Saturday, May 12, 2018

Blind Item #1

The company of this permanent A++ list singer has a paid army of online defenders of the singer's image.  They're always creating new accounts which appear to have the sole purpose of defending the singer against any negative accusations.  Say one thing about this singer and child molesting, and they swarm.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous8:09 AM


  3. If it is MJ then they're not doing a very good job!

  4. Fuck you Enty. Next you'll be accusing me of being a Russian bot. You explain how the LA cops, notorious for covering for pedos, all of a sudden developed a hard on for Michael. There's zero proof he was a pedo, none. In fact there's strong evidence that he was a castrati, which I'm sure you're aware of. The poor fuck had no testosterone in his system, suffered horrific childhood abuse himself, couldn't father children and as he'd never been through puberty himself had no concept of adult sexuality. What he did do however was help kids who were being abused, which was his real crime.

    1. would you know if he went through puberty or not?

    2. No he is is a pigstein bot🐖. Oink

    3. You're such a fucking tool to be so foul about literally every single post on women but now clutching your pearls for MJ ? lol
      what a waste of space

    4. Ha - Amen! @rosie

    5. Time to change your name your posts are ridiculous

    6. Barstool is a fucking asshole troll. GFYS shithead.

    7. There's literally video of him speaking in his "regular" voice and there's a kid who identified markings on his penis before he revealed he had vitiligo. Yeah he's a pedo.

  5. Ssooo, this blind turned out to be a reveal!

  6. Wait what? Why bother... he's dead.. seems like a waste of effort to me.

    1. He’s dead but people are greedy and the $ isn’t dead

  7. Anonymous8:58 AM

    What a waste of time and money to defend a child raper ... Hollyweird for ya!

  8. Didn’t they find child tort*re p0rn in MJ’s never land

    I always thought MJ was guilty but the Geffen/Spielberg/Neverland ranch blind made me realize MJ did that voodoo curse on them both bc he figured out what they were using neverland ranch for

    1. That's what I think. They probably had a hand in his death as well.

    2. @notthisagain

      Prince did voodoo on MJ. The first wave of molestation accusations took place shortly afterwards.

      MJ had child porn in his home. He admitted on international television that he shared his bed with young boys. The man toted Emmanuel Lewis around while he was dating Brooke Shields.

      What more clues does one need?

  9. Now suddenly I'm agreeing with Vessimede Barstool? whiplash.

    For anyone keeping score: I don't believe MJ was a pedo. I don't believe Woody Allen molested his daughter. I don't believe in a worldwide pedo conspiracy. I do believe David Geffen is a scary bad dude. I agree with MeToo and I also wouldn't let a child of mine enter show business for any amount of money.

    1. And we're all *shocked* that you agree with that slimy waste of space
      Like goes with like I guess
      Hey, tell us more of your intelligent theories and DEFINITELY start with the woody allen one

    2. @rosie riveter
      Please don't ever go away. Thanks.

  10. I think people were using Michael to deflect attention from their own actions. Things didn't happen to Michael after the accusations came out, such as when others are accused. More reliable cases and proof should have come out by now. If there was anything that met the legal definition of child pornography on his computer, they would have pursued that rather than use unreliable witnesses. I do not believe he was castrated,possibly chemically which could be reversed. His normal voice was deeper,he was intentionally trying to sound childlike.

    1. You can't cure dumb. He DID have multiple examples of pornographic material in his home, magazines, videos (that he would show the children with popcorn and alcohol) and on his hard drive. Are you in denial or just extremely ignorant of the facts? Oh yeah, he was a black icon so he can't be guilty, hahah!

  11. @Krab, there is absolutely a worldwide pedo conspiracy,that's what child human trafficking is. Maybe the way it is portrayed by conspiracy theorists is off but it sure is real.I'm still undecided about Woody, but only because I know Mia's backstory. And Ronan believes it, and that is what motivates him to expose others.

  12. If MJ is really, really a pedo, then Spielo, Geffo, and Allen are bigger ones and living and stalking the earth. Lets focus on those predators alive with destruction set in their sights for godsake.

  13. One victim's father committed suicide months after MJ's death. Grimm stuff

  14. Castrato or not, didn’t MJ share a bed with children? That’s pretty disturbing all by itself.

  15. every artist fropm the 60's and 70's are/were into too Young gals

  16. I think MJ was guilty. The major defense seems to be "he was emotionally stunted and like a child so it shouldn't count." Well, no, that's not how the law works.

