Friday, May 04, 2018

Blind Item #5

This convicted child molester turned rapper went into a girl's restroom the other day when he saw a teen go in there. She screamed and he left.


  1. Anonymous7:45 AM


    1. I just learned about this POS today. Born in 1996 and calls himself King of New York??? Lol... Please .., I was partying at Limelight the night his loser was born.

  2. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Why did she scream. Can’t you use any bathroom you want these days. Progressive policies.

    1. This! It was a strange policy. Common sense would say women and child would be attacked.

  3. Derp, no. That's only if you follow certain media and don't do your own research.

  4. Yes, how could she know the person wasn't a woman? So bigoted of her.

  5. Have you seen 6ix9ine? I'd scream if I saw him at church let alone a bathroom.

  6. Why parents don't want "progressive" bathrooms!!!

  7. Since when did right wing hacks start reading CDAN?

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      The same time left wing libtards did. Hey this is fun. And never ending. See you on the other side.

    2. Fight the elites, not eachother. Neither side cares about you guys!

    3. Been her longer than you douche bag derp.

  8. Unless the rapper identifies as female, and it was a gender neutral bathroom, that comment is intentionally ignorant.

    1. +1. I’ve been way less present here in recent weeks because I got so tired of all the trolling. I noticed a lot of the regulars are taking breaks, too.

  9. Yeah he should claim he's trans and all the woke assholes on twitter would be falling over themselves to defend him. He lost a 5 million headphone deal because he was likely involved in a shooting. Which raises some questions. First the headphone company had no issues with him being a convicted child rapist but taking part in random drive bys was like a step too far for them. Second they're paying out 5 million for fucking headphone endorsements? Holy shit!

  10. Replies
    1. He's not a rapper

    2. @Natalie Fike

      R. Kelly was never convicted. This is the 69 dude.

  11. i hope this blind item isn't supposed to be about r kelly bc he's not a rapper :/

  12. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Let's hope he failed his second go-round of his GED so he can be sent to jail... Someone should notify the judge.

    "6ix9ine isn’t behind bars or running from a court date. The Brooklyn rapper’s hearing, which was scheduled to take place on Tuesday (April 10), was postponed due to the results of his GED test not being available.

    DJ Akademiks, who previously claimed 6ix9ine didn’t show up for the court date, clarified his earlier remarks after learning the DAY69 artist’s lawyers filed a motion to delay the proceedings.

    6ix9ine’s management also prompted speculation about their client being incarcerated by tweeting “Free69” from his Twitter and announcing they took over his Instagram account. The publicity stunt coincided with the release of his new song “GOTTI,” which debuted on streaming outlets on Tuesday."

  13. 6ix9ine. He is under enormous pressure since this sick urge cannot be controlled without medication and will either „slip“ soon or travel overseas where his doings won’t be persecuted...

  14. @ The Solo Activist - YES!!! You are 100% correct.

  15. He's so fucking gross, why does someone like that get spotlight YUCK Go to jail you pervert

  16. But this was at a Target, so what the hell is the big deal? Target bathrooms are gender neutral.

  17. If he changed his name to 'Caitlyn,' he could have gone into whatever bathroom he wants. You played yourself, 6ix9ine.

  18. How intolerant and bigoted of her! He was just identifying as a female that day

  19. cc423 said...
    Since when did right wing hacks start reading CDAN?

    It's always been like that, but it's gotten worse over the past year or so. Not sure why.

    1. Goal is to put this blog out of business.being paid by the Billionaire Pedo.

    2. @Terry Terratoma

      From my observation, troll attacks happen in waves. If this current attack doesn't let up according to pattern then SD Auntie's theory is proven correct.

      CDAN is very powerful. Most readers do not post at all. First time posters are often called out as trolls.

      For all those people who keep asking questions like "Why doesn't Entry call the cops" need to understand there is much going on behind the scenes. Often times these blinds are the most powerful ways to get the right people to do the right thing.

  20. Not y’all’s idol Tricia...����
