Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Blind Item #4

This former A- list mostly television actress who is probably A- list in movies is ticked because she thinks her PR people are doing a lousy job of trying to make her publicity idea for a new movie go viral. Even the suck up tabloids are meh when writing about it.


  1. Replies
    1. All I know is a read somewhere she deleted her IG acct..
      Noooo say it ain’t so

  2. +1 Tricia


  3. Oh god, is she doing a biopic of Gwyneth with her starring as Goop?

  4. No one cares that she deleted all her instagram pics.

  5. "Some have speculated that the sudden dramatic change has to do with Blake's new movie, A Simple Favor: The film, which also stars Anna Kendrick, is an adaptation of a book by the same name about the mysterious disappearance of a woman, played by Blake, named (you guessed it) Emily Nelson."

  6. No doubt it's her, but is she really considered A- list in movies?

  7. I'm right there with you Blake, I deleted my Instagram and unfollowed Ryan Reynolds too, solidarity :)

  8. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Mila Kunis also has a movie coming out in August, The Spy Who Dumped Me. She's recently been making these gushy statements about Ashton to the press

  9. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Oh, Brayson's description makes sense with Kively....

  10. A-?
    The IG deletion is a failed and corny PR stunt. Follow only Emily Nelsons. It's already been done, and much better.
    Was this blind just to bring Paul Feig back to the comments?

  11. Blake Lively trying to pimp her movie a la Deadpool!

  12. I agree with Blake. She was posting a picture of a game of hangman that is somehow related to her movie.

  13. I've never seen one of her movies. Is she a good actress?

  14. God I'm glad I don't have to keep the public interested in me, sounds exhausting.

  15. As far as Blake vs. Goop goes, at least Blake Lively is hot. Goop is basically the sort of bland also-ran producer's daughter who you had to hire to get financing.

  16. I don't find Blake hot at all. Something about her face seems off. She always looks as if she's trying to suppress a sneeze. Probably a result of botox or all the surgeries she's had.

    She has nice hair and a decent body, but that's not enough to classify a woman as 'hot' for me.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. What a Taylor-Swift-stunt thing to do

  19. @trufflepig, I believe Blake Lively has had at least two nose jobs (look back at old pics), which might make her nose look off to you.
    And I think the Blake guess is probably right. Kudos to you all!

  20. Blake Lively...and no one cares. That's why. Also, she is absolutely not an A- list movie actress. She's lucky if she's a B- list. She only has A list name recognition, because of who she's married to. Otherwise, you'd never see her in anything. She's not a good actress. Boring.

  21. Blake deleted (or archived) her IG ans Ryan got Celine Dion to sing DP2 soundtrack...find the differences!Lol