    1. @KittensRUs

      You are correct.

      A lot of research shows most pedophiles are emotionally stunted. I know, let's free them all and let them marry children. NOT.

  17. Yes, but the law has also never come up with really good evidence either. The accusers were shakedowns, and the raids never turned up anything. And believe me, I'm not even an MJ fan. I just require actual evidence when I decide someone is guilty of a heinous crime.


    2. Interesting. Radar links to a dossier, but it's no longer there.

  18. Hey Barstool: You do know that the high pitched voice he used was only in public? Lisa Marie and others close to him said he used his regular low voice in private, which would probably dispel the theory that he had no testosterone.

  19. @Krab - I absolutely believe the Woody Allen stuff.

  20. Sicko who named his child "Blanket" after one of his victims revealed that MJ did the dirty to him under a blanket.

  21. The MJ raids did turn up evidence of crimes, such as loads of child pornography. It just took authorities 13 years to release it.

  22. I'm so confused by this. I read that one of the witnesses of the MJ assault case was forced to lie about MJ assaulting him by his dad to collect a paycheck. The witness admitted to this years later. Also, Corey Feldman says MJ never sexually assaulted him. Was there proof that he did sexually assault children?

    1. I used to believe Feldman. Thanks to CDAN, he doesn't seem credible anymore.

  23. GabeHoffman had a spat with a few people on twitter re the drawings Mj had
    Idk what to think

  24. His legal name isn’t “Blanket”, it’s “Prince Michael II”.
    Not to be confused with his brother “Michael Joseph II” aka “Prince”. ;)

  25. I'm with Barstool on this one. MJ was a prime target for shakedowns and blackmailing and some people won't give up the ghost so long as there's money in them thar hills.

  26. I don't know any adult that wants to hang around kids unless they are relatives.

  27. That dossier of evidence is actually mostly fake. I’m undecided about MJ’s proclivities but I researched that story in depth when it first came out. Turns out that some of the images (art pieces etc) in that dossier weren’t even created until after MJ died! One of the artists is on Instagram, I interviewed him and he was extremely angry about his work being used to try and portray MJ (and in turn himself) as a pedophile. It’s all catalogued. Similar things were discovered about other items on the list. That dossier story was a shakedown by Wade Robsons lawyers to try to find other victims willing to come forward. It didn’t work, but countless news outlets ran with it as fact before doing any in depth research into its legitimacy. People still think it’s a true story! MJ was a strange guy and quite possibly a child molester, but I will speak up if I know something to be inaccurate and that whole dossier story is. There wasn’t any child pornography found on any of MJ’s hard drives (he had dozens of computers) or in any of his residences. If there had been he would have been arrested and charged on that count alone. It would’ve been a massive slam dunk for the prosecution, the DA never charged or even alleged that MJ had child pornography. What was genuinely found was legal straight and homosexual pornographic books and magazines. MJ’s lawyers said that he would buy libraries of books (of all subjects) from old storage containers and estate sales, that he was a hoarder and that much of it was still in boxes and not even checked through. However, on the other hand it’s very possible that a pedophile could use straight pornography in order to lower a child’s inhibitions and entice sexual interest/activity. So I’m definitely not ruling out MJ’s guilt, just the facts of that particular story.

  28. The whole castration thing is untrue too. Check out his autopsy report. It states that MJ’s ‘penis and testicles appear normal’ and that he was producing sperm *vomits* I really wish I didn’t know that!

  29. @Sal T, thanks for going into this level of detail. You are correct that he would have been charged if he had child pornography. Possession of child pornography is a crime. So for example, if a boy has a nude pic of their 15 year old girlfriend, that is considered possession of CP and is illegal. Also, pedophilia in itself is not a crime. Pedophiles are people that are genuinely sexually attracted to children. They are born wired that way. Child molesters are those that sexually assault a child. I'm studying Criminal Justice and we just learned about this in our grad class.

  30. MJ had a normal, adult male speaking voice.
    They found some disturbing material in his personal quarters on his death.
    Of course, they could be painting him, if he was actually working against them.

    On the other hand, he did pay out huge settlements to families of young boys he knew.
    I don't think anyone innocent would do that.
    $20 million in on case it seems.

