Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Blind Item #4

This celebrity offspring gave her best yachting recruitment speech the other night to this model who is the latest to be spotted on the arm of this A+ list mostly movie actor. It was no coincidence the actor brought the model to that restaurant. He knew the offspring would be there.


  1. Hailey Baldwin/Leo Ds Girl-Camilla Morione?

  2. Leo, apparently giving up his acting career to be a full time pimp. We really underestimated Hailey, didn't we?

  3. "Ask not what the customer can do for you, ask what you can do for the customer."

  4. So gross, I hope Cami doesn’t stoop to that level. She’s pretty and kinda good at acting.. she can survive off that money and her step fathers money

  5. "You are a brothel of one."

  6. "Yachter Strong" "Ho all you can ho" "Look hot, be hot, go yachters!"

    1. We few
      We happy few
      We band of hookers

  7. She’s quite enterprising I agree-captain o industry.
    Still with all her success she still has to live with her dad being responsible for Biosphere

    1. Just laughed so hard I woke my newborn up!!

    2. Happy 😃 to serve!!!:)

  8. What's up with Leo pimping? He's a raging homo so it's not for the pussy. Money? Does he get off on watching coked up whores getting reamed by fat Arabs? Very strange.

    1. He's probably just tired of his beards looking to have sex with him... so, what tha hell, find them some "D" so they'll back off of him and leave him alone in that department

  9. SO this indicating that Leo is pimping out his girl???

  10. @Jesse Rice,yup,Enty has hinted this for years. It met with disbelief,but no longer. Nothing surprises us anymore.

  11. God Leo is disgusting

  12. He's probably just tired of his beards looking to have sex with him... so, what tha hell, find them some "D" so they'll back off of him and leave him alone in that department.

    And make some $, what's not to like? it's synergy, it's making lemonade out of lemons.

    1. He might be getting off through some second hand seduction, pimp-cucking voyeurism. Getting even the straightest of straight men he'd never get with his own blown out boihole! Practicing the skills that will allow him to enjoy the decadent thrills, pleasures, partying and perks of Hollywood stardom by vicarious ho hijinks! He really is like a Wolf of Wall Street. "Sell me this poon", Leo
      What an inspirational blind, Enty, thank you

  13. I use to be inlove with Leo....this has dented all my teenage dreams. Nevermind. I still think he was abused when he was younger and the abused can SOMETIMES become the abuser. Guess we'll never know.

  14. I'm convinced Trica13 is Enty. You are AMAZING girl!

    1. Thanks Mo that is a huge compliment.... but I’m not ,I promise.
      For starters I’m a vegetarian 😂

  15. Leo belongs to The Tribe. They like to exploit the goy the way they want. The younger the better.

  16. Leo is losing his looks and charm. Guess he needs easy money. Does he include his hunky Bf too?

  17. Leo is Catholic like you Rafael.

  18. There should be a new t-shirt:

  19. When he was a child star he had that pedo manager, he could have been involved in sex trafficking / recruiting all along and now he has merely moved up the ladder. Lots of times, kids will recruit for the pedo so they don't get victimized themselves.

    1. Very true. He has had a lot of dealings with predators and has stayed very hush hush. Makes you think....

  20. Disco baby!!!!

    We are family
    I got all my sisters with me
    We are family
    Get up ev'rybody and sing
    We are family
    I got all my sisters with me
    We are family
    Get up ev'rybody and watch
    Ev'ryone can see we're together
    As we go to Cannes to YATCH!!!
    (Hey) and we fly just like birds of a feather
    I won't tell no lie
    (ALL!) all of the people around us they say
    they are only for cash

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. According to DM, they were a group of four in that restaurant. Leo, Camila, Hailey and an art dealer whose name I forget, but it was a woman. What part did she play in all that?

    And if Hailey was the one doing the 'recruiting', how would Leo benefit from Camila starting a yachting career?

    Btw, apparently Camila has been hanging out with Hailey, Kendall and the Hadids for years. I don't think Leo had to arrange for Hailey to introduce Camila to yachting. If it's true that Hailey and the Hadids do it, Camila has probably been doing it for years, too.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. To answer WHY Leo would be involved in the pimp & procurement game, let me remind you all of the heady rush of power and influence. This is separate from money.

    Power and influence are as prestigious as it gets and if you're the man the millionaires & billionaires turn to when they need to get their weird or sick rocks off, then you're the man with the keys to the kingdom. Depending on how much they trust/rely on you to deliver, you can begin to really name your price - not necessarily in money (which remains an option) but in intangibles which cannot be bought.

    Think about it.

  25. I've yet to see Camila in a movie, so no idea if she's a good actress. All I can say is that I find her very pretty. I was surprised when she was first linked to Leo, cause usually he goes after girls that I find rather plain. And she has sex appeal.

    But she also seems like a class A fame wh*re. Hangs out with all these surgically enhanced offspring models, conveniently started dating ('dating'?) Leo right before she had a bunch of movies coming out. And her mother is only like 38 and has been dating 77-year-old Pacino for years. Camila was probably raised to be a wh*re and social climber.

  26. @hunter

    What 'intangibles which cannot be bought' are you thinking of?

    1. Guaranteed lifetime immunity from prosecution gotta be a good one. Go get them blackmailables, Leo. The world is yours

  27. I've sort of gathered an idea, but can somebody please explain yachting to me?

  28. @hunter, you are so very correct. Way back in the day I knew a pill slinger. He had a legit business that was quite successful so he didn't need the money. He said that he got off on "being the man." He liked being the one people looked for, turned to. He said it was more addictive than any drug.
