Sunday, May 27, 2018

Blind Item #4

This A list singer/producer all of you know is more famous for his producing and writing than his singing, although his success there has been huge too. Anyway, he has been cheating on his wife with a French model he met during a photo shoot.


  1. Timbaland? Pharrell?

  2. I think Timbaland is the better guess. He had some hits back in the day. Still A list though? I don’t know.

  3. I'm not sure Timbaland sings much, though.

  4. timbaland sang on "Indian flute"🤣

  5. Replies
    1. Mark Ronson's wife is with Sting's daughter. Not a secret. Been in DM.

  6. They’re old songs but I totally still listen to his Nelly Furtado and JT collobarations 😳 take my order cuz yo body like a carry out..

    1. Me too... love them
      Say it right is a kick ass tune

  7. +1 Tricia! Amazing fact about "Say It Right": Timbaland has Tourette's Syndrome. He incorporated his ticcing into the song, particularly where he says "hey" That and the fact he talks about it openly made me love him forever and always. Sad to hear he's cheating.

    1. At least it's not opiates?

    2. Wow-had no idea!! That’s interesting indeed. Was just watching it earlier on YouTube (love the video) .Always like watching him... and she was stunning-Wonder why she sort of-got out of spotlight? The biz took a toll I bet (plus she had children I believe)

    3. She has a house/recording studio in Cumbria, UK. Very cool lady. Great back catalogue.

  8. I know she gained a lot of weight a few years ago, which is hard when you're known for your sex appeal. Was just googling to find an article about Timbaland's Tourette's and can't find much but a reddit thread on google, will try other search engines. He did a live radio or tv interview I heard not long after the song and video came out, talking about it. Wish he'd be more of an advocate still.

  9. Replies
    1. Nobody would willingly fuck that fat troll doll khaled

  10. Pharrell? Happy sold at least 10 million so that’s a big success in singing.

  11. Randy Newman.

    Only because his first name is Randy. Yea, Baby!!!!

  12. +1 Timbaland

    He was A List. He was producing everything 2005 - 2010 or so. Everyone was paying him to tweak their songs and raps. He did have his own songs, which somehow work with that croaky voice of his.

    Wonder what happened there because suddenly, sometime right after that Timberlake "Sexy Back" album, Timbaland vanished from the public eye.

  13. Ryan Tedder? Although I wouldn't believe it, he seems like a good guy.

  14. Wasn’t it implied in another blind recently that Timbaland liked boys?

  15. Hold on, I thought Timbsland was gay.
