Blind Item #4
Two decades ago this A- list actress wouldn't sleep with this A- list actress with a lot more power, for a role. Until very recently, they didn't speak a word to each other for those two decades.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Could this be any more vague???
ReplyDeleteRosie Odonnell and Roseanne Barr
DeleteCould be Jada and Gabriel Union.
ReplyDelete+1. Good guess. There was a BG blind about them recently. Can’t remember the context though.
Delete@BossyPants got it. They want Gabrielle Union on their talk show. Jada swears she doesn't know how the feud started.
DeleteJada Pinkett Smith and Gabrielle Union they just ended their feud
ReplyDeleteSo a female A-lister demanded sex for parts from another actress and when refused ostracized her? Now if this was a dude doing this every pussy hat wearing woke cunt on twitter would be losing their shit. I'd be outraged by the hypocrisy if I wasn't so turned on.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it so hard for you to accept that people are not used to seeing women doing it? This is not hypocrisy, that's what people see men doing all the time. Men are in powers situations more than women, men are strong physically and this will always be committed much more by men, your comment calling this hypocrisy will not change that.
DeleteYou are practically saying that women (and people in general) are hypocritical because women do not commit this crime as often as men, you want angry people complaining about something that does not happen. Women should pay when they do shit, but you want to invent that a lot of women are doing the same thing as other men and no one is paying attention to it, so this is hypocrisy and men are wronged lol
DeleteChrist, every one of Vessimede Barstool's posts shriek, PARENT'S BASEMENT DWELLER!!
ReplyDelete@Mango And he is one of those boors who thinks he is hysterically funny while everyone else thinks he is just a bore.
ReplyDeleteOne of the biggest powerbrokers in show business is Ellen DeGeneres. She's infamous for demanding (and receiving) sexual favors from thirsty actresses and singers. She runs her own little all white harem masquerading as her staff. If any dude behaved like she does they'd be on the front page of Vanity Fair and Ronan Farrow would be collecting more awards for his investigative reporting on her. Instead she gets the Presidential medal and everyone kisses her ass and says how awesome she is. Ask anyone who's ever had a female boss how they behave when given authority. Stop pretending women are better than dudes, it's bullshit.
ReplyDeleteYour posts always prove women are better than dudes (like you) though,so thanks for that
ReplyDeleteI think we have an Incel in our midst, poor fellow. If only women went back to putting out for any man that overpowers her and being too ashamed to talk about it.
He doesn't like the competition of lesbians, either. Such rage.
BG had a completely different take on this. Evidently Jada was pissed about Will wanting Gabby for a role in Bad Boys II. CDaN is implying it was more personal than that.
ReplyDeleteI am under the impression BG is more like the knee-pads blind item site whereas cdan is more like, "look here's the real deal..." blind item site.
BG is bot heaven.
ReplyDeleteIt promises gazillion hits to advertisers that it self creates.
@glue I think BG blinds are more the real deal than this site. Jmo.
ReplyDeleteSo this is # METOO squared?
ReplyDelete@plot —
ReplyDeleteI think we have an Incel in our midst, poor fellow... Such rage.
I think it's another Entern posing as such, but that's not the point. If Ellen is getting a free pass on the illegal exchange of sexual favors for work opportunities, that's a double standard, and it seems to me that if one should "take down" Harvey Weinstein for sexual harassment, then Ellen, if the rumors have any foundation, should be subject to similar exposure and punishment.
And to those who say, we don't hear about women doing this as much, that's a glaring example of media bias. The MSM is trained to ignore the perps in these situations because they only want to target white, straight, able-bodied males.
Of course, this board is hardly the place to discuss it.
@glue & @marlin BG has evolved their format, taking some cues from CDAN. What they’ll NEVER be able to duplicate is the CDAN community; the comments & personalities are everything. Add Enty’s track record, the Himmmm’s, Reader Blinds, Your Turn, Mr. Hedge (some will certainly disagree on Hedge, I know), yada, yada, yada. Nothing is perfect but this gossip site comes damn close. As Prince said, “Nothing Compares to You”, our dear bacon loving Enty.
ReplyDeleteRoseanne & Rosie O'D?
ReplyDeleteMaybe those "pussy hat wearing cunts" don't know anything about it, you moron? I didn't until just now.... and that's assuming the blind is even true. Let me guess, you can't get laid?
