Thursday, May 03, 2018

Blind Item #2

He was supposed to take a bodyguard/assistant with him om a trip, but this former A+ list rapper said he didn't need the employee with him and ditched him. Now, people are worried for the personal safety of the rapper and think he might harm himself.


  1. Anonymous6:46 AM


  2. Replies
    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Yup. How will it happen? CIA heart attack gun? Nail gun accident? Suicide by gunshot to the back of his head, twice, with his non dominant hand? Weight lifting accident? Plane crash?

  3. What are people saying exactly is wrong with Kanye? What he’s said isn’t necessarily the most politically correct things, but not insane. Is he bipolar?

    1. He’s got some mental issues for sure. I think he’s either off his meds or mixing his meds with something else.

  4. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I personally think its all a hype for the new music and new yeezy coming out.

  5. Kanye doesn't take his meds. That's going to lead to problems. Kanye had mental health issues for a long time. I know it's painful to watch this train wreck.

  6. Is PMK gaslighting him?

  7. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Find it fascinating that every man that associates themselves with the K-Trash family spirals downhill.

    1. Kanye has always been a wonderful man, travis has always been a wonderful man, scott has always been a wonderful man lol nor do you believe it! All of them have always been problematic, even the women of this family are problematic and you want to create a ridiculous theory?

    2. +1 @Danilo Never bought into the Ktrash curse theory, they reap what they sow in their choice of partners. Is it shocking that an NBA player, rapper, self proclaimed “lord” or thirsty ex stripper does them dirty by screwing around? Hells no. Drama keeps that machine running.

  8. Trump's approval ratings among black men doubled after Kanye came out as MAGA. His tweets and videos have made him the top trending internet search item globally. He is a big fucking deal. Expect to see more and more hints and memes being dropped in the coming days of how Kanye is 'unstable', 'off his meds', 'acting erratically', and so on. If they decide to murder him they'll need some cover to avoid him ending up a martyr.

  9. Anonymous7:07 AM

    It’s all a scam, just free promotion and he’s winning unfortunately

  10. Reverend why is your car so large?

  11. There are shitlibs all over social media outright calling for his murder. He's the most high profile black man on the planet and he's come out for DJT, you're damned right he should be worried for his life. Just a point or two in a few key races could cost the Dems the mid terms and then no indictment. They want rid of Trump, there are trillions of dollars at stake. Rolling back NAFTA and withdrawing from TPP alone will cost them hundreds of billions.

  12. It's about more than just the black vote, too. A lot of the presumed moral authority of the Democratic Party comes from getting 90% of the black vote. They hold that up as prima facie proof that Republicans are horrible racists, which gains the Dems a lot of Nice White People votes as well. If men like Kanye convince whites that blacks aren't so united on the issue, that maybe there can be two sides to things and that's okay, one of the Dems' biggest emotional clubs is gone.

  13. Speaking of body guards, anyone see the depp news. Certain that dead girl from yesterdays blind is now linked to him

  14. he's just attention-whoring... people who know him have tweeted that he's 100% fine and doesnt have any mental problems, he's just a massive fucking idiot

    1. @Thonker, I would consider being a massive fucking idiot to be a mental problem.

  15. There was a poll on Twitter a few days ago asking how the liberals will try to discredit Kanye - will they try to prove him crazy or kill him? Wow. A black man speaks his mind and they want to kill him. Are we back in the 1860s? What a disgrace...

  16. This feels weirdly like setting the table for the type of thing this site usually is on the other side of...

  17. Kanye is just trying to free Blacks from their slave mentality,it is about time to look forward instead of allowing something that ended over 200 yrs ago ruin your future with victim mentality ! Nothing wrong with Kanye's mental health, he is speaking the truth do not let the media twist what he says.

  18. "Trump's approval ratings among black men doubled after Kanye came out as MAGA."

    So from .05 percent to .1 percent?

    "There are shitlibs all over social media outright calling for his murder."


    "There was a poll on Twitter a few days ago asking how the liberals will try to discredit Kanye - will they try to prove him crazy or kill him? Wow. A black man speaks his mind and they want to kill him."

    So one alleged poll about how it would be done is evidence that people want it to be done? Do you not understand mood in the English language? Or are you a Russian bot trying to stir shit up?

    1. Google crips hit put out on Kanye.

  19. Russian Bot??? hahaha! I see muh russia is alive and well.

  20. We're not trying to limit the range of thought!

    But if you disagree with us, you're either mentally ill or a foreign agent.

  21. This is a good time for people to do a little research on Aaron Lopez. Good ole Aaron Lopez was a devout Jewish merchant who industrialized slavery, built fleets of slave ships, made all the routes and introduced and pushed slavery in America. Fun fact; if a slave auction fell on a Jewish holiday it was postponed until the next day due to lack of interest. The majority of space owners in America were Jewish, ask any Jewish person and theyllt proclaim they aren't white (I know, weird, I thought it was only a religion). Today look at some of the biggest behind the scene producers in rap (of course, not only rap), ask Ice Cube his thoughts on said producers. the black community should look no further than the opinions of Malcolm X about the Jewish power influence in their community, funny how they always leave out some very powerful quotes and recorded speeches from X...

