Monday, May 28, 2018

Blind Item #2

This always outspoken rapper decided to break some news. She is never shy about exposing everything going on behind the scenes. She threw some serious shade at the A list reality star and the man the reality star calls her husband. Our rapper basically said one shouldn't cast stones at glass houses. The rapper has written a bunch of hits for the husband of the reality star because he is not as good as he used to be. So, maybe the reality star shouldn't be calling out other people for their writing issues.


  1. Best guess so far. 😂

  2. kim kanye and I dont know the other person

  3. Azaelia Banks/Kanye and Kim

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Kim, Kanye and a rapper from Chicago. This was on the entertainment news this past weekend.

  6. the crazy part is Kim swears she knows every single little thing about Kanye. She swears she knows how to write and produce shit, it’s pretty HILARIOUS. She’s probably the dumbest person on the planet. She wanna act hard over Twitter? Well, when someone confronts her in real life I hope she keeps that same energy

  7. This isn’t a blind, it’s a trending story on twitter and has been since Sat. It’s Kim K, Kanye, and RhymeFest. The latter was running Dondre’s House, the charity run under Kanye’s mom’s name. Kim got schooled pretty badly, she and Kanye came off looking like asses and just generally like the crappy people that they are. RhymeFest wrote Jesus Walks along w/other hits and does a lot for the Chicago underprivileged, and apparently Kanye doesn’t do anything to help the place he’s from.

    1. Mind you, Kanye cofounded the organization and hasn’t done a single thing to help out... EVER. Kanye’s quick to call out Obama for not helping Chicago but he hasn’t done a single damn thing. Kim grew up extremely privileged she’ll never know what it means to struggle so she genuinely doesn’t care.

  8. Kanye having ghostwriters is old news. He is a producer first like dre.

    1. He should respect his writers and his wife should mind her damn business.

  9. The tweets sounded like Kanye either wrote them or told Kim what to say.
    How was he that great in the first place when most of his songs were written by others or heavily sampling other songs.

  10. “Throw stones at glass houses”?

  11. He’s considered great because he makes great beats. Or made, idk, he’s just a nut job now. That’s what made him special, though.

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  13. The Kardashian reign of terror is finally over. The entire family will have a hard time being relevant and are losing any fans they had. Kim's career is ending in full force at this stage which she seems aware of, attacking people for her husband, especially when it involves causes, is just hammering more nails in the coffin.

  14. Kim doesn't know what 'leveraging' means. She had someone write those tweets for her.

  15. It says the rapper is a female. Outspoken female rappers are azaelia banks and remy ma. I’ll go with banks.

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  17. Yep, Azealia Banks:

  18. Azaelia Banks have an interview about writing for Kanye and Rihanna and how they didn't feed her.

  19. What’s this: “The man the reality star calls her husband”? Aren’t they really married?

    1. Yknow... I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t.
      Kim has had bad press with her flash in the pan marriages and if the rumours about Kanye are true, then it benefits him to have a wife.
      In Kim’s tweets she said she would take the charity back and run it until “my kids are ready to run it”
      I found it weird that she referred to them as “my” as opposed to “our”. Since the charity is related to Kanye, his mother, and is based in his city.

  20. So.... it's... Kanye's fault Chicago is a war zone?

  21. +1 Sugar.

    About the "my" vs "our" kid thing. It could be an oversight. I sometimes refer to our kids as "my" pisses my husband off, but it's not intentional.

  22. This is Azealia Banks/Cardi B & Offset.

  23. Anonymous10:38 AM

    My friend is an escort from LA and she told me years ago about kanye flying her and her pornstar bff out to Hawaii. He didn't have sex with my friend (she still got paid anyway) but was all about the pornstar. Funny thing, the pornstar is know for her interracial anal. Lol she was even Elegant Angels butt woman one year. He was with Amber Rose when all this happened.

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