Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Blind Item #1

This foreign born alliterate A- list singer is on double secret probation. One more slip up and she is gone from a high profile gig.


  1. I can see this being Camila Cabello. Girl’s a mess. And idk if jesse j is considered A-

  2. Anonymous6:44 AM


  3. Enty, do you have a source in Taylor's menagerie or do you just make this stuff up? This piece is believable, but some of the crap you put out about her is way off base.

  4. Just here to remind people that she referred to her ex girl group, while on Xfactor, as N words. W/ the R if anyone cared. Receipts online. Google is your friend.

  5. @cebii it's quite evident that he just hates her. In 2013 or 2014 there were blind items about her sleeping with Tim McGraw lol So there you go. Since he has changed it to: Y'ALL SHE'S A LESBIAN

  6. lol @ 'double secret probation' sounds as serious as my mom's 'get tough policy' she better be careful or 'face consequences'

    hey um enty. all the ads are making it nearly impossible to post comments. I really wanted to post my favorite muppet and was unable to. right now i am currently staring at ad for grand canyon University, u of m, Rosetta Stone and an Ann Taylor website as the letters to my keyboard are shielded by someone frying up a McDonald's cheeseburger and quickly cutting to some squirrel-on-crack hands dicing up a sponge and inserting homemade soap in some sort of hybrid washcloth attempt. you need a few bucks?

  7. Guess it's not so secret probation now.

    Yes a pop up blocker is now a CDAN necessity.

  8. I laughed out loud at the Animal House reference.

    Then I rolled my eyes.

  9. If it's camila then it's probably her management/record company pissed off she is blowing a gig this big. Despite all the rumours it appears the swift tour is a sell out, boxscores of $7m+ per show so far.


    Enty - I love you so much for using "double secret probation." I don't even remember the blind...just the words "double secret probation." I can't stop laughing. I love it!!!

  11. This is Cabello. Swift had the entire stadium at Monday's gig yelling "get well soon" to CC because she was "sick". Coincidentally, the Billboard Music Awards were Sunday night and CC seemed fine. Enty has posted other blinds alleging that CC is way too into the boogar sugar and better watch herself. It's too bad, she's pretty and talented but seems to be wasting it.

  12. @cebii - maybe I'm gullible, but I tend to believe what he puts out there about TS. Which items are you referring to that seem far-fetched? I'm not trying to start a pissing contest at all; just genuinely curious as I may have missed out on some of the crazier blinds about her!

  13. My ad blocker says just today it blocked over 240 ads and saved me almost 8 MB of data. I've mostly been here. Tell you much?

    1. I literally only use my ad blocker browser for CDAN.

  14. All the pop up ads make the site damn near unreadable on my phone. It’s awful.

  15. Love me some “Double Secret Probation” & “When the German’s bombed Pearl Harbor”
    I finally downloaded “Ad Block” (free) bc I couldn’t read a BI before the site crashed & reloaded, non stop.

  16. Camila Cabelo - hospitalized for “dehydration and flu”