  22. Call & Pilot +1

    Isn't it kinda racist to assume that all Black people should think alike?

    I work with some Black Brits, and they love Trump, every one of them. Plenty of Black Americans support Trump, they are all over Twitter and FB. That's bravery right there: not being afraid of the mouth foaming mob of unhinged and hysterical villagers, with pitchforks and torches, lurking behind every word you say or type.
    Say what you want about Kanye, but the guy's got balls.

  23. Ursa Major: cool story bro'

    guess who's in charge of slavery TODAY? Black slaves, white slaves, christian slaves, Kurdish slaves, yazidi slaves, child slaves, sex slaves, you name it, the Muslims got'em.

    But who cares about what's going on today, when you can rant about what happened 300 years ago, especially if you can blame the evil Joos, right?

    1. I agree with you per usual...
      I am not a Kanye fan ,nor do agree necessarily with all he said (though his stark/frank delivery on things and their underlying truths are often lost by the hysteria that ensues); he has -gumption.
      Someone here commented on his derogatory comments during his televised appearance about GW Bush Re:Katrina -as being almost heroic.
      Why,then, should his comments RE: Obama be anything less than his honest assessment of his native city/aka a political observation?
      Boggles the mind really.
      It also shouldn’t incite gang warfare mentality and violent threats -which only kinda furthers his point.

  24. The concern for Kanye's mental health started well before the Trump statements. This is just the latest symptom.

  25. T R got it - this is just a huge publicity stunt by Kanye, Kim & Kris. They loved all the attention Kanye got when he really DID lose his marbles the first time - now they're trying to recreate that because he can't get legit attn for being a performer. That's why the fam act all surprised and faux-alarmed when he says stupid shit on twitter and posts a couple of pictures.

  26. @SteveD

    You're right, it started when he met Trump at Trump Tower.

  27. We can only hope he does.

  28. I'm under the impression that kanye is both medicated upto the eyeballs and that the whole MAGA drama is marketing genius. PMK may have earned her management fee for this alone. Following the political fallout from the UK is fascinating.

  29. No.

    Black people aren't a hive. Some agree with Kanye, like some white people. Some don't, like some white people.

    He is either suffering from mental issues or this is a horrible PR stunt. Or a combination of the two. I appreciate his artistry and hope he gets help for any mental problems, including therapy.

  30. I reviewed the Kanye interview, he himself even admitted to some mental health issues and pill mismanagement, seemed hypomanic to me. But he doesn't seem any crazier or less coherent than he has in the past. I think the difference this time is that he's airing very unpopular opinions. He didn't make any argument that a hundred other people haven't made before.

  31. They'll throw him in a mental asylum like the last time he strayed off the plantation.

  32. I think it's Kanye too. Jenny McCarthy was talking on her Sirius radio show about him being bi-polar and that it was good he was opening up about mental illness (didn't hear if she talked about her ex-Jim Carrey who appears to be falling apart in front of us).

    A rapper whose name I forget, said someone should take Kanye out/hurt him/etc., if he comes to L.A.

    Maybe it's all to sell records. Nothing would surprise me.

  33. Gosh - I've never been called a Russian bot! Libs always start the name calling whenever they get backed into a corner. Never fails. Did I call anyone names? Did I diss anyone? Of course not.

    DMO - According to Reuters, Trump's approval rating among black men went from 11% to 22%. Original poll was taken Apr 22nd. New poll for comparison was on Apr 29th. Can't you do your own research?

    boredatwork - Thanks!

    1. To be fair, both sides of the aisle have resorted to name calling when backed into a corner.

  34. PMK and the rest of the Klan is most definitely milking it, and now that they have his kids I could definitely see him getting suicided/martyred. They have everything they ever needed from him.

    Vaya con dios, Kay-Kay Yeezy-Yee

  35. I would definitely put $$ on Kanye in the death pool, it wouldn't be shocking at all.

  36. @Adrian,sure does. Kanye is likely bipolar,he is doing 5 albums at a time. Yes, people have suggested he be killed by the Cripps. Some people probably have him on the dead pool. I hope his getaway is a cover for treatment,but I wouldn't count on it. He is also talking about his mother a lot. Bad sign.

  37. Hey, Pilot, this is the footnote to that reuters poll:
    "It should be noted that Reuters only sampled slightly under 200 black males each week and slightly under 3,000 people overall."

    Not exactly a scientific sampling of the nation.