  31. I know about this case too @Southern Man, I had to cover Michael Jackson stories for years unfortunately! The case you’re referring to is Jordan Chandler and family. MJ didn’t want to settle that case, he was adamant. However, his mental health deteriorated and his addiction to prescription medication (Demerol at that time) spiralled. He flew to London and attended rehab. His lawyers advised a settlement because they didn’t think he would live through a court case. The settlement was actually paid out by his property insurance. Again, not saying this doesn’t mean he wasn’t guilty, just stating the facts. There are so many misconceptions out there and Jackson’s dead, so he can’t tell his side. Jordan’s Dad Evan was the one who committed suicide after MJ’s death, many try to spin that it was out of guilt for ‘setting up’ MJ but it’s important to note that Evan had a degenerative medical condition and was in pain 24/7. That could just as easily be the reason for his suicide. Jordan empancipated himself from both parents a couple of years after the settlement, he and his Dad had a very volatile relationship that often turned violent. Police reports show this. One thing that is clear is that no one came out of that situation well. All involved suffered greatly. MJ made continuously horrible life decisions, he had a victim mentality and didn’t attempt to rectify his behaviour, in fact he, more than anyone, fuelled suspicion. If he wasn’t a child molester then he absolutely left himself wide open to be accused and still continued spending unsupervised time with unrelated children after the first allegations. He was either incredibly naive or had an unhealthy obsession that he couldn’t and didn’t want to control. The whole thing was a mess and I personally wouldn’t have wanted my children anywhere near MJ. Child molester or not, he was an incredibly damaged individual.

  32. There absolutely was child porn on the computers in his possession. The problem with proving the case was that too many people had access to those computers so it was never brought to court because it would be too easy for him to say it wasn’t his. The cops on the case absolutely believe he was guilty of child porn and other crimes against children.

  33. He ain't the only one with an online army!

  34. Sorry, I spoke on and off the record with everyone involved on both sides. There was no child or illegal porn found. There were websites in some of the computers history records that showed visits to ‘barely legal’ sites. Women (who looked younger than their age wearing school uniforms etc) but nothing illegal. Problem was, as you pointed out, these computers were located all over the Neverland property and staff and visitors all had access, so it couldn’t be verified that it was MJ specifically looking at those websites. Either way it wasn’t illegal so therefore not a crime. I’ve been to Neverland, it’s a couple of thousand acres and staff were always hosting school trips for kids from underprivileged areas and Make a Wish Foundation recipients and chaperones. We’re talking around a 1000 visitors a week all using the funfair, visiting the zoo, in the cinema or theatre, riding the trains, go was huge. MJ wasn’t usually in attendance unless it was to meet specific wishers. I’d say 90% of the time he wasn’t there, but his staff and chefs would put on a great day out for the schools/families. It wasn’t actually the seedy den of horror that most would imagine. That’s not to say that nothing bad ever happened there, just my observations.

  35. That’s me done! Thought I was finally free of MJ stories lol Everyone has their own opinion and they are entitled to it. Just sharing some insight into a topic I know way too much about! Draw your own conclusions, but I always prefer to fact check and not believe everything I read. I was constantly pressured into adding scandal and if I’m completely honest lies to my pieces about MJ in order to generate sales. Articles on him always had to be slanted negatively, if anything positive happened, we had to bury it with a shocking headline...if anything was too positive it demanded a rewrite. I’m not proud to say that I often gave in to those demands to further my career, I was young, but I knew it was wrong. MJ had enemies in very high places, maybe deservedly so. But I compromised my ethics to the media machine and I’m ashamed of that. If I can correct a few misconceptions now then so be it.

  36. I should add that yes, the higher ranking cops and prosecutors will always state that they believe MJ guilty. That was the chosen narrative and they were/are well compensated for continuing that narrative. A group of powerful media moguls with members of the LAPD, SBDA and the SB DA’s office (including the one who has since died) in their pocket, worked tirelessly to discredit Jackson. Why? I don’t know. Both sides played dirty, but the power dynamic was totally stacked against MJ. Was this because they genuinely believed him to be a child molester and wanted him brought down or were there other reasons...that’s what I’m still to this day not sure about.

    1. Thank you for your insights and for being so candid.

  37. @Kel You’re entitled to your opinion, best wishes.

