Thursday, May 24, 2018

Blind Item #2

This celebrity offspring knows what happened, he is just hoping to get something in the will if he says what he says about his dad.


  1. Woody and his other son.

  2. Woody Allen and the brother who said Dylan Farrow wasn't assaulted.

  3. I hope this isnt insinuating that woody is gonna die soon. Normally I wouldnt care, but justice served first would be nice

    1. That would be great justice! Rid that disgusting POS from this earth! We all know what he did.. it’s not hard to piece two and two together

    2. @unknown...agreed! The POS is a waste of my air space!!!'

    3. Only issue I have with Woody kicking the bucket is... that no trees or plants would grow in the toxic soil around his putrid corpse. Which really sucks, cuz I like trees much better than Hollywood asshats

  4. it is not the first time that Moses talks against his mother and what his sister accuses Allen.

  5. Is Ronan Farrow paying you to write this? How would you even know?

  6. He’s so disgusting! I read what he said and I’m like “were you with your sister every second of her life?” ..... she was really molested by their father but he doesn’t care he wants money! It’s truly truly sick.

  7. Kind of thought that Moses had an alterior motive. Soon Yi and kids will get most of what's left. Woody will never face justice.

  8. No one here knows for sure what Woody did or didnt do, cut the crap. People love to nail someone to the cross without even going through the due process.

    1. There's no "due process" on an Internet forum fuckwit!😂

    2. @Jesse Rice
      And then there are those, such as yourself, who are too lazy to read the court transcripts nor the judge's decision but just love to hear themselves spout shit like, "cut the crap", instead of actually researching in order to form an opinion.

  9. Oh for god's sake, stop fantasizing Enty. "We" don't know what he did or didn't do.

  10. @Krab, that was my reaction as well. None of us were in the room where it happened, and dating a 20 year old sibling is not comparable to assault on a child.

    I think it's interesting that neither Enty nor the other commenters want to address the abuse Moses claims to have suffered from his mother.

  11. "You" might not know but "I" do.
    Why? Because ive learned to trust my instincts, and look at details around everything. Words mean nothing compared to actions.
    people who defend him are just gross. And miss me with the "it really isnt his daughter-she was adopted"
    Gross. Just gross.

    1. Totally agree, Rosie.

    2. I'm adopted...pretty glad my dad didn't propose.....

  12. Whatever did or did not happen is between them. That whole family is fucked up. I think most people can agree on that.

  13. I always thought Mia influenced her child in these accusations. The police investigated at the time and found no cause to charge him with sexual assault on a minor. I read articles that were published back at the time it was alleged to have occurred and I think there’s reasonable doubt. I think hooking up with mia’s Adult daughter atrocious but I question what happened with Dylan.

  14. These after-the-fact non-blind blinds ring hollow. They come off as opinion rather than as a scoop.

  15. @Simon, yeah, I feel the same way. It also seems questionable to believe Dylan's childhood memories and doubt Moses'.

    Whatever is true, Dylan has been convinced to make whatever happened briefly in a room 25 years ago into the centerpiece of her life. That's sad whether or not abuse happened. The people who love her should have helped her confront her abuser and then build beyond.

    I also find it interesting that there have been no other reported victims, which is unusual for pedophiles.

    1. Too lazy to look up the court transcripts, why am I surprised. I feel like you just like to hear yourself talk about things you know nothing about.

  16. Yes, we all come to a blind gossip site for "due process of the law." Ha.

    Who knows what really happened and why Moses is speaking out. But, this is worth a read:

  17. Nice Hamilton reference, Nutty. Now I can't get that song out of my head. lol

  18. Moses would know about things like the size of the attic and where the train set was, and it was said by court ordered therapists that Dylan was inconsistent with details, her story kept changing.

  19. Rosie, he did not marry his daughter. He married Andre Previn's daughter. Previn is who Soon Yi always considered her father, and he was her adoptive father.

    1. Actually Woody never adopted soon yi. He only adopted Moses and Dylan, which always seemed weird to me that he would only adopt two of the many children that Mia had. Allegedly his reasoning was he formed a bond with only those two kids. I'm not defending this weirdo, it's still disgusting to marry your children's sister whom you have known since she was a child!

  20. LOL Cheesegrater! I just say Hamilton a couple of weeks ago and have been playing the soundtrack ever since. I’m even reading the biography it’s based on. Good show - lives up to the hype.

  21. This all remains such a mess. Mia defended Polanski. Ronan isn't really Woody's son. So many talented people kept working with Woody Allen for years, and Amazon was a huge supporter for as long as possible. Was Moses previously "Satchel"?

