Sunday, May 06, 2018

Blind Item #3

Speaking of permanent A listers. This mogul/wannabe singer is about to be taken down by some former employees who were also reality stars. Look for them to start talking about their horrific experiences when they were alone with him.


  1. Replies
    1. Or shall I say, “ditto”, Tricia!

    2. Hahah!
      Ditto K:))

  2. Oh dear, I was hoping for Simon Cowell, but I've never seen him attempt to sing.

    Does Diddy sing? He raps a little.

  3. @Nutty_Flavor

    No, this would never be about Simon, he's a protected species. The only bl you get about Mr. Man Boobs is how he's a super hetero stud and all about the latest (adult) actress/singer/model he's banging. Because he's a stud and he only bangs adult women, and how he'd never even look at a little kid that way, because he's only ever horny for mature women. Now is that clear?

    Oh yeah the bl. P-Diddy is a flaming homo so it'll be men coming forward with complaints of course. The number of gay men in hip hop is remarkable, if it ever came out that so, so many of the bitches and ho rappers were actually massive ass bandits the whole industry would collapse.

  4. Diddy as he was in Politico as being connected to Torrossian.

  5. Diddy doesn't sing.

    Poof Diddy pretends he can rap.

    He's really just a producer of catchy, sell out, tunes.

  6. This is Diddy. He’s always wanted to be the star.

  7. Ever notice how these "about to happen" blinds never do?

    1. Probably because blinds are just fan fiction. Fun and entertaining to read, but not canon.

  8. Didn't Diddy just travel to the M.E. for $$$ according to this site? Or am I confusing him with some other closeted mogul rapper?

  9. im assuming they are male former employees.

  10. Diddy and some people who were on Making the Band

  11. Lmao @plot poof diddy 😂😂😂