  38. michael jackson is absolutely guilty. he slept in the same bed as young boys. even he admitted that. his penis was accurately described (discolorations on the underside) by one of the boys, confirmed later in police photographs.

    he follows all the typical predator techniques: 1a) places himself in a position of being near kids, i.e. boy scout leader, uncle at large, charity foundations 1) separate the boys from the parents (they stay in guest house, or stay at home while a trip is taken 2) groom them over time, as if a mentor, give them gifts, etc 3) give them drugs, in this case, the famous 'jesus juice' , booze 4) disinhibit the boys by showing them porn -- have magazines lying around, show movies

    the books he had were not 'art books' -- they were known pedo friendly books, showing unclothed boys, not aroused but in positions like showing them climbing up a wall and so on

    that radar document showed the list of books found; some of the photos in the radar leak were grabbed off the internet to show as examples what were found in that list of books. and no, buying thousands of books and some of them were porny by accident is a see through lie. c'mon, how many of you people have questionable 'art books' in your library by mistake?

    think of sandusky, the football coach; of jimmy saville, the british celebrity; of the gymnastic coach... these guys got away with it for decades because they were in high stakes multimillion dollar business with fame and power and influence

    lets not forget jackson paid people off. (you think Stormy Daniels was paid off by Trump because he didnt sleep with her?)

    why does the label hire teams of peopele to defend jackson? because the legacy of his music is worth billions of dollars. to say that the power dynamic was stacked AGAINST jackson is insane and make no sense. everyone would want him to make millions for decades with tours, music, merch... there is no reason to bring him down... that's why you're not sure what that is about.

    think about it this way. the 40 year old single guy who lives in a ramshackle home on your street regularily hangs out at the playground. he has young boys regularily sleep over at his place, sometimes takes them on trips without his parents. he admits he sleeps in the same bed with them. police and expert prosecutors tell you his activity is highly suspicious. given all that, would you feel confident enough to let your young son stay over at his place, because he's just a man-child?

    look how long it took to get Weinstein, Cosby, Scheider, etc.

    Michael Jackson is guilty.

  39. Thank you @Sal T. I'm a firm believer in fact checking. My mom lived on those Super market Tabloids, and that's probably where I get my love for this site from. But I always go research anything I question after leaving here.

  40. here's an exhaustively researched website on michael jackson's guilt:

    click on the various links. it's like the cosby effect; one or two, not sure, but 40 or 50 or more facts... you get it.

    here's a quote from just one page of the blog:
    "This brings us to the material found at Neverland in a search in late 1993. Jackson owned two books, as well as photos and magazines featuring nude images of children.

    The two books were The Boy: A Photographic Essay and Boys Will Be Boys. These books are classic examples of the type of materials many pedophiles own according to Bill Dworin, a 34-year veteran of the LAPD who has investigated more than 4,000 sexual exploitation cases. “Pedophiles will frequently have this material available because they can obtain it legally, it’s not illegal to possess”. [3].

    The Boy: A Photographic Essay is a book compiled by two known pedophiles, Martin Swithinbank and Ronald Drew, under the pseudonyms Georges St. Martin and Ronald C. Nelson. More of their history can be found in this article.

    Swithinbank and Nelson collated photos of boys, mainly from pedophile photographers Hajo Ortil, Karel Egermeier, Jos Le Doare, Jacques Simonot and others, and created The Boy. Around ten percent of the photos in the book are of nude boys, many of them with their buttocks or genitals displayed. The front cover features a naked boy with his buttocks exposed, wistfully staring into the ocean. This gives you an idea of the book’s intended audience."

  41. Thanks @Rock and @Littledrunkinhooker

    @Moose Anon I’m not saying he isn’t guilty, in fact my opinion of him is pretty please calm down and read back carefully. I know this is a very emotive topic and I hate child molestation with a passion too. I’m just putting out some information I know to be true from having worked on the inside of the story. You have information you believe to be true too, that’s fine. I see inaccuracies in some of your points just as you do mine, but I’m not here to argue or sway opinion one way or another. We’re all entitled to free thought. I’m no MJ fan. If I see what I believe to be an inaccuracy that I have some insight into, about anyone, then I will put forward what I know. You don’t have to agree with me and you don’t, that’s fair enough. People can draw their own conclusions.

