Friday, May 18, 2018

Blind Item #7

This one named rapper who has so many other women pregnant at the same time as his A+ list rapper girlfriend that I can't keep track was with yet a different woman yesterday even though he told his girlfriend he was with other guys. He risked arrest just so she wouldn't find out.


  1. Replies
    1. And Cardi B.... wow what a lucky kid to be:(

  2. Why? Why does he need to knock up so many different women? Why is this a thing?

  3. I love how we get this exact blind 3 times a week.
    It's always "he cheated with yet another woman" or "he got another woman pregnant" gee how is he gonna afford all that child support? Migos is popular now but who knows for how long. Also i could imagine spending money on better things than child support...

  4. This bodes well for our nation's future.

  5. What did he do to "risk arrest"??

  6. Wait, we're not supposed to knock up as many different woman as possible at the same time? Whoops, guess it's time to move again, good thing they only know my rap name B-Real.

  7. Every week? The Cardi B/ Offsett blinds are now coming at us daily. Two things, Cardi B isn't A+, please stop with that shit. Also alpha black men knocking up multiple baby mammas is simply how it is. Stop judging black people doing black stuff OK?

    1. LOLOLOLOL. WTF. You are pure comedy. "Stop judging black ppl doing black stuff" in regards to Offsets wandering peen. I know, right? LOLOLOL.

      They may hate you V.B., because you remind them of their Commander-In-Chief. Speak that truth. LOLOL.

  8. Anonymous8:44 AM

    What do we call all of the women he's cheating with? Offsides?
    I wonder if that makes Cardi B, Upset?

    1. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Hahha that’s good :)

  9. was he the one that fled the scene of a car wreck?

  10. @Digitails he fled the scene of an accident. Maybe he had a woman with him.

  11. She’s so stupid. Can’t wait till this whole thing blows up.. pretty sure she’ll still stay and help raise those babies along with the others he has. Smdh

  12. He was probably getting a bj and wrecked.

  13. he's going to bring her a disease home one day

  14. Seriously, this blind seems to pop up every other day. We get it- Offset cheats on Cardi B.

  15. Reading this blind made my head hurt, Lord knows what an English teacher would make of it but hell I like the style that Enty/the Enterns have developed. It's unique, well done.

  16. Why would anyone want to procreate with so like him?

  17. Offset, final answer

  18. Hey Vessimede Barstool, you're really an expert on all things Black people. Did you read up on this up in a scientific journal while you were in Charlottesville for the chanters convention?

    1. LOL. Let V.B. be great. He is a reminder that we must learn how to deal with all types.

      I use to pearl clutch as well. But now, only laughter, because in all honesty a lot of white ppl think the same way he does, but just dont have the balls to come out with it.

      Anyone who capes for a BLATANT RACIST like Trump, can say nothing to defend their position. Voting for Trump & supporting him is an obvious "fuck you" to the entire black culture. They would rather kill us than share the resources we helped them produce. C'est La Vie. So just say "fuck you" back with a nice big ignore & keep scrolling & gossiping.

  19. Doesn’t take much to be called A+ list these days.

  20. If yer gettin that much poon, get snipped.

  21. Aren't any of these worthless whores on the pill?

  22. Why would a golddigger be on the pill and miss out on an 18yr whore scholarship?

  23. True that. Jedi-level whore in site. I stand corrected.



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