Friday, May 11, 2018

Blind Item #1

Pretty interesting that two closeted actors are starring in movies about an openly gay celebrity.


  1. BCoop/Leonard Bernstein’s biopic

  2. Rami Malek and someone in the Freddy Mercury biopic?

  3. Tricia right definitely. I didn't read about this movie til just now, fits better.

  4. Happy Friday all!💃🏼

  5. Happy Friday!!! Tricia’s guess is most likely considering the rumors about those two all the time. I did read they announced an Elton John biopic a bit back. I could only find Taron Edgerton attached to it though.

  6. +1 Tricia

  7. What about Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon? I thought Marky Mark was pissed at him for getting with her.

  8. Ya know, I know that most think that "Toothy Tile" is Jake - but he seems to be a straight shooter, very dedicated to his craft, so I think he would have no problem admitting that. Unless he feels the 'talk' is gossip that benefits him - at least people are wondering. Or maybe he just feels like it's no one's business, so why deny or confirm. All I know is, I really like his acting and movie choices, and I think he is gorgeous.

  9. Any "acting family" is suspect of every kind of hidden secret. Most have probably been abused since childhood and groomed for stardom , secrecy and to be playthings for the ruling class. They are merely toys and objects.

  10. Jake G seems to be pretty low-key for a celeb, and mostly keeps his private life just that. B Coop, on the other hand, has a high profile beard, a baby, and paid pap shots. His star-power seems to have faded a lot recently too. Irina should have kept bearding for Ronaldo.

  11. The fact that Jake was linked with Taylor Swift makes his sexuality suspect.

  12. Woody and Alden in the movie about Chewbacca

  13. Bradley Cooper is in the closet? Really???? That dude is gayer than a bundle of faggots in a fireplace. No it's not homophobic look it up.

    Plus he's a raging homo ass bandit.

  14. Interesting about Chewbacca -- I've often wondered.

  15. Douglas and Damon in the Liberace movie?

  16. definitely bradley cooper directing & starring in the leonard bernstein biopic w/jake gyllenhal. both of them are closeted.

  17. Why is Cooper getting any financing? He is in the middle of A Star is Born. It's supposed to be awful (according to Enty.) So why are the studios throwing money at him, in particular?

    Love Jake. Wonderful actor and I could not care less about his sex life.

  18. Jake is not straight. He slept with a same-sex friend of mine after he signed an NDA. The friend has since passed away so I feel no reason to honor the secrecy.

  19. @Just4Fun -- exactly. She's kiss of death for beard club "tell" now. But wasn't she linked to one of the Kennedys at some point? Bought a house right near their compound?

  20. Bradley Cooper-- Jake G sex scenes will be really hot. Just sayin'...

  21. Jake Gyllenhaal is definitely GAY he does not have a beard but he still plays games. Remember last year Jake was in Hawaii with a woman in a photograph. He obviously called the press to take the photo.

  22. Jake Gyllenhaal is definitely GAY he does not have a beard but he still plays games. Remember last year Jake was in Hawaii with a woman in a photograph. He obviously called the press to take the photo.

  23. How oblivious does one have to be to even wonder about the orientation of such as BC or Jake?
    really people??

    No offense to them- it's a price to play the game.
    But this crowd should know better.
