Sunday, May 13, 2018

Blind Item #5

This probable flash in the pan A+ list rapper is having a meltdown because she found out about yet another two women her significant other is hooking up with. I think that brings the total to six.


  1. Oh Cardi B. Find another man.

  2. I doubt Cardi is a flash in the pan Entern.

  3. there was a blind a while back saying getting Bodak Yellow to the top of the charts was fixed, as in it was popular, but not as popular as it was being fronted to be. I dont like cardi b's music, but I think her personality is delightful and candid, and she has a great sense of humor and do I say it...she's good with randomly creating turns of phrases, or like clever stuff. I dunno, cant stand her music but find her personality refreshing.

  4. I couldn't care less about Cardi's music but I do feel sorry for her. That 'Be Careful' song came on the radio when I was driving the other day and I actually listened to the lyrics. She seems so hurt. Kid or not though, she needs to get out. That boyfriend of hers is just a piece of shit and he's never going to change.

  5. I like Cardi B as an entertainer. However I don’t know how successful one can be if you release an album and then can’t tour in support of it.

  6. Def Cardi B...Enty softened "probable flash in the pan" by acknowledging her current A+ status. "Probable" means that's his prediction for her future, not anything that's transpired.

  7. I cant stand Cardi and Niki M. They have the worst taste in men.

  8. I am not a fan, really, but I feel for her.
    Anyone else remember when Enty thought Katy Perry was sweet and only going to be a one hit wonder?

  9. People have been telling her for months and she refused to believe it. She wanted to rush her album and not promote it bc she wanted to have some losers baby. She ruined her own life oh well

  10. she has low self esteem

  11. I feel bad for Cardi too. Girl get yourself a Saudi Prince!!!

  12. That Cardi gangster heaux

  13. Is that what the beef is really about between Cardi and Azaela (crazy AF)Banks

    So deleting IG removes an outlet to be harassed. Makes since.

    Nikki has been weird since Meek Mills break up

  14. Did anyone hear Cardi B on Stern. Wowzah was that a bad interview.

  15. Her album is surprising good, esp. the chance the rapper song. I can definitely see her having an extended career.

  16. @yellow I just listened to Cardi today on Stern...awful interview. She sounded like an idiot.

  17. I don't feel bad for Cardi and I can't wait for her to go away, she is a bully and beyond trashy, but this explains why she has been going crazy on social media lately, even her publicist is ignorant, just pathetic all around, and the one time I actually agreed with Azalea Banks

  18. "I doubt Cardi is a flash in the pan"

    I'll check back in a year Sandy, and we'll see who's right. As much as she wants to be, she's no Nicki. She's Iggy Azalea. She's Azalea Banks. She's a fad.

  19. Traditional conservatives have historically been anti-union, anti-labor laws, free market capitalism advocates. Ride hailing cos. are the best modern example of union and labor law defying, free market exemplars I can think of. Yet the new right condemns them. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the Trump crime family is so heavily invested in taxis, tho. And that said, yes one has to be careful about who you ride with.
