Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Blind Item #6

The mid six figure fee was supposed to be for a 30 minute singing performance and a personal appearance. This former A list singer made the personal appearance, but the 30 minute performance was really one on one time with an oligarch in his country.


Don Kieballs said...

Joss Stone in Oman

Anonymous said...

Lady Gaga?

Tricia13 said...

+1 Don.
Speaking of Oman-Aviciis death Ruled suicide(family made statement). ... very sad .
Enty s blind definitely suggested otherwise

filmfanb said...

Apparently he cut himself. I dont know...its sad either way but sometimes Im attracted to the pulp theories.

Tricia13 said...

Agree- super sad 😞

H said...

Your back everyone on CDAN got worried!

Don Kieballs said...

Tricia - Welcome back! Every celebrity suicide I now think was something else. It's a horrible situation, but despite what cdan has taught us, it's hard to imagine a family lying that he committed suicide vs killed for protecting a child. I can't imagine any money or threats would get his family to back up a lie, but then again Vicky K

Brayson87 said...

Joss Stone is definitely doing the Middle East part of her tour, but I don't know if we can assume everyone touring various parts of the world are yachting. Now if they just fly to one part of the world and quickly fly back then it's pretty safe bet.

CeeCeeSays said...

What if he killed himself because he was threatened for intervening. The kid was already in a lot of mental anguish. If so, its still the pedos fault. So very sad all around.

Tricia13 said...

Thanks@Don and again , I absolutely agree

Thonker said...

@bob Gaga hasnt left the US in months and months.

Brayson87 said...

Oh jeezus, he's supposed to have offed himself with broken glass, supposedly a wine bottle, really?

Don Kieballs said...

As for Joss, I do think it would be so amazing to say you've been to every country on Earth. She's not a minor, and if I got offered 6 figures for a quick 30 minutes of dirty old man time, I can't say I wouldn't consider it.

Unknown said...

Re avicii, so someone on a vacation trip with friends decides to commit suicide. Doubt it. It's not easy to inflict what will look like suicide and get away with it but who knows what condition the body was in, what kind of autopsy, etc. The family may have felt threatened, who knows. The whole situation was weird.

Brayson87 said...

A wine bottle would already have his prints on it, very convenient.

Tricia13 said...

Awww thanks it’s nice to be missed lol.
I , in turn missed ya’all:)))

Don Kieballs said...

Maybe the family assumes and accepts that it was a suicide due to the physical and mental health he was struggling with. And either never considered foul play, or the murder story is too far fetched. I don't want to judge the family (more?) if they have been supportive of him seeking treatment and getting out of a lifestyle he felt was making his health worse.

Anonymous said...

Madam, we know what you are. We are now just discussing the price.

christina.bo said...

His family only stated what the autopsy results told them... nobody knows whether the autopsy’s results stated the truth.... also the circumstances after which he died could have been left uninvestigated...

Sign Name Below said...

Again, papers reported that Avicii's brother was investigating the events surrounding the "suicide"

T. W. said...

Everyone was not worried about that person being gone.

Everyone is entitled to a personal life.

People don't schedule their lives around CDAN.

Watch my comments get misconstrued.

Brayson87 said...

I think people were concerned that Tricia might have been staying away because of that crazy stalker person the Himmmm's posted about.

Don Kieballs said...

Brayson, I agree. Tricia is consistently here, and correct unlike me, and her deciding to take time for herself was obvious. I assumed she was doing just that-personal time, probably not worried about internetting. But I can see how easily a conspiracy could start. I am glad she's back, though, as she normally comments a correct answer before I have time to guess wrong.


Avicii was murdered
Geeljire still only uses one account
But I lost the...

Velvet Voice said...

If you would like how a "suicide" can be plotted I would reccomend you to google NISMAN MURDER

He was a geenral prosecutor in my country - Argentina- who found out our president -cristina kirchner- had helped cover a terrorist attack performed by hezbolla in buenso aires many years ago (google AMIA TERRORIST ATTACK)

Well ... he commited "suicide" HOURS before his presentation accusing her and the peopel in charge of the investigation, media and ever the kirchner peopel said IT WAS A SUICIDE ...