ReplyDeletePlot-TWISTED parachutes in, on cue, to shift the subject away from hypocrite predator and Deep State mockingbird mouthpiece Ellen Degeneres. Barstool tool may or may not be an Entern or some kind of reverse psychology revelation of the method limited hangout, or just a stand in for Count Jerkula when he's not around.
ReplyDeleteGlad I'm not the only one that is disturbed by VB's comments. Great comments ladies!
ReplyDeleteNot true, @MadHominem. Evidence: David Foster Wallace vs. Junot Diaz and Sherman Alexie.
ReplyDelete4chan is getting brave again, here in the comments. Several of them are right here in this thread. Conspiracy theory, anger at women, ignorance, it's got it all - this could just as well be a thread on /pol on that godforsaken shithole of the internet.
ReplyDeleteI haven't really figured out BG yet. They will post both obvious PR blinds and negative blinds about the same person. To name an example, one week there's a kneepadding blind about how an actor (description screams DiCaprio) has finally found 'the one' and can't wait to marry his current model gf (yeah, right), and the next week there's a blind depicting an actor (description screams DiCaprio) as a nasty, misogynist POS.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I've read, BG does a credibility check on anyone who sends in a blind. But apparently it's not too difficult to pass, especially when the prize is right. I still tend to find BG more believable than CDAN, though, sorry. They don't post such crass, outlandish stuff all the time, although there are lots of predator stories, too.
BG isn't very entertaining, though. Most of their blinds are about stories that have recently been in the tabloids. Some include a tiny little, mildly-interesting piece of actual gossip that wasn't in the tabloid version of the story; some not even that. A few days ago there was a blind about an actress who deleted her instagram, and that it was just a PR stunt to promote her new movie... Blake Lively, of course, and that story including the 'just a PR stunt' part had already been on DM.
BG was totally off w/the jada /union blind they just posted.
ReplyDeleteI sometimes wonder if they post BS blinds but then majority true stuff.
they recently had one saying rami malek and costar lucy boynton of the bryan singer queen film are doing a PR pairing seasons early before the film comes out for publicity, distraction from the singer debacle, and bc since 'malek doesnt have a long dating history' they dont want people to ask 'sexuality questions' to him - yea, Im pretty sure this film is gonna be SOLIDLY straightwashed. freddie mercury would be disappointed. blind:
I wonder if its legit, BG I just cant figure out. they say sometimes big exposes are coming "within the coming weeks" like with CBS les mooves, or jerry bruckheimer's money scandal. but then, silence.
@Vessimide... sad thing is that often women in power are worse because they screw others to protect what is theirs. Also men trying to act out like men bores me. The strength of women is different and COMMENDABLE but it doesn't' make them more or less capable of running a company, better or worse, but if women would help each other and fall back on the more naturally communicative and cooperative facets that often accompany their gender, they could rule in a different manner. We're already the majority of the population but far under-representd in upper echelons of most industries/areas.
ReplyDeleteOh yes and Ellen is a jerk from all I hear. Think she only lives with herself doing these magnanimous kind, charitable, fun gestures ON and FOR Tv (ratings) or as an antidote to being the anti-christ. Her forcing animal adoptions on her staff who can't afford or don't want it is tyranny discussed as philanthropy, when she herself doesn't even keep her pets. Stories abound from staffers I know about what a miserable Type A boss she is.
ReplyDeleteCool story
DeleteKevin Spacey in a dress
ReplyDelete" If Ellen is getting a free pass on the illegal exchange of sexual favors for work opportunities"
ReplyDeleteThat's one hell of an "if". Anyone complain of being a victim of such yet? No?
"The MSM is trained to ignore the perps in these situations because they only want to target white, straight, able-bodied males. "
It's not a matter of ignoring anything. Has a victim of this alleged harassment by Ellen appeared yet?
Yes, we all knew Weinstein was sleazy decades ago. We all figured it was a Hollywood sex-as-currency arrangement with GOOP and Gretchen Mol and all his other starlets.
It wasn't until Rose McGowan actually complained and shared the details that the floodgates opened. We certainly did NOT know the extent of it, at all, and anyone who claims they did is outright lying.
When a victim comes forward about Ellen, we will know. It has nothing to do with her sex and everything to do with what is rumor and what is fact.
What did basement dwellers do pre-internet?
ReplyDeleteSmoke cigs on their parents' porch, talk shit about their neighbors and bitch about their low-wage job?
DeleteLutefisk..... I don't think you want to know the answer to that question 😂😂😂
ReplyDelete@Dumblesnore, sounds about right.
ReplyDelete@Squizgig, I expect to see some of them ending up on Investigative Discovery.
