Thursday, May 31, 2018

Blind Item #1

It is always dangerous to go up against this daytime talk show host as a foreign born A list singer/rapper and his family member are about to find out. Our talk show host knows where all the bodies are buried and unlike others is not shy about revealing locations of them.


Tricia13 said...
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Tricia13 said...

Wendy Williams/Drake and his love child Adonis


Geeljire's argument with his roommate this morning wow this building is tapped worse than I thought

totaji said...

If you cover your head in foil, they can’t read or hear your brain waves.

notthisagain said...

troll harder.

Shaddup Mimsey said...

Agree That it's Wendy

MDAnderson said...

Agree. Drake’s dad called her a drag queen.

HMR said...

I have to say Geeljire, you leave some of my favorite comments on these boards.

Unknown said...

Seeing that picture of Drake in black face was fucking hilarious.

Unknown said...

Lol and I’m sure somebody knows where her dead bodies are buried... she doesn’t want another scandal on her hands

Thonker said...

Dangerous to go against wendy whaleiams? Please. Her pathetic radio career which consisted of nothing but bullying is enough to shut her big mouth.


Someone just earned themself an eviction!
Make sure you know your law better than Geeljire before challenging him ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU AREN'T PAYING SHIT.

See what a nice guy I am, I'm not linking their instagram here.

nonyabusiness said...

Wendell Williams isn't going to do shit.

Spudmonkey said...

So June is upon us and the much hyped, much promised Himmmm guarantee that Don Henley was going down in May has proved to be complete and utter bullshit - shock - horror....
Can we finally all agree that while he writes a good story, those stories are complete and utter fiction?...

cruzzer2 said...

This is bullshit

Brayson87 said...

"Daniel's saving Grace
She's out in deep water
Hope he's a good swimmer
Daniel plays his ace
Deep inside his temple
He knows how to surf her
We're getting away with it
All messed up
Getting away with it
All messed up
That's the living"

Crazycatlady said...

Not sure why he would even try to hide a love child? Like anyone who has heard his music would be shocked he impregnated a porn star, a stripper or Jho if she weren’t past her prime age (for fertility - calm down trolls).

Crazycatlady said...

WW, with all that plastic surgery/botox she gets I am surprised she can still open her mouth to talk. How dare DG insult drag queens like that - uncool dude. Hopefully she doesn’t faint on air again.

Thot Crimes said...

Epileptic Spudmonkey wrote - "Can we finally all agree..." - Do you not read the comments? Agreements are a rarity here.

You post this "hmmmmm/enty are completely busted as frauds and all thinking commenters should disregard everything they have ever said as total BS" in every comment section because they were (maybe) wrong about a date in one BI, or that it is possibly one of the bullshit BI's the warning label warned you about.

Where you not entertained? Do you want your money back? You should definitely sue.


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