Thursday, May 24, 2018

Blind Item #3

The only reason this A- list mostly television actor who has been acting since he was a tween and comes from an acting family, apologized is because he lost a deal with a company he thought he was going to land. The next thing you know, people won't want to hire him for acting. People see what a tool he is and has been for a decade or longer.


  1. I wouldn't call Bateman mostly television. Lots of movie roles and also produces/directs.

  2. I briefly interacted with Jason Bateman back in the 80's when I was a retail manager.
    He was super nice -- though his friend acted like an ass.

  3. Bateman..he just apologized.

  4. Def Bateman, but what I’m going to google is what deal he lost.

  5. Bummer😰
    So crushed on him forever and a day

  6. What’s his toolish behavior?

  7. I think he can be considered mostly television bc his most successful stuff was in TV. His movies are not memorable even though he gets a lot of movie roles.

  8. @totaji - He tried to gaslight his fellow co-star into thinking that verbal abusive behavior from a cast member or crew is not a big deal and should be accepted as part of the creative process. That is why he is catching a lot flack now and lost whatever deal he was up for because no one should tolerate awful behavior.

  9. I adore Jason Bateman. He’s a tool also???ugh

  10. Ah, too bad. Liked him on Little House on the Prairie!

  11. Noob Gladiator: Jesus! I can't believe how those lions treated me in the arena!
    Veteran Gladiator: Yeah, that's gonna happen. Look, you'll learn this soon enough: all those bastards want to eat you. It's what they do. Our job is to not get eaten and come out alive, hopefully with a little coin in our pocket and some fan adoration.

  12. +1 Olong

    If you try to sit on the fence be careful not to get a wedgie.

  13. He wasn't the only one in that interview that defended Tabor after Walter said he verbally abused her. Tony Hale & David Cook too.

  14. @hothotheat - yes, very true. most of the male cast were in on the gaslighting. I have to reread it but Batemen seemed to be more outspoken on accepting bad behavior, that is why he received such heat from everyone and that is why he is back peddling and issuing the apology. I am very disappointed in Tony Hale. Cook is an idiot. After being outed during the beginning of #metoo and having such an outspoken wife he is still fucking up.

  15. Do you guys mean David Cross?

  16. @discoflux yes--my bad. Cross.

  17. Did I miss the story behind the Lethal Weapon sacking?

  18. For Christ's sakes...tempers fly on TV and movie sets. He was trying to minimize the drama. If he loses a job over this, we're all fucked. Everybody lighten up!

  19. @pope of Hollywood. Come on really?!?! Adults are not children. There is no excuse of tempertatrums, lashing out, or meltdowns. Get a therapist and take a leave of absence to work on that shit. There is no obligation in any working setting for your co-workers or employers to put up with bad behavior.

  20. Just FYI, the ads that play when I get on the site make it very hard to sneak on this site at work!!!

    1. I’m on a mobile device. I get ads or stupid crap that takes over my page by telling me I’ve won $1000.00 from whoever.. I have apple devices if anyone can help. I googled a “solution” that didn’t help at all..

      (Sorry for jacking the blind, but I’m desperate!😳)

    2. I installed a free Norton pop up blocking app on my iphone and those ads are all gone! Just go to the App Store and search pop up blocker. The norton one works!

  21. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I laugh when people are shocked at actors acting badly on set. What do you expect? They're coddled and surrounded by people who kiss their asses (it's in the job description), and never tell these people no, and treat them like they're special, and then we're shocked they throw tantrums and act like shitheads?


    I like Jason Bateman. I like his work. If he's in something, I'll watch it. Ozark was pretty good. So he defended someone who was being "mean" to someone else? I don't fucking care.

  22. @unknown -- You like an actor and his work. That's great. I'll be damn if someone one tells me how I should feel about someone mistreating me. Fuck that. I don't care how good their work is. No one, no matter how famous or talented should be able to treat someone poorly. Fuck all those who enable it. Bateman, McHale, and Cross, sided with the asshole. They had a chance to side with Walters but they'd rather keep an atmosphere toxic than ask the problematic person to stop being an asshole. Why the fuck would anyone continue to admire someone one who lacks the balls to do what's right? If Bateman loses work because this, I don't fucking care. i don't think walters or any other person is shocked when actors behave badly. Those same actors shouldn't be shocked when people push back on that bad behavior.

  23. +1 for JT0130

    And it's not like this was Jessica Walter's first time on a set. She knows what she can/should tolerate from her colleagues. This was apparently bad enough to make a mark on her. She's been acting longer than Jason Bateman has been alive, but he was trying to explain to her what it's like in "the life." C'mon...

    I like Jason Bateman, but he was way wrong here.

  24. Download the Brave browser. No more popups. Enty needs to learn to use less intrusive advertising.

  25. You know, he did make some points worth considering. There has always been a degree of excusing "artistic temperament" in the entertainment world.

  26. I'm bummed to hear that. I always thought he was a nice guy.

  27. I finally had enough of the pop ups, crashes & “you’re a winner” on my Apple devices-I downloaded “Ad blocker”. Fingers crossed but so far so good!

  28. lol @Ernie McCracken

    Not only has Jessica Walter been working before Jason Bateman was born (so, um, technically HE would be the noob in that scenario . . .), have you ever paid attention to her roles? She frequently plays a mean, angry power-hungry role; it's not like she's, um, never been exposed to anger before. Especially since she's like been a person who's lived and had experiences. FFS.

  29. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Bateman... don't like him, don't like his vibe, very smug, always has been.
    When your rise to fame greatly outshines your actual talent, there is a backstory, and not often a pretty one