    1. No. Satchel is Ronan. Satchel Ronan O'Sullivan Farrow.

  22. It's too bad, they sound like like such a wholesome family. Woody and Mia sound like great parents!

  23. Ronan is more than likely Woody's son. He just looks an awful lot like Mia.

    1. He looks an awful lot like Sinatra

    2. Everytime I see a photo of Ronan I think I'm seeing a young frank Sinatra!

  24. @JesseRice, kids usually don't have enough of an idea about sex to lie. If she says so, it probably happened.

  25. @Unknown...youd be surprised what can be "planted" in a kids head. Does everyone forget the timeline of events with Woody and Mia? This came out AFTER Woody basically ditched his rocky relationship with Mia for someone half her age...and her DAUGHTER. Yeah, it was ugly.

    Also, Woody DID NOT MARRY HIS DAUGHTER. I wish people would understand that. Soon Yi was an adopted daughter of Mia and her previous husband, NOT WOODY.

    Some of yall like to twist the facts to fit your narrative. Retarded.

    1. Mia adopted her in 1978.
      Mia and Woody got together in 1980.
      Please, enlighten the savages Jesse Rice.
      Tell us, in all of your infinite fucking wisdom, how this is acceptable?
      Are you a parent? Statistically most here are probably parents or step-parents-
      So please, explain it as if I'm retarded. Or did I twist those factual dates to fit my narrative that people who say ans support this are gross?
      I'm all ears over here.

    2. You sound pathetic defending this man!

  26. Ronan was previously Satchel.

    @Do Tell

    The only thing about Ronan that seems at all like Woody is his voice. He has a very similar voice to Woody, not the golden throat of the Chairman of the Board. Shut your eyes next time he is interviewed and listen to it.

    Whatever happened between Dylan and Woody, he clearly intimidated her as a child with his obsession.

    Moses has adored Woody since childhood. He's one of the kids that Woody actually bonded with and eventually adopted. I think he's one of the kids who was mostly ignored or had no place inside Mia's orphanage except Woody liked him. It's probably not fair to criticize Moses.

  27. The investigation said that while they were sure "something" had happened, there was concern for the child having to go through the whole process, so it wasn't pursued. All of the court documents and reports are easy to find and fascinating to read.

    Woody Allen was in Soon-yi's life as a father or uncle-type from when she was a child. While technically correct to say he wasn't her father, it's simply hair-splitting.

    Woody himself has said:

    “I was paternal. She responded to someone who was paternal.”

    “She deferred to me, and I was happy to give her an enormous amount of decision-making just as a gift and let her take charge of so many things,” he continued. “She flourished. It was just a good luck thing.”

  28. Doesnt matter, Woody was not her father, adoptive or otherwise. Soon Yi even had Mia's previous husbands' last name. So no, its NOT splitting hairs, its a FACT.

  29. I see the shills were up early this morning! So the rules we're setting are that we'd need to be in the room when the alleged abuse is happening, the victim's family can't be questionable at all, we should give the accused more weight if he's a popular director, and we should discount the accused entering into a sexual relationship with a sister of the victim when she wasn't old enough to drink. Yes, right?

    Do your own research, review the court documents, look at what people involved said in interviews. Nobody said Allen was found innocent or exonerated, they said the case wasn't pursued over concern for Dylan's psychological well being but that there was enough evidence for a conviction. As for Mia Farrow, I think she should have taken the children away from Allen the second she noticed him acting inappropriately with Dylan. Allen went to therapy to work on his inappropriate behavior with Dylan, does that seem odd to anyone?

    Do your own research. It is ridiculous that every other person is immediately embraced in the #MeToo and #TimesUp culture but Dylan Farrow is shunned. I believe Dylan. And if you want to bring up Moses Farrow like he's gospel then perhaps you should review what her other brother had to say.

    1. I suspect Jesse agrees with sharia law saying a man can't be convicted of rape unless there were 4 male witnesses!

    2. Brayson87, thank you.

  30. Thanks Brayxon87, you said it far better than I did.

    And @Jesse Rice - I don't care what you call it, it's creepy as F and if it happened in my family his nuts would have been kicked to his throat. He was a trusted father/uncle figure to Soon-yi and an actual father to some of her siblings - and 35 years her senior.

    If you can't see what's wrong with this, then I can't say anything more.

  31. Finally an explanation that makes sense. Those here who defend Woody Allen and call Mia crazy or evil are themselves crazy or evil. I have more evidence to defend that statement than you do for your "opinions".

  32. Thanks Brayson87. The rat bastard obviously groomed Soon-Yi.

  33. Yeah, Woody's contention that he barely knew Soon Yi is belied by the movie Hannah and her Sisters. Soon Yi is right there, in multiple scenes, filmed as a child in a charming manner. That was filmed in Mia's huge Central Park West apartment, with all the kids running around, which took quite a while. Woody took family vacations with the Previn/Farrows. There are many photos of them all bunched together. Woody and Soon Yi sure spent a lot of family time together for two people who "barely knew each other".

