Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Blind Item #4

This mogul/frequent visitor to your television screen in front of and behind the camera who always tries to play up to the world what a wonderful guy he is - not so much. He is doing his level best to blackball this former A list comic from any gig she tries to get. Apparently she hired an accuser of his and he considers that sacrilege, so he is doing his best to smear the comic.


  1. Replies
    1. Lemme see
      .. um, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift!

      Wha? No? ... why the fuck not? They consume every other blind here that isn't about a Teen Mom or Instagram model or some other whore who no one gives a rat shit about....

  2. Seacrest/Kathy Griffin

  3. KG is A list? In what world is that?

  4. To be fair, being blackballed might mean something completely different to him.

  5. KG is kinda unsmearable at this point, right? He’s the one who has the secrest, oops secrets.

  6. In the past I liked Kathy, but she just isn't that bright. She went to far, no common sense.

    1. She went too far? If you're referring to the Trump head thing, its the same as the mock lynching with dummies that happened when Obama was president. She only went too far if you're a Trumptard.

    2. So, a mock lynching of POTUS 44 goes too far only if you're an Obamaton? How about when GWB was burned in effigy? As PDJT also has been?

      The fair is fair, it is not on your side.

  7. I'm 100% on team Kathy here. I was never a super-fan or anything, but I think she was treated so unfairly and I love that she's unsmearable now. Like, good luck - what else are you going to throw at her now that she was under federal investigation for a joke?

  8. If those two really are the subject of this blind, then a pox on both their houses.

  9. Kathy Griffin is an asshole. So is Seacrest. And neither one of them is funny.

  10. I never cared for her much, but I've become a supporter from over here on the Trump Train. She's like the somewhat awkward kid in school who repeats what the cool kids have been saying all morning, but she says it a little too loud so the teacher hears, and the cool kids act shocked and leave her standing there alone. Now she just needs to go full Carrie on them.

  11. Kathy Griffith is exceedingly vulnerable right now. She thinks she can attempt a comeback, but nobody knows whether they can still make money off her. If audiences stay home, she's dead.

  12. Ms. Prima Donna Seacrest needs to untie the knot from her faux silk panties and move on. Way too many secrets and too few friends.

  13. Is it really a blind when Kathy stated in her feeds two days ago or so that she hired the individual that made the accusations against Seacrest? How does that become a BI?

  14. Keeping Kathy Griffin off the air = doing God's work.

  15. KATHY GRIFFIN needs smearing?

  16. Andy Cohen / Kathy

  17. Kathy G is selling out shows all over the country and Australia and Canada. And she does not give two shits about anything anyone thinks of her. If she were a man we would all commend him for his strength and resilience, but since she is a woman, we hold her to a different standard.

  18. Right, like the way we commend, say, that racist Kramer guy from Seinfeld.

    No doubt she doesn't care what I think. Doesn't mean she's not a complete asshole.

  19. @cc423


    She can be an asshole but that is the job description of any comic. I like her. I think she has cojones. I admire anyone who can fail, pick themselves up, and barrel through. Plus, she is making mincemeat of the Outrage! addicts 4 Trump.

  20. Oh, please. She fucked it for herself. I don't care about Seacrest in the slightest but KG has always and will always be a moron. Never been funny, either.

  21. No, if Kathy Griffin was a man she would be just as talentless, unfunny and obnoxious as she is as a woman. It's her "I'm a victim-can dish it out but can't take it " personality, for starters.

    Her gender has absolutely nothing to do with it. She is a lowlife.

  22. And the only people who *don't* think she went too far with that photo are tards, plain and simple. She is the same cretin that openly boasted that she was going to go after a 10 year old in her act, simply because he was the kid of a President she hates.

  23. I'm far from outraged about the Trump joke. Doesn't mean it was funny, though. It was just gross and stupid. Anyway, she made the joke. She had the choice to "own it" and say tough luck to those who didn't like it, or she could have apologized and made changes to her approach.

    Instead, she apologized, then said her apology was a lie, and now seems desperately trying to get back the only thing which matters to people like her and Kim Kardashian: attention.

    I'm cynical enough to figure there aren't any truly decent / honorable people in public life. I'm reminded of that every time I hear her name.

  24. @cali corishev: "She's like the somewhat awkward kid in school who repeats what the cool kids have been saying all morning, but she says it a little too loud so the teacher hears, and the cool kids act shocked and leave her standing there alone."


    and also- its me too. What a brilliant observation

  25. Kathy Griffin MOST DEFINITELY needs smearing...on a sidewalk after a 50 story plunge.

    1. @itt What is your problem? LA traffic getting to you? Or you just hate everyone? Take it down a notch

  26. Griffin was on Stern a few weeks ago and said she hired Seacrast's accuser for the simple fact that she was black-balled since she knows what it feels like... This is NOT a blind... Keep up the good work with the POS Met Gala "blinds".. yawn.



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