Saturday, May 05, 2018

Blind Item #4

New revelations this week about the disgraced director and his role in the downfall of this now deceased actor. The director invited the very very underage actor to a party where he was the only child present and there was booze everywhere at the party. 


  1. Buzzfeed article on Singer and Renfro

  2. Did you see in the article 'Peter Horton told the Chicago Tribune that Renfro "has tremendous charisma and sex appeal,"

    Renfro had just turned 12.

    1. Isn’t Peter Horton Michelle Pfeiffer’s ex husband? What the hell was he thinking? Sex appeal and 12 yr old should never be in the same sentence.

    2. Yikes, yes he is. He was super heart throbby for a while in the 80s, too, with thirtysomething, before he basically quit acting to direct.

  3. In a twist nobody here could have ever seen coming. /s

  4. Yikes this is so sad. Even sadder that those awful people are probably never going to have to pay for all their crimes

  5. In Buzzfeed article,the article starts alcohol at 9 and heroin at 12.

  6. I've seen certain comments by posters here saying the same thing about MMB and others.just saying.

  7. TCM has been playing Tarzan movies every Saturday. One day this week they are going to show a marathon for 24 hours. I always wondered why Johnny Sheffield, who played Boy, retired so young from acting. Was he a victim?

    He is soooooooo beautiful it makes me wonder. He left his 2nd franchise and can't find anything else on his except that he had a long marriage and died from a heart attack in his later years.

  8. Millie . Of course I misspelled it. Sorry.

  9. His death is suspicious. 100% he was killed. And what about Ian McKellen? He frequented the same pedo parties and is friends with ALL this pedo gang. There is lots of pics. Google It.

    1. interesting point re mckellan a quick google search will tell you his ex said he was abused my a powerful man in the industry and mckellan's been doing his bit speaking out against anti-pedophile regulations in theatres. i remember feeling uncomfortable watching him dancing with that disabled kid for ages at the paraolympic games ceremony london

    2. Or he OD’d....I think some of these kids are so f’ed up because of what happened to them...either way it’s disgusting

  10. @Ghost @Auntie

    Yeah, that's weird. But honestly the teen magazines were saying the same thing about Renfro when he was 12.

    He had immense talent, that one. What a fucking waste.

    1. That Ian Mckellen has got predator written all over his smug arse! Justice for Brad!!

  11. Justice for Brad, Jonathan, and all of the rest of the boys who were abused and died young!

  12. Hollywood is cesspool. Remember when we'd say to friends, family, "You're kid is cute and precocious, you should get him/her into acting!"


  13. I still remember the Oscars after his death, they didn’t include Brad in the In Memoriam segment. I always thought that was a glaring omission.

    1. Same could be said about most child actors. I was SO angry about the omission.
      Now, based on something Enty said once, we know that it wasn't unintentional. They want us to forget them.

    2. Yes I remember. Heath Ledger’s death completely overshadowed Brad’s. Maybe more to it

  14. Some interesting facts on Peter Horton:

    > His character died midseason on "Thirtysomething" at the peak of the show's popularity.
    > Directed episodes of "The Wonder Years."
    > He is a brother-in-law of Egil Krogh, a former "White House Plumber" convicted in the Watergate scandal.

    1. That was a HUGE deal when the character died.

  15. True. Corey Haim didn’t get an oscars memoriam mention when he died either.

  16. I wouldn't let either one of my sons model or act. We were often approached by reps, directors, etc. No way- NOT ON YOUR LIFE.

  17. I made the mistake of Googling "Bryan Singer Brad Renfro." Such a dark rabbit hole...

  18. The parents are ultimately responsible for what happened to these children. Everyone knows Hollywood is chockful of filthy degenerates. Who lets these young children go to parties with adults unaccompanied? The parents were nothing more than glorifed PIMPS. They will answer for their GREED, the degenerates will answer for their depraved LUST, about one second after they die.

  19. Weird it came to mind but when I first saw the film 'Casper' I was around 11 and thought Devon Sawyer was the most beautiful boy I'd ever I look back and think "he must have been abused." After reading all these blinds every kid's film I loved, I think, were these kids abused? So sad to think that way....Brad Renfro was also a massive crush of mine but I was a kid myself.

  20. blind after blind,
    ZERO consequences

  21. I was mad about the Oscar’s leaving Brad out too. Brad was as talented as Heath and like James Franco stated Brad gave much of his life to the industry. He had been acting since he was like Idk 10 years old. I used to have the biggest crush on him when I was younger. I watched all his movies, even the obscure ones like Tart and Happy Campers. I remember watching The Client when it came out and my family was all amazed by his performance. Everyone was like that kid is going to be a huge star, sadly they use these talented kids up in Hwood and then when they are broken they throw them away.

  22. The disgraced director was Joel Schumacher, the gay filmaker responsible for Batman and Robin and other failures. He worked with the now deceased child actor/drug addict with Brad Renfro on The Client in the 90's.

    1. Joel Schumacher hasn’t been disgraced.


  24. One day those Hollywood Jews will pay.



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