  38. Ursa Major - perhaps you need a few non-Nation of Islam sources before you spout your BS.

    And Kanye's been known to have mental health issues for years, it's not like him supporting Trump has 'created' the idea. Since his mother's unexpected death in 2007, he's had instances of instability. And the Kartrashians have done nothing, it seems, to help him.

  39. While Kanye has always been psychologically interesting he wasn't stark raving mad until he took up with the KKK - Kartrashian Koven Kult.

  40. With the political climate these days, suiciding him will only elevate his martyr status within the ranks. It makes me sad that people will exploit someone's grief as a way to prove mental instability. If he was on meds at the time, he didn't go through the process, and needs to heal in his own way.

    I also watched the TMZ videos - and he's right. We are drugged the fuck out as a society. Everyone is depressed and anxious these days. Look at the world we live in, ffs. The difference is some succumb to the endless cycle of feeling powerless and waiting for someone to rescue us. That isn't happening anytime soon. Feelings =/= facts. Popularity =/= truth.

    Meds only numb the brain's ability to feel/process by screwing with the chemicals. You give less shits about life in general, and are easier keep controlled. I'm not saying that there isn't short term benefits to treatment, there is. But then we wonder why people flip the frak out when they stop working or we stop taking them.

    There has never been scientific proof of chemical imbalances in the brain. The research is out there. Go ahead and see for yourself.

  41. Yeah we've heard that kind of talk before and we know its source.

  42. Agree with @Brayson87.
    COS, much Velora?

  43. I totally agree with you @Bored at work - (I usually do, but don't comment often) Kanye is damn brave, and indeed has balls, and I thought that when he went on that infamous 'rant' at his concert. He made sense to me.

  44. Kanye is bipolar and is off his meds. I worked with psych patients for years, he's having a classic manic episode. It's a very painful disease. It's not just the things he is saying that seem to be outrageous, there are many other behavioral factors. He'll be hospitalized within a week. It's not funny and he's not found some new mental clarity. Kanye probably hasn't slept in about 2 weeks and is becoming psychotic. It's too bad he's become some political hot button issue. Yes, he's an asshole. But part of bipolar 1 disorder is total grandiosity. Look at his creative output that's ready to drop. TONS of music, his and others, and those ridiculous shoes. Folks on manic tears often have periods of great creative productivity.....before they start to decompensate. It no one intervenes, those people become psychotic. He needs to be in the hospital, all opinions of him aside.

  45. Sorry for getting all preachy there!😁

  46. @Cail

    "They hold that up as prima facie proof that Republicans are horrible racists, "

    Oh it's a whole lot more than that, dear. Need a list? Republicans ARE racists. Republicans will empty their wallets for any politician that promises them that, in their misery, minorities will have it even worse.

    So racist and stupid, too.

  47. "Why,then, should his comments RE: Obama be anything less than his honest assessment of his native city/aka a political observation?
    Boggles the mind really.
    It also shouldn’t incite gang warfare mentality and violent threats -which only kinda furthers his point"

    I have no idea what this junk pile is supposed to mean.

    1. @plot

      Kanye recently said/tweeted Obama did nothing for the city of Chicago.

      (In reference to the steady increase of gang violence and Chicago's death rate during Obama's 8 years)

      Tricia is asking why people hold Kanye to a double standard when criticizing a white president vs a black president.

      Especially when the subject of both statements regards the well being of his own community.


      Kanye: "George Bush doesn't care about Black People"

      = emotionally-charged, but personally honest statement. Let 'Ye be 'Ye


      Kanye: "Obama doesn't care about Black people"



      The old Kanye is the same as the new Kanye. Society has changed and is butthurt.

  48. Anonymous1:19 AM

    @amy hurley
    Fortunately for Kanye West, he (and his tribe of Kardashians) can afford any hospital he wants, in any country he visits.
    I'm really more concerned about the millions of us who have crappy, insufficient health insurance, and almost no mental health coverage when we really need someone to talk to.

  49. @mercyprosperity, I am in agreement with you. But when people consider the manefestations mental illness a publicity stunt or a political statement, it hurts those "little people" who can't get sufficient healthcare funding cuz no one takes mental illnessseriously.

  50. ckpsjp - Without a doubt. Mix that in with Scopolamine, you have Kanye.

  51. Anonymous5:19 PM

    an American adult has certain freedoms. Why would he need an escort ? That's his decision and nobody else's.

  52. Some of the best artists are bi-polar. I have had bi-polar friends and they were amazing. I do feel bad for what they go through and many often get hooked on drugs to combat the low lows they go through but their energy and passion is breath taking.

    It is said Van Gogh was bi-polar and his art sells for the most of anyone.

    He is brave to say those things and he is right about Chicago.

  53. If Obama had ever been mayor of Chicago, then Kanye might have a point.

    And, to further Kanye's logic, if black people choose to be slaves, why is he recommending they look for a massa for help? That seems to suggest a natural condition which I'm sure as fuck will not sit well with any African American, anywhere, from any side.
