Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Blind Item #1

Since she has kicked her drug and booze problem, this foreign born A list rapper thinks she needs some work, After the less than stellar reaction to her fillers and botox, she wants to go under the knife.


  1. Replies
    1. +1

      she’s came out worse than she did coming in to rehab

    2. Yeah I thought the blind from a few weeks back was that Nicki was doing wat worse and more drugs then when she went in ?!

  2. Can they put her back to factory mode?

  3. I don't know if this is Nicki Minaj, her face looks fine and I thought we had a blind that she wasn't able to kick the drugs.

  4. Replies
    1. It’s weird cause iggy never gets that rating from Enty

  5. He usually refers to Iggy as "still one-hit wonder."

  6. Eventually Enty is going to have to admit that Iggy was more than a "still one-hit wonder" but I thought Iggy went under the knife a long time ago.

  7. Iggy isn't A list, so that makes me think Nicki Minaj

    She has already gotten enough surgery from head to toe. If she does more work, she is going to look ridiculous

  8. Nicki already went under the knife. What else does she want to get done?

  9. Talentless, fat, black slag

  10. Who the fuck cares if she wants plastic surgery? Every other celebrity has done it.

    Maybe if it helps her self esteem, she might remove one roadblock to her recovery efforts.

  11. At least they're coming back from the drugs I guess? :(

  12. what is sad about these guesses is i don't think any of them are even over 30 and at that age what is more beautiful on a face than youth. where are their grammas to set them straight? this is tragic



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