This is probably a dead thread, but...
ReplyDelete@plot —
It's not a matter of ignoring anything. Has a victim of this alleged harassment by Ellen appeared yet?
It IS a matter of selective omission by the media. We are trained in journalism school not to "pick on" selected societal groups (such as gays and lesbians, like Ellen) because of the "legacy of oppression" aspect: if a journalist found a story about Ellen the harasser, they would be fired if they followed up on such a story. Ergo, they are afraid to write about such claims, and as a result, there is no "evidence" because the media is too afraid to investigate any "claims" of harassment.
How can you not know this in today's media environment, where political correctness is used to protect people and give them a free pass solely based on identity politics?
I said "IF" because I don't know of any reported cases. But believe me, they kept it quiet about Harvey Weinstein for decades because he was important in H'wood. There were allegations made; those allegations were suppressed by the media. The same was true of Bill Cosby for 30 years. The MSM kept it a secret, or at least, they didn't investigate it through "respectable" channels.
It is not impossible that gay harassers are getting a pass solely because the media doesn't want to report them, for fear of "singling out" members of an "oppressed" sector of society.
Predatory vag. LOL!
ReplyDelete"It IS a matter of selective omission by the media."
" if a journalist found a story about Ellen the harasser, they would be fired if they followed up on such a story"
Proof? Was any journalist ever FIRED for investigating any sexual harassment. Do tell.
"they kept it quiet about Harvey Weinstein for decades because he was important in H'wood. "
No one kept it quiet. Like I said, everyone knew Weinstein is a creep. Few victims of his rapes would go on the record, however, before Rose McGowen. We can't call someone a rapist before someone accuses them of such, right? Even then, it's dicey until the rapist is convicted or shows a long pattern of behavior. Like I can't call you a basement dwelling pervert, right? Because I simply do not KNOW.
"The same was true of Bill Cosby for 30 years"
I'll admit that Cosby is a totally different case, from what I can tell. There were women accusing him, going to the press, seeking damages for a long time without the MSM or the cops doing anything. I think Cosby was protected because he was one of the few black men (even today) allowed into The Club because he would openly criticize the African American community at large and condemned AA men that normally scare the shit out of powerful white guys.
Or maybe everyone was hoodwinked by Dr. Huxtable, I don't know. But if you want to follow something of a conspiracy, Cosby would be the place to start. Don't neglect the social aspect of that protection. Cosby had a powerful cross racial appeal as the ultimate black good guy.
@plot —
ReplyDelete"It IS a matter of selective omission by the media."
I have a degree in journalism, and we were taught by both journalism professors and retired reporters. We were told flat out, in no uncertain terms, that if we wrote stories that perpetuated a negative stereotype about minorities, women, gays, etc., that those stories would be spiked and we would possibly even lose our jobs. This is what "inclusiveness" means in practice.
No one kept it quiet.
Hollywood insiders may have known, but the media capitulated and kept a blanket of secrecy over Weinstein's alleged harassment. It was only the whispering voices of a few online troglodytes that let the cat out of the bag right around the time that the "Fappening" was going on. Only a handful of "basement dwellers" claimed that the nude photos of our favorite stars ALL came from ONE MAN'S PHONE. That man was Harvey Weinstein.
Jada & Gabby...and now this sounds more like the real story. Other sites are trying to pin it as Jada was jealous of Will and Gabby working together, cause Gabby and Will looked good together and had chemistry...but i always thought it was really because Gabby wouldn't sleep with Jada.
ReplyDeleteI’d love for female predators to be outed too. There were times when I’d think, “wow, if she were a heterosexual male, she’d never have gotten away with this.”
ReplyDeleteWomen tend to trust other women and expect them to have some form of female solidarity going on... So when they turn out to be the predators themselves (or vulture on a #MeToo victim while they’re vulnerable/raw), the sense of betrayal just doubles.
Actually this isn't at all the real story. The real story is Gabby and Will not only had an affaire during Bad Boy, he fell head over heels in love with her; even bought her a car and completely made her career. Gabby felt that Jada gave Will her blessing so she didn't fight it. Will felt that he wanted to spend extra time with Gabby in the beginning of production so they could develop a chemistry. Jada just never expected that chemistry to turn into love on Wills part and Jada threw a few wrenches into Gabboy's career. And all of this came from one of the proverbial horses mouth.
ReplyDeleteSorry, Bubbles. I cant buy that Will is into chicks.
ReplyDeleteRosie was pretty big back then. Lol.