  42. @Moose Anon Somewhat off topic but what are your thoughts about Friday’s blind items revealed #4 about Whitney & Ricky? I don’t have any first hand insight into that and I’m hoping it’s embellishment on either Ricky or Enty’s part. Taking celebrity out of the equation I found it interesting to see how reactions differ to male and female (alleged) perpetrators.

  43. if ricky was a tween she'd be 19 or 20, so creepy. think of a university student dating a kid in elementary school. the tween, even if precocious, doesn't have the maturity level. very predatory. doesn't matter if mf or mm or ff.

    i also think society is getting wiser in recognizing that females can be exploiters in these situations too. same rules apply.

    however, i think it's embellishment.

  44. @Moose Anon I agree. To me it doesn’t matter if the perpetrator is extremely good looking, if the child has a crush on the adult or if the child makes the first move towards the adult. The emotional maturity to handle that situation isn’t developed yet. It could take years for that trauma to present itself, especially in males. I have noticed that more females are being prosecuted (especially in school teacher/pupil type situations) which is a real step forward, but there are a few who still somehow see the boy as being ‘lucky’ which I think is ludicrous. Definitely leaning towards embellishment with that blind, but I found the responses and general subject matter interesting. Thought you might too, as obviously it’s a subject you care about as well. Best wishes :-)

  45. I skipped over the last 20 or so comments so that I could clear up any misgivings.
    Michael Jackson was a pedophile who gave alcohol (and who knows what else) to little boys. Roman Polanski drugged and raped a 13 year old girl. Woody Allen sexually molested his very young adoptive daughter and then went on to take naked photos of his, then, 17 year old 'step' daughter that he'd been a father figure from the time she was EIGHT years old. Bill Cosby drugged and raped many, many women.
    Any questions?

  46. One more thing, who gives a rat's ass who Ricky Shroeder kissed, had sex with or whatever at 18 years old? Isn't that a non-issue?

  47. mary lamb: I didn't read the Whitney/Ricky blind yet but from the comments above, it seems that Ricky was NOT 18, she was. He was a "tween."
    My 2 cents on MJ. I believe he felt he was child-like and simply experimenting with other "boys." I also believe that deep down he knew how much power and persuasion he had with boys and adults. I read a lengthy editorial in Vanity Fair and it seemed there were a number of people paid off including a female housekeeper or chef? I don't think MJ took advantage of all of his friends, he chose carefully.

  48. As read on LSA: “Ya’ll need to jump off a dead man’s dick”

  49. Michael is innocent. He was protecting those boys from the abusers in Hollywood. Even Corey Feldman defended him and said he was framed.

  50. Michael Jackson was innocent. However, I do believe that this is actually something that happens when it comes to Johnny Depp. I challenge you to go on Twitter and say something about Johnny’s Depp and how he shouldn’t be in Fantastic Beasts and you will witness a swarm of people defending him to no end, with “court documents” to prove his innocence. Go to their pages and all it is is praise for him.

  51. Has anything come out about MJ and Lisa Marie? Was it for money that she married him?

  52. True. I encountered Jackson at a comic book store where he was meeting 3 little boys & apparently buying them things. The whole thing was extremely disturbing & I wish I'd called the cops. There were an army of paparazzi outside & I was freaked out. But when I post this story I get attacked in minutes. Someone sent me a pm telling me that's MJ's PR team. I have zero doubt he's guilty given what I saw. When everyone was distracted I tried to warn these boys. When I asked about their parents, I got no reply. They were very zoned out too (I worked on psych wards), indicating emotional distress or they were drugged. Btw, if anyone knows who these boys are, I'd vouch for them. They were olive skinned, non-white, but probably not Hispanic, 9-11 years old. The store was on Melrose. I would like to know if they're ok. I do kick myself that I didn't take action. Truth is, I was terrified. He was the most bizarre character. His appearance in person was otherworldly. His behavior too. He actually brushed up against me coming in, yuck. I noticed because of the overwhelming scent of women's perfume he wore, I wondered who on earth would pour a bottle of perfume all over themselves & go into a comic book store. There were 2 bodyguards,a blue eyed blond man & a very large African American. Yes, I get extreme trolling everytime I post. Btw, a man has come forward with a similar story in that store, only worse. If it's still owned by the same person, spread the word & start a boycott. This store owner is an enabler. You let a pedophile under current charges into your store, lock it (I had to insist they let me leave), while he's meeting 3 little boys. Any lawyers out there? You find these boys, that man & myself & sue him out of business. Then they can get therapy. I'm serious, I'd testify. I don't live there anymore, but I'd go to LA to do this. The store owner is low hanging fruit, but he knew exactly what was going on.

