Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Blind Item #5

Things are just not going to settle down for this A list singer. She needs to end this before things really get out of hand. She says she had no idea that the significant other of her current boyfriend was pregnant when the singer started dating him and certainly didn't know about any miscarriage either. 


  1. @sunny, I read they were trying for a baby before he left on tour. If she was pregnant and had a subsequent miscarriage, that makes this story even more heartbreaking.

  2. Anonymous7:51 AM

    definitely miranda lambert. evan and his wife were trying to have a baby before evan went on tour.


  4. Miranda won't care. She's heartless (IMO) and thrives on getting with married men. It's her thing. Like she gets the validation that a man will leave his wife for her.

  5. +1 sunny feeling more Miranda for this one

  6. Nope, this is all exaggerated. Don't think this is Miranda Lambert. Evan Felker is MARRIED. According to Mrs.Felker all was Great with her marriage til her great husband went on a Three day tour with Miranda Lambert. Maybe there are other players in this story. Where did Evan's wife disappear to, she was all over the web two days ago?? Any new pics. With Miranda Lambert and Evan together since this story broke?

  7. Evan Felker decides to abandon his wife of 1 yr knowing HE AND HIS WIFE were trying to have a baby??? He was only on a Three day tour when he Suddenly wanted out of his marriage??? There are reports he Filed for divorce in FEBRUARY, but according to Mrs. Felker all was well until he got texts from Miranda Lambert...about the tour and then the Texts were flirty. Ok, so NO ONE saw this side of EVAN during their 5 Year courtship? SERIOUSLY I think there's more to this story. Not defending Miranda, but there seems to be a lot missing about EVAN.

    1. Well, I had not heard of him until this scandal. More publicity for his band of he is with Miranda. Then he will dump her.

  8. I like my country singers to have country music lives, makes for better songs.

  9. Pretty sure the dudes hooking up with her know they will level up in the music world... might be part of her allure.

  10. Maybe Rihanna's bf got his ex (Naomi Campbell?!) pregnant

  11. FOR Those saying the Men who hook up with Miranda Lambert are doing it to further their careers, think on that for a sec. How did it work out for Anderson East???
    Miranda will dump this one too....If she hasn't already.

  12. Miranda needs to take some time to focus on herself and figure out what is missing.

  13. Evan Felker's wife was not pregnant. If she had been, it would have been all over social media. She has not been silent over any aspect of this situation. I think this is Halsey.

  14. Miranda’s mother was a serial cheater too. Mostly with married men. Her father held her mom hostage at gunpoint when he caught her the first time. It wasn’t beyond him to cheat either. Have known her family for 40 years. She inherited those traits.

    1. I've wondered if she has Bipolar disorder. One of the symptoms is hypersexuality.

    2. Its gentetic too so perhaps her mother had it as well.

  15. Thank you Enty for keeping the Chris story alive. I knew they had to be separated. Those Promise red carpet walks were awkward and cold.

  16. @montage dreamer: Chris who?

  17. PCL-R (Psychopath checklist- Revised)

    pathological lying -CHECK (Her fake heartbreak and fake crying)
    cunning and manipulativeness -CHECK (Above + she Acts like she is for other females)
    lack of remorse or guilt -CHECK (did she ever even fake apologized ever?)
    callousness and lack of empathy -CHECK (She says she would do whatever she wants it wont matter to her how many others gets hurt)
    parasitic lifestyle -CHECK (making a fool of music industry and her evil minions)
    poor behavioral controls -CHECK (You name it)
    sexual promiscuity -CHECK (Jeff,Blake,Jamey,Ryan,5+ randos, Anderson, Evan, Dustin)
    early behavior problems -CHECK (Early fascination with shooting, burning people alive)
    many short-term marital relationships -CHECK (4 marriages 1 engagement she is involved in ended all by her cheating heart cheating on the partner)

  18. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Same thing happened to my marriage, when his new job took him on long trips. Hello girlfriend....Bye bye, 14 year marriage. I would advise wives to hire an attorney, the moment your husband takes a job requiring frequent travel. Keep the attorney on speed dial.
