasn't a tween show or with any tweens.

    1. Sometimes his use of "tween" refers to the audience/fans of the show/performer. ☺

  36. Martika from Kids Inc.

  37. gauloise I like that guess.

  38. Anonymous12:31 PM

    This is interesting. I searched "Dennis Haskins rumors" and this came up-- an awkward surprise reunion between Haskins and Tiffani Thiessen that she didn't know about and is apparently less than happy about.

    I wonder if there is hidden bad history between the two, which could validate the Lark Voorhees guesses.

    1. That article is quit literally fake news. She’s looking down at the ground, because someone (Dennis perhaps) knocked something over. Their is nothing but one’s imagination at work describing her initial smile and expression as ANYTHING, not just discomfort.

  39. Whoever said "one of the Olsen twins", I agree.

  40. Maybe someone from The Wonder Years? This blind makes me feel sick.

  41. "Back in the day" leaves it wide open--so many potential shows! But it was a tween actress in a popular tween show who was not one of the major characters or part of an ensemble. So probably cable, which narrows down the years to the past couple decades. After that, don't think I can help.

  42. The way I see it & if CDAN & some celebs & truther/conspiracy sites are to be believed, all child and teen actors fit this blind.

  43. I think some of you are reading too much into the "she was the one member of the main cast who could be replaced in a second without anyone noticing or caring."

    I do not take that to literally mean replaced with one's twin/clone/doppelganger i.e. that this BI is referring to a set of twins in the role, but rather that the character/part/actress was not important enough for the audience to give two shits if the original actress is replaced suddenly or even if the character disappears altogether.

    BTW the reason that is preferred for child actors in some circles is that per law/rules, a child can only work a certain number of hours per day. Production works around this by using the twin, effectively doubling the available hours to shoot. Wouldn't make sense as a threat that one twin would be replaced with the other - you really think their sibling would be ok with their twin being abused, be ok with taking their place, and/or go along with the abuse themselves?

  44. Vanessa that her name from High School Musical. It was about 12 years ago now....

  45. Many people would have noticed if Lisa Turtle had been replaced. Her character was pretty basic, but very likeable. SBTB was a Saturday Morning staple. People would definitely have noticed of the change. The actresses had dolls and all of that. They were stars.

    I would say maybe Power Rangers. It's geared toward tweens. The main characters are known primarily by the oolor of their uniform. There are usually 2 women each season. Forgettable? Probably. You only see them in the flesh for 1/4 of the episode anyway.

  46. Josie Davis/Charles In Charge?

  47. Jeanette McCardy. I believe I read something about her being threatened when she was on iCarly.

  48. I have been reading this blog from the start and have only recently started to comment. As a survivor of childhood abuse, it is becoming increasingly difficult to read these blinds designed only to out the abused and not the sick fucks who are doing it. It triggers all kinds of feelings and the reason that most of us hide the fact that it even happened causing so much more pain and suffering in life. You should be ashamed. Stop these blinds about victims and instead make them about the abusers ffs.

    1. @TownChica

      A lot of us agree with you. However, sometimes the only way to out the pervert is to out the victim. Sad, I know.

  49. Apparently the set of Charles in charge was a hotbed of sexual and emotional abuse, in particular Scott Baio? I've never seen the show so I don't know the people on there.