The facts he had 2 bullets on the BACK of his head, was beaten and his daughters were threatened all the time were a minor detail ..

Suicide my latin butt ...



Carolina Prado said...

well, for all we know Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell also committed suicide... I don't buy the whole Avicii killing himself while on vacation with friends, people who commit suicide are often in a different mindset and usually reclusive. Ths whole thing is just weird.

JannieJazz said...

I am still amazed and kind of amused that there is still people that, after all these years and all the BS that has been discovered around the world, still believe in the official statement presented by the press and the authorities. Let me remind you that there is a fuckton of money that goes to PR to make sure that some things never EVER get to see the light. If there are beards and cover ups with dumb stuff like relationships, affairs and someone's sexuality, Why in the world do you think that there is not going to be a cover up for something as serious as this. If Avicci's family doesn't speak is because intimidation is not allowing them. Don't you remember the people who used to bully you in high school?! Well is kinda like that but adding money, power and the fact that they can dissapear you and your loved ones

hunter said...

It's possible Avicii's family was threatened in a way that makes them choose to deal with the murder/death privately and allow the public to mourn a suicide publicly.

Based on the TMZ article, if there is disagreement about whether the cuts were to his neck or his wrists, that suggests foul play.

Also - not all alcoholics are suicidal and his last actions (partying with friends on that boat, taking a trip to a foreign country) do not suggest, to me, the activities of a suicidal guy.

I've been in and out of the recovery community for years and am very familiar with suicide and I certainly didn't know this kid but I have a hard time thinking he was ready to off himself.

Poppymann said...

I remember reading about Nisman's "suicide." It had to do with the attack on the Synagogue in Buenos Aires. At least that rules out the Mossad killing him.

DiscoD said...

Is oligarch not a term specifically used for Russian post-communist new money??


How's it going Oleg?

Southern Man said...

People go to strange, unfamiliar foreign countries all the time to commit suicide. Right??

Don't they???

Dannette said...

Hi tricia, we all missed you!

OhMama said...

Yes, cut by a glass shard and bled to death... I would say Enty's blind is alive and well.

Velvet Voice said...

It was a jewish building in the center of a very commercial neigborhood, I was 3 blocks from there when it happened, 85 people were buried alive - I live 60 km south but that morning I had to go to a store for jewelry makers NEXT to that building BUT I WAS LATE ...

Thing is the president in those days - syrian family and totally corrupted covered it all- years passed and when Nisman decided to investigate AGAIN the iranian clue, he found out my then president kirchner was also involved covering it ...

Saying he was going to ask her to be prosecuted costed him his life ...

But officialy it was "SUICIDE" till a new president landed in power

luckythewondercat said...

I still believe there was foul play. Also remember Enty had a blind about someone being told to leave the country or he would be jailed for the drugs "found" in his room. That could be the brother.

Poppymann said...

Thanks for the clarification. I'm glad you were late that

DonaMari said...

Oh yeh, they are saying the guy went to a trip with friends, asked his managers to invite singers to his new album, then he gave himself a black eye and next day cut his own throat. Very plausible, right?

This is the biggest fraud ever!


He was found with a cut throat after attempting to interfere with a situation of child sexual abuse.

He rebelled to see an adult man sexually abusing his child bride, a common habit in Islamic countries.

This gave him a black eye and the next day he was found with a cut throat.

His brother went to Oman to conduct a private investigation and was taken to the police station and threatened by authorities who told him to leave immediately or face charges of drug possession that would be planted against him.

Tim was killed in Oman inside a royal family property and they are covering up the crime so as not to end tourism in the country and this is not difficult since the Muslims are big shareholders of media conglomerates and they do not want the brutality of their world to be exposed.

And his family NEVER sair it as suicide, they said he couldnt continue... TO PLAY GIGS AS A DJ! Everybody seems to ignore this part!

RIP Avicii

DonaMari said...

and btw @ Geeljire don't even try to come with your islamic nonsense propaganda coz I'm very familiar with islam

Bklynbaby said...

i am going with Xtina on this - she was just out on a performance to a country with an oligarch


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