    Who cares if he wasn't technically her father! His relationship with Soon Yi stinks of grooming, to me, almost a Pygmalion ideal of taking a child and making her his own.

  34. @Brayson87 -

    People who don't agree with you are "shills"?


    Have you been taking debate technique lessons from the President? That's about his level of discourse.


  35. At any rate, people who say they are the victims of sexual assault deserve respect, care, and careful listening - but not unquestioning belief.

    Anyone else follow the Sherita Dixon-Cole case yesterday? Shaun King, the civil rights activist, wrote a long piece about her on Medium.

    Sherita told her attorney, another civil rights campaigner, that she had been kidnapped, beaten and raped by a traffic cop who stopped her. Shaun was outraged on her behalf and spread her story to his army of followers.

    Except the traffic cop was wearing a body cam, and when the footage was played back it showed an entirely routine traffic stop. Sherita was calm and collected, her male companion was calm and collected, and so was the cop. Entirely professional.

    What made Sherita come up with that horrible story? God knows.

    You can search out Shaun's piece on Medium: "When the “victim” you fought for turns out to be the victimizer: Sherita Dixon-Cole and the painful consequences of a false report of sexual assault and police misconduct"

  36. @Brayson87

    Agree with everything you've written except this -

    "It is ridiculous that every other person is immediately embraced in the #MeToo and #TimesUp culture but Dylan Farrow is shunned"

    No one has shunned Dylan that I've seen. Creating a division between MeToo and Dylan isn't fair. After all, her brother released the Weinstein story, probably because he knows how predators operate given his sister's history with Woody. One could say that Dylan is the reason MeToo even exists now.

  37. @Nutty Flavor - I agree with the idea that there are some who will lie and simply believing everything they say is not wise.

    This however has nothing to do with this case. The investigation concluded that the child had not lied. If it had been anyone other than a famous director, they most likely would have gone to jail and been registered as a sex offender.

  38. Who the fuck said it wasnt "creepy af"? Im merely pointing out a FACT: WOODY WAS NOT HER FATHER.

    I feel like the level of dumb in these comments cant get to a higher level, but everyday seems to surprise me.

    1. Jesuschrist. Get back up here when youre over 18 and closer to being an adult in relationships NOT EVEN MARRIED OR WITH YOUR OWN BIRTH CHILDREN and then see how you feel. And if youre already in this demograph? you have serious issues.
      Gross. This whole thing is disgusting me.
      I'm out this bitch


    And what TF does THAT matter???????

    He was the boyfriend of the mother, the constant male presence, in those kids' lives. Father or not, he had a responsibility to that family which he blithely cast aside so he could groom a teenager to be his sex doll/perfect mate.

    You don't take X-rated photos of your childrens' sister (who may have been as young as 14) as a part of your sex games, okay? What is so complicated about that? Why are you pretending that is just "creepy"? It's far worse than "creepy".

  40. !9 year old Mia was fucking 48 year old Frank Sinatra before she married him 2 years later. I guess she was being "groomed"?

    I mean, FFS, Woody and Soon Yi have been married for more than 20 years, which is a lot longer than he was ever with Mia. Oh, but pointing those things out, or Mia telling Woody prior to the initial accusations, "I have something very nasty planned for you," and "You took my daughter, so I'm gonna take yours" or her sending him a paper heart with 17 skewers through it is evidence of her being unbalanced and yes, NUTS, makes me *eeeeeeeeevil*

    *lifts pinky to corner of mouth*

  41. Okay, who wants to explain to us why it's perfectly normal that Woody Allen doesn't watch "House of Cards" or "Ray Donovan" (which star 2 of his friends), but never missed an episode of "Hannah Montana"?

  42. Maybe she was! But Mia was older than Soon Yi when her relationship with Frank started and she left him when they didn't fit. Mia had a strange upbringing herself, with alcoholic parents who were constantly screwing around and abandoned the kids. What was normalized in her childhood probably played a role in her relationship with Frank as a stabile person.

    "Mia telling Woody prior to the initial accusations, "I have something very nasty planned for you," and "You took my daughter, so I'm gonna take yours" "

    According to Woody, naturally. Who cares if she did say it? Lots of shit is said in the volatility of a break up. You have never been guilty of using words as weapons when you are hurting? Lucky you.

    "sending him a paper heart with 17 skewers through it is evidence of her being unbalanced"

    WTF???? It's not unbalanced except in to the most Puritan of judges. Sounds like a piece of honesty, to me. At least there is no implicit threat in it, right? It's a sad visual piece nothing more.

    "makes me *eeeeeeeeevil"

    No, just an apologist. Maybe you want that evil pedestal but no one here has put you on it.