  53. My family members were friends with MJ, they had two young sons and nothing ever happened. The two sons grew up and remained friends with him until his death. Stop spreading nonsense please. He was a kid himself. He never grew up. But he was nothing but wonderful to my aunt and uncle and cousins.

  54. obviously jackson wasn't going to molest ever kid he encountered, especially friends. he just exploited strangers, ones from broken families, or poor, etc

    more about a boys accurate description of MJ penis, for those who think he was 'protecting those boys' and is just a child himself


    "Obviously, first and foremost, once the photos were in the possession of law enforcement, there wasn’t much of a defense for Jackson against the Chandler’s allegations – assuming they matched Jordan’s description. Because of that, (or in spite of that, depending on your level of intelligence), within a couple of weeks Jackson settled all claims with Jordan, his family and their attorneys for around 22 million dollars[7]. Michael Jackson’s lawyers were quite clear that they were worried about the results of the photo session.

    That the Prosecution were determined to bring this evidence out into the open for the court’s and public scrutiny speaks volumes about their confidence in Jordan’s description and the photographs matching."

  55. +1000 Moose Anon. MJ was guilty as hell, and anyone with half a working brain cell knows it. Innocent people don't pay in excess of $20 million dollars to the families of the young boys they DIDN'T molest.

  56. Just wow.

    Think about it for one second.

    You're MJ. You're a billionaire. (A fucking BILLIONAIRE)
    You want to live out some sexual fantasy using a child.
    You live out the sexual fantasy with a child.

    You then have the following options:
    a) Kill the child. (Billionaire, easy enough)
    b) Silence the child through money. (Billionaire, easy enough)
    c) Let the child go knowing at some point they COULD talk and you could end up in court & jail.

    If you think MJ picked option c) I have no words for you, because you obviously lack the ability to critically analyze data.

    MJ was never convicted.
    MJ paid less than 2% of his wealth in the settlement. (If you don't understand what that means from a legal perspective, it means MJ's innocent. If he were guilty they could've got A LOT more. The prosecution OBVIOUSLY had no case.)
    None of the websites linked above as "evidence" actually provide any evidence.

    Seriously, people thinking "$20m payout = guilty" simply do not understand how rich MJ was or how much the prosecution could've got had MJ been guilty.

    The reality people are choosing to ignore is:

    Fuck, I'm not even saying he's not a pedophile, I'm just pointing out that the settled cases clearly had no legal merit & for a BILLIONAIRE it was easier to just pay the CHEAP settlements than drag his own name through court.

    If you choose to believe otherwise you're choosing to believe otherwise, you're not seeing it objectively; objectively he probably wasn't a pedo.

  57. And I'm not part of a "paid army of online defenders", but I will happily take some of that cash if someone points me in the right direction...

    (Also FYI, most fake commenting has been done by computer programs for over a decade)

  58. I am not from the army of paid online defenders. But those who cite for reference are taking the bait. The site is run by the brother of Jordan Chandler's dad, Ray Chandler.

  59. The paed0 world may try to frame MJ as a scapegoat, but truth is out there.

  60. From wikipedia..
    "During the 1993 investigation, Jackson's hired private investigator Anthony Pellicano released a recorded telephone conversation between Chandler and Dave Schwartz, the new husband of his ex-wife, June, and stepfather to Jordan. Jackson's defense cited this tape as proof that Chandler's allegations were nothing but an attempt to extort money from the star and regain custody of Jordan, especially considering Chandler was more than $60,000 behind child support payments and had already approached Jackson several times asking for money. Chandler was recorded saying, "If I go through with this, I win big time. There’s no way that I lose. I’ve checked that out inside out...I will get everything I want, and they will be totally — they will be destroyed forever. They will be destroyed. June is gonna lose Jordy. She will have no right to ever see him again." This phone call took place on July 8; Evan would claim Jordan had confessed the abuse to him on July 16."
