Monday, May 07, 2018

Blind Item #6

This network refuses to hire anyone from the outside to do an investigation into sexual harassment or discrimination. They think there will be leaks and lots of settlements will be made public making them look worse than they already do.


Tricia13 said...


Sara said...

Fox noise

Dr. Dinnertime said...

First Lauer, now Brokaw - Gotta go with the Peacock.

Count Jerkula said...

The one Matt Lauer was on

Unknown said...

Yeah - my vote is NBC.

Brayson87 said...

CBS with Charlie Rose is also a good bet

Unknown said...

NBC and Tom Brokaw. He's been accused of sexual assault, his bosses and colleagues have closed ranks but the woman accusing him isn't backing down. See if being a liberal icon he'll get a pass or if his white maleness will do for him.

ClintonKilledMe said...

It's CBS. I know for a fact. Cannot disclose more than that. But CBS HR is in turmoil right now...It's despicable what they've allowed people to get away with...

Unknown said...

I don't suppose any networks or studios are welcoming in outside investigators.

It comes as a real shock to white male leftists when their comrades decide they aren't useful anymore. Brokaw's useful years are well behind him. The only way he will get a pass now is if he knows too much about other people who are still protected.

molly said...

Gayle King was all torn up and completely shocked when Charlie Rose went down. I saw her interview Mia Farrow's daughter who was molested by Woody Allen. Gayle was definitely hostile. Thinking she might be ok with whatever rich powerful guys want to do.

MrsAmiss said...

Most places don’t want outside people brought in. How long did sexual assaults happen at Massage Envy before they did anything. And they only did when women went public.

Colonel Blake said...


IanPhlegming said...

The fact it realistically could be any of the networks mentioned is the most telling thing of all. That said, this smells like CBS. Everybody knew about Charlie Rose. I worked with a woman who interned for him when he was quite a bit younger, maybe two decades ago. He was a predatory perv and condescending elitist even then, but at least more dashing looking and she was a bit impressed I hate to say.

This and That said...

Yup +1

Natasha21 said...

Could be either of them. But I`m going with NBC.

Dusty Fairy said...

Probably all of them but this is def true for Nick.

Sher said...

NBC. This story was in variety over a week ago.

Lauer's case was way over the line. Good riddance.

I read the Brokaw claim. I don't see a case there, even if everything she said is true. It's a big yawn.

plot said...

Yep, could be any of them.

Have to say that Charlie Rose has oozed sleaze for a long time. It was very obvious when he was attracted to one of his guests and dissing them by over-talking, man-spaining and acting like some rooster with a new hen on in the house.

Rose respected Janet Maslin, a regular, and let her finish thoughts and explain herself. But she wasn't a young hotty.

As soon as Juliet Binoche or Kristen Scott Thomas was a guest, Charlie started acting like the drunk exec at a fern bar trying to get some action using his impressive big words.

DigsInDirt said...

NBC. Absolutely.

Unknown said...

Isn't this the CBS, Les Moonves, Sumner Redstone, Dan Schneider, Nickelodeon connection? Hasn't Ronan Farrow been talking to people at CBS?

PickyTicky said...

1. NBC
2. Disney
3. Nick
any station with a lot of children shows
Side Note: NBC paid off a lot of Cosby victims, because he was their cash cow for over a decade

HeatherBee said...

How about Bravo?

Sher said...


"Harassment and discrimination" doesn't sound like child molesters are the target here.

See the Variety article from Apr 29

The one calling for the investigation is the lawyer for the women in both the Lauer and Brokaw allegations. That's his duty to his clients. Makes the case stronger and the settlement larger if any findings become public. Might also get more clients, which also helps make the case stronger.

Schneiderisnext said...

NBC hired an outside investigator. This is Nick/viacom/Paramount


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