  43. Sad and all too predicable effort to bury the other side of the story by assigning an ulterior motive.
    If Moses has an ulterior motive for saying what he's saying (and has said before), then how don't the other kids since they'll take from Mia?
    Honestly, perpetuating this disaster by continuing to play it out in the press for clicks isn't good for ANYONE in this family. Maybe the decent thing to do would be to stop?

  44. @Do Tell Ronan Farrow basically acknowledged the Sinatra rumour in an interview a few years back, by saying that the Sinatra family treats him as a son. If you look at pics of young Frank, the resemblance is uncanny. I don't believe there was any DNA testing done, at least none that we would know about, but it seems very likely that he is Frank's love child. Mia has admitted to cheating on Woody with Frank in a book she wrote.

  45. It's not that hard to spot a shill when you've been around for a while. It's not about disagreement. It's about a particular pattern of tactics they reliably use, which I won't describe because I don't want to help them get better at it.

  46. @Brayson87 I have been lurking here for a long time and the detractors always seem to pop up in the pedo posts.
    I agree with everything you stated and would like to add that male and child victims are being excluded from metoo and timesup. I guess it would be awkward to call out the sickos when they are the ones funding those foundations.

  47. I like how some of your are insisting on a huge distinction between Soon Yi being his biological daughter vs. his step-daughter. Does that make it that much less creepy to you? Like, fine - it's not official incest, I guess. But it's still not cool.

  48. This is a comment that Ronan Farrow wrote and posted on Twitter today. It gives some insight into perhaps why Moses has changed his story from when he was younger and now defends Woody.

  49. The Pedo Tribe strikes again! Oy Vey!!!

  50. Donald Trump Jr and Donald Trump. He knows all about pedo Jeffrey Epstein and his scumbag sicko father.

  51. We will never know and as much as I do believe this is what Dylan believes happened to her-Mia Farrow is very messed up herself. She adopted kids and then didn't look after their needs. They mixed with the liberal 'anything goes' circle and either way-Dylan has been abused and she is either a victim of sexual abuse or her Mum's abuse of making her believe she was abused to screw over Woody because he hurt her. People do use their children as weapons....

  52. Frank wasn't seeing Mia's mother before her was he? He didn't take nude photos of her when she was underage did he? Frank wasn't a father figure in her life. It's apples and rotten fucking oranges!

  53. @Brayson You are entitled to believe whom you will. But so am I. So knock off the tantrum.

  54. I don't believe that at all, and it's shameful that Enty is smearing a child abuse survivor. Woody is vile and likely a predator but Mia clearly was emotionally and physically abusive too (as well as possibly sexually - she forced Dylan to submit to NUDE videotaped sessions where she discussed her sexual abuse then leaked them to the press - who releases tapes of their naked child talking about sex??) and she's publicly supported two convicted child sex abusers. They're both as bad as each other, and the poor kids deserve a voice.

  55. Mia is a certifiable psycho and kid collector and I could easily see her coaching the daughter to destroy Woody. However, Woody is toast because he groomed, photographed and ultimately married his step-daughter. God only knows what else went on in that house. There are no heros here and the kids likely all completely believe what they are saying is true. That's what happens when a pedophile and a psycho co-habitate in a houseful of kids.

  56. Ronan, formerly Satchel, looks just like young Frank Sinatra. Whenever I see him on live TV it creeps me out he looks so much like him.

    As Rose Nylund would say: Uncanny

  57. Woody Allen paid people to go through Mia’s garbage and also used Black Cube (a private eye company staffed by former Israeli spies) to spy on Mia and the children and to discredit Dylan. Ronan talked about woody on Fresh Air yesterday, including the info about Black Cube. Very interestingly, Terry Gross called Allen “your father,” but it seemed as if Ronan went out of his way to call him “Woody Allen,” and to never acknowledge Gross’ references to Allen as his father.

    1. +1000 GladysKravitz
      It's such a shame how many idiots skip over pertinent facts and informantion in order to post their ignorant, inane 'feelings' about everything, no matter whom it hurts.

  58. @Brayson and @RosieRiveter: thank you for your consistently intelligent and well-analyzed comments. You both have an analysis of the world and it shows.

  59. I find it so weird that so many of the kids changed their names so many times,

    Ronan used to be Satchel, Dylan used to be Eliza and then Malone, Quincy was named originally Kaeli-Shea, Thaddeus was first named Gabriel

    A name is a core part of ones identity and for a parent to change so many of her kids names so often seems like a form of abuse.

  60. "A name is a core part of ones identity and for a parent to change so many of her kids names so often seems like a form of abuse. "

    Mia didn't change the kids' names. They played with their own official identities, which seems pretty innocuous.
