Thursday, May 10, 2018

Blind Item #7

Apparently that child molesting director is having no problems finding cast for his next movie. What he is having problems with is the studio wanting to announce he has a new movie in the works or finding anyone in his soon to be released movie willing to go out and talk about it.


  1. Woody Allen should retire already.

  2. I think Woody. I dont think anyone would touch Singer right now. Woody will keep getting away with it

  3. Singer I am not sure Woody works with a specific studio.

  4. A Rainy Day in New York (2018)

  5. The blind mentions a "next movie" and a "soon to be released movie," so I assume those are two different things. Anyone can be working on a next movie, but Singer doesn't have anything "soon to be released" right now, does he?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Some of the cast have stated they regret working on the movie and donated the money they made from it to charities.

  8. Surprised no one is guessing Polanski. Why is that? I'm pretty Singer doesn't have any new projects in the works.

    My guess is Allen. I'm pretty certain I heard that Amazon is trying to get away from him.

  9. I don't believe Allen is a child molester. But it's non pc to work with him just now

  10. Polanski has a new movie that still hasnt been released in the USA, and he is in pre-production for one on the Dreyfus affair.

    He has been in the news these days due to expulsion from academy and sometimes Enty does blinds of people in the news.

  11. Not really a big fan but I must say she was a refreshing break from all the heavy criminal rap shit and upbeat hip hop or whatever you want to call it.

    And if indeed her pussy does taste like Pepsi Cola who am I to criticize her?

  12. Maybe the cast should go on Fallon to promote the movie. He'll NEVER ask hardball questions. Or Corden either, really.

  13. It's Woody Allen, as usual being referred to as a "child molester" even though he was exonerated in court. He might be guilty but I'm glad he persists in working because the Court of Public Opinion/the gossip blogs are way to unreliable to be the arbiter of who is and is not "guilty."

  14. I agree. I don't think he's guilty.

  15. No surprise, look at how many victims it took for people to believe that Cosby was guilty, the halo effect is real.

  16. Wasn't Singer close to killing himself not that long ago??? can't be him. unless it was a lie.

  17. Amartel..

    "even though he was exonerated in court." So funny...have you noticed that a lot of black men are gunned down by police in Amerika? With impunity? Our Just US system is a cruel joke.

    Nazis like perverts and white men..that's about it.... on the positive side. Negatives...they don't like women and you will see a lot of abuse coming from these "types".

  18. Amartel what court exonerated Woody Allen? The DA stated they had enough to go forward with charges and a trial but did not because they felt it would be too hard on Dillan to testify in court against him. She was very young and emotionally fragile at the time. There were other recommendations about Woody and children. The report is online to read if you search. Woody was never exonerated in court.

  19. @Brayson87 is the best/fastest Googler around

  20. @Molly - That's what Polanski, Allen, Epstein, Singer, etc. are? "Nazi's"? - Lol.

  21. WOODY WAS NOT EXONERATED! The abuse charges were never actually brought to court to save the child the trauma of testifying. You can read the custody investigation file online. He was cited by the judge as being "highly inappropriate" with Dylan, his adopted daughter. LOST CUSTODY because of it. Witnesses saw him climb into her bed and make her suck his thumb. He was found with his face in her lap with undies missing. He was clingy, obsessed with her and avoided the other children. AND why did he go on to marry the vulnerable and pliable Soon Yi when he didn't believe in marriage. BECAUSE- it was the only way he could get his hands on two more infant girls through adoption.
