Monday, May 07, 2018

Blind Item #3

This B+ list actor/writer sure is enjoying the freedom not to hide his serial cheating. He actually left back at his place the woman he has been seeing the past few weeks to go on a date with this A list mostly movie actress. The one back home didn't figure it out until she saw pap pics the next day.


  1. Justin Theroux/Petra/Emma Stone (not buying it)

  2. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Theroux and...

  3. Anonymous7:09 AM

    He was also seen out with Selena Gomez recently. (Ok, Paul Rudd was with them, so who knows if it was a date but...c'mon. That age difference between the three of them.)

  4. Justin Theroux/Emma Stone. Was it really a date because I heard a male friend of hers went along with them

  5. Anonymous7:11 AM

    There was also a revealed blind that said don't believe the hype, Emma knows his schtick and is keeping him strictly as a friend

  6. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Pics of Emma & Justin looked like holding hands. Deliberate for show?

  7. Justin got his money's worth marrying Aniston,didn't he?

  8. Git it Justin, git it!

  9. No ring, not cheating.

    1. Yup. There are horrendous blinds on here. This is surface level.

  10. Don't get the appeal of metrosexual soy boys like JT or Adam Levine. They try too hard to look tough with their bad tattoos and leather jackets, but there's nothing manly about them, or their carefully coiffed hair styles.

    1. I agree. And can you imagine either of them in a scuffle with a REAL man? LOL.

  11. Totally agree, @boredatwork.

  12. Oh, Justin .....

  13. @boredatwork I always get the gaydar with these men.

  14. Justin Theroux and Selena Gomez

  15. Justin and his screwed up way of thinking—— never liked his persona and I have never watched his show.. in fact I have never saw him acting at all.. He has rapist for buddies and he tries to look like he’s hip and cool 😎 he’s just another skinny looking man child..

  16. Justin Theroux is a good looking healthy man. He is YOUNGER than Jennifer Aniston. It is funny reading comments from women who think just because Aniston is considered attractive that Theroux should not cheat. When will women LEARN it doesn't matter how attractive you are, men get bored of having sex with the SAME WOMAN. As the famous saying says show me a man who has a beautiful woman and there is another man tired of fucking her. Why would Theroux settle with Jennifer Aniston who has a filthy habit of being a SMOKER! Nothing sexy about Jennifer Aniston to me. Theroux is still young he can get that tight young Hollywood pussy. Why would he settle for an old hag like Jennifer Aniston?


  17. @Andrew Simpson

    Oooh you’re a right treat, aren’t you?!

    Theroux is a couple of years younger than Aniston, we’re not exactly talking decades. And whilst you clearly have issues with smoking, he obviously didn’t - he was with the woman for what, 8 years?

    Be a fan of him all you want, but it’s bizarre you feel the need to denigrate Aniston in order to elevate Theroux. It’s unnecssary, and....odd, to be honest.

    And finally, some men get tired of fucking the same woman, and some women get tired of fucking the same man. Behaviour is not necessarily aligned with gender..

  18. @boredatwork totally agree. Men at that age trying so hard is just